Why Do You Care So Much?

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is significantly longer than the last two ( 35.7 pages/ 12,446 words) so please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The next morning, you were in the control room along with the rest of the team because you were heading towards the Blade of Mamora's base. Even though this was a serious mission, it was impossible for you to focus on it at the moment. How could you possibly think about the mission after what you'd done?

You had lied to Keith, betrayed his trust, and broke his heart. But worst of all, you did all of that just for petty revenge. When Keith lied to you and left with Allura, he did it because he feared that the Galra were tracking him. He did it for the good of the team, while your motives were completely selfish.

You were a horrible, despicable person. You could even be considered a monster after what you did. You had failed the team and the boy you loved. You were no silver paladin. You didn't do the right thing. You should've forgiven Keith instead of listening to Lance and letting your anger get the best of you.

And that prank wasn't the only mistake you had made recently. Keith was allowed to keep secrets, but you had completely disrespected that. You should've respected his privacy instead of getting upset about him keeping things from you.

"Coran, how soon will we get to the Blade of Mamora's base?" Shiro asked in a serious voice, slightly jerking you from your thoughts.

"Based on the coordinates that Ulaz gave us, we should be there in a few doboshes" Coran replied. Since you would be dealing with the mission soon, You tried your best to clear your thoughts for now.

"I can't wait to see it!" Pidge squealed with glee. "I mean they were able to fold space time, and that was just at an outpost."

"Mmm the space taco" Hunk added on calmly while rubbing his tummy. "It left us too soon."

"Well sure, but imagine how amazing their home base will be" Pidge responded.

"Exactly!" Hunk cheered. "It could take on any shape. It could be round space jelly donut... or long like a space eclair..."

"Aww now I'm hungry for breakfast!" Lance whined, interrupting Hunk.

You couldn't help but sigh in disappointment when you saw their antics. Usually they'd cheer you up, but you were too upset for that.

"Guys, this is a serious mission" Keith stated coldly. "we need to focus." Hearing his voice felt like a punch to the stomach, it was just another reminder of the damage you had caused him.

"We need to focus" Lance mocked, making his voice high-pitched and disoriented.

"Lance, cut it out, this isn't the time for that" you scolded while fixing a fiery glare him. Didn't he see that Keith was in pain? You tried to calm yourself down as you continued. "Keith's right, we have an important alliance to make. These blades could be the key to finally taking Zarkon down." Lance became silent in response as he sheepishly averted your gaze.

"The base is in range" Coran alerted, drawing everyone's attention to the main screen. There was a glowing blob ahead of you which you assumed was the base, but you weren't close enough yet to fully see it.

"Take us in slowly" Shiro ordered as the castle drew closer and closer to the base.

"That may prove the tiniest bit of a challenge" Coran anxiously remmarked as the base came into view on the main screen. You gasped and your eyes widened. You were so amazed by what you saw on the screen that you forgot about your mistake for a second.

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