Shattered Hearts

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

This chapter isn't nearly as long as the last few (36.4 pages/12,465 words). But with the amount of breaks I had to take while writing it, I highly recommend doing so as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

A buzz filled the air the next morning, sending sparks through your chest as you and the others prepared to save your home.

"Lance?" you heard a soft voice call out, turning your head to where he was now facing Allura, glancing over his shoulder with one foot already on the step of the vehicle. "I, uh, just wanted to say..." Veronica turned away with a smirk at how she was stammering, gosh she had really fallen for Lance if one look at him made her composure falter. She blushed once she got her thoughts straightened out. "I wanted to say, stay safe out there."

"You too Allura" he replied with the same fondness. She offered one last smile before turning on her heel, stepping lightly as if to mask her brisk, flustered pace.

"Stay safe out there?" you mocked, elbowing her in the side once she caught up to you. "Is that really the best you could come up with?"

"Oh hush" she muttered under her breath, just about to glance behind when her head whipped forwards, catching what you were staring at.

"You ready to show everyone what you're made of?" Pidge asked, beaming at Aiden as she leaned against his fighter jet.

"Ready as I'll ever be" he supposed, face warming as he scratched the back of his neck, somehow still managing to hold her gaze. "Thank you again for everything you said about me yesterday."

"I was just stating facts, no need to thank me" she shrugged off, his mouth falling agape at her nonchalance, staring down at her in wonder.

"How can I not? For years, I was 100% sure I'd never be able to step foot in a real-live cockpit again. But ever since I've met you, everything's changed. You've allowed me to achieve my wildest dreams, so I can never thank you enough Pidge." A hand rushed to your mouth, suppressing a gasp as warmth exploded in your chest. Awe, the two of them were just so cute!

"Thank me by showing Sendak who's the best pilot at the Garrison" she chirped in reply, giving him a fist bump.

"Will do. Good luck out there, not that you'll need it of course." You squealed internally as he draped a hand on her shoulder. Their affection towards each other was just so tooth-rottenly sweet!

"You know I don't believe in luck, but thanks." You nearly leapt into the air as she embraced him. Seriously, they were like two kindergarteners falling in love! You skipped the rest of the way to Adam, screeching to a halt at the curtness of his huff.

"Took you long enough. you'll have all the time in the world to smooch Keith once Sendak is defeated."

"Hey, I wasn't-" you fired back, facepalming as soon as the words left your mouth. "Can you really tease me about that when Shiro was just over here with you a second ago?"

"So I can't say goodbye to my old acquaintance?" he lifted. You watched as as his steely gaze softened just at the thought of him, shaking your head.

"Acquaintance? I don't know how he can stand you."

"Says the one who put up with James' crap for years" he folded his arms against his chest with that retort, tilting his head to the side. "Speaking of which, how does it feel, for him to finally be exposed?" You didn't need to think before bursting in response.

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