Lightning Duel

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Hello everyone, Jess here!  

Since this chapter's on the shorter side, I was able to release it early (43.8 pages · 14,776 words). This action-packed update was a thrill to write, so be sure to take breaks as needed.         

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!             

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The first golden rays of sunlight were just starting to streak the sky as you and Keith returned from yet another early morning walk with Kosmo. Just as your lion's appeared on the horizon, Keith paused to grab a branch that had fallen from a nearby tree, drawing Kosmo's attention by twirling it around.

"Hey buddy, you see this?" he called to him, his words alone making the space wolf wag his poofy greyish-blue tail as he winded up to throw it. "Go get it!" Kosmo didn't need to be told twice, leaping through the air like a lion as he latched onto the bark within seconds, barreling back to his proud owner with a fanged grin. Despite his ferociousness with seizing his prey, he melted into a pile of goo at Keith's praises, wagging his tail even faster as he petted his head. "Good boy!"

"That space wolf seems to really like you" you acknowledged, mustering a halfhearted smile as you knew that could never happen with you.

"You'll get along with Kosmo just fine (Y/n)" he tried, sensing your unease. But as much as you appreciated the attempt, there was nothing he could do about it. It was Kosmo's choice and his alone is he wanted to bond with you.

"That's what you've been saying for nearly the past two weeks, but there's been nothing" you sighed out, sliding your hands into your pockets as you approached them.

"Who knows, maybe today it'll be different." You gingerly accepted the drool covered branch, the harsh bark pricking your skin as you threw your arm back, letting it spin forwards through the air. But as expected, Kosmo didn't even flinch, tilting his head in question as his glowing eyes bore into your skull.

"-And nothing. Kosmo just doesn't click with me Keith." That truth was as clear as day, but you couldn't discern why. Of course, you hadn't been stuck on a space whale with him for two years like Keith had, but what if it was something even deeper than that? Was it because you weren't as physically adept as Keith?

For all you knew, your powers could be playing a role in this. You wouldn't be surprised if Kosmo, the supernatural space wolf who could teleport, also had energy sensing abilities as well, and didn't like the ambiance that you and your lethal powers were giving off. What would've sounded crazy weeks ago was starting to sound possible now that you were at your wits end.

"Maybe he just needs an incentive" Keith proposed. Right, you had some old beef jerky in your lion so you might as well try that. Keith took some first, giving Kosmo a run-through by rewarding him with it after another round of fetch. Then you tried.

You froze a bit in disbelief as he went after the branch this time. But he wasn't exactly returning it, instead curling up on the grassy plain as he licked it up and down. You huffed as you ran over to grab it from him, or try to at least. But no matter what angle you'd come from, he didn't budge, growling as he tossed his head back and forth, trying to shake you off.

"Come on Kosmo, let go of it" Keith chided. Of course, Kosmo listened to him, allowing him to retrieve it from his mouth. As Kosmo got back up, you held out your hand, offering the remaining meat scraps. Although he didn't fully earn it, you might as well try this alternative. After all, the progress he had just made with you amounted to something at least.

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