Changing Roles

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is relatively short (13.3 pages/ 4,676 words) but please still take breaks if needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The next morning, everyone gathered in the lounge. The atmosphere was somber yet serious as you all were wondering what you were supposed to do next.

"I wish Shiro was here to tell us how to go on without him" Lance lamented as he slumped against the couch. You sadly nodded in agreement, feeling a bit nostalgic as you recalled all the times Shiro gave you helpful advice in the past.

"Allura, when we came here, you told me I would fly the green lion and I thought there was no way" Pidge said, her low voice strangely calm as if she had just gotten an idea. "But then I found it and I flew it. And then Hunk flew the yellow lion, and he isn't even a pilot. In fact, you told everyone who would pilot which lion."

"Yeah how did you do that?" Hunk began to ramble excitedly, catching on to Pidge's idea. "Did we ever find out how you did that?" He then gave Allura big puppy dog eyes as he pleaded. "Can you do that now?"

"Sadly no" she answered, letting out a dismayed sigh. She turned to face you and the other paladins as she continued. "When you arrived at the castle, I immediately recognized the special qualities in each of you. But I can't search the entire universe for a new paladin like that."

"Maybe... maybe it should be (Y/n)" Keith suddenly spoke up, his low awe-filled voice barely audible as he glanced softly at you. "She's proven herself more than capable to lead on several occasions, like when she led the charge to get me back on this team as well as when she recharged and took complete control over voltron, taking out Zarkon single handedly."

Your heart warmed and a fond smile came to your face in response as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze, thanking him for his kind words.

"Thanks Keith but I'm not for sure... if anything unlocking and using those special powers just proves that I need to stick with Silver" you replied calmly.

"Well what about you Keith?" Coran suggested in a thoughtful voice. "You piloted the black lion when you had to save Shiro. Prehaps you're the one." And as Coran said this you felt Keith stiffen up besides you, his hand growing clammy as his pulse began to quicken.

The atmosphere suddenly grew tense. You felt a sinking feeling in your gut, knowing that Keith didn't want to be the leader. And you understood why, Shiro left big shoes to fill. The amounts of stress and pressure from leading voltron were massive, and with Keith's worries and anxieties they could be unbearable.

"Keith would be the worst leader of voltron" Lance sneered.

"Lance!" you scolded, shooting him a menacing glare.

"(Y/n), I know that you want to support Keith and all but Lance has a point" Pidge admitted in a matter-of fact tone. "We all have out thing: you're the one that brings the team together, Keith's the loner, I'm the brain, Hunk's the nice one, Allura's the decision maker, Coran's the wise old guy, and Lance is the goofball."

"Mm-hmm, yeah exactly" Lance replied smugly, assuming a confident stance with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. "Totally right— " suddenly all his confidence left him as his eyes jerked open and his voice became sharp and defensive. "Wait a minute. I'm not a goofball! I'm like the cool ninja sharpshooter."

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