Protect You

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Hey guys, Jess here! 

This chapter isn't as lengthy as the last few( 27.1 pages/ 9,270 words) but don't underestimate it! I get the feeling that some of you may need to take breaks due to the nature of this chapter.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Blood/Slight Gore Warning*

You were standing in the control room, your arms crossed and your brows furrowed. Even though you should've been relieved that you weren't dead right now, you found it especially hard to relax ever since Lotor had been brought onto the castle. The rest of the team were now taking Lotor to the same cell that Keith had been placed in all that time ago. They had made the offer for you to come and assist, but you immediately shot it down.

If you came face to face with Lotor at the moment, you may just explode due to all the rage flooding though your veins. How dare he try to manipulate and trick you and the rest of the team like this! Did he really think you were stupid enough to fall for his lies?! The mere thought of him left an acrid taste in your mouth, similar to that of another scoundrel. At the moment, you were finding it quite difficult to separate your thoughts about James from your thoughts about Lotor.

"You got him locked up?" you curtly asked Allura as she made her way into the room, followed by the others.

"Yes, I still feel uneasy about all of this" she admitted lowly, her troubled mind weighing down her airy voice.

"Yeah ditto" Hunk added on, grimacing as his shrunken pupils darted across the room.

"Well it's not like he can break out of that cell and kill us in our sleep without help from one of us" Lance remarked teasingly, trying to lighten the mood as the corner of his mouth twisted into a smile.

"Hey don't look at me" you fired back nonchalantly upon seeing his 'suspicious' gaze fall on you. "Pidge is the one that made the whole 'break Keith out' operation possible."

"Yeah but I wouldn't have done that if (Y/n) wasn't so persistent about rescuing her boyfriend" Pidge taunted, sending you a dirt-eating grin that caused you to huff and roll your eyes at her. What a supportive friend she was. But her playful comment was the least of your concerns at the moment as you saw the eyes of all your peers resting on you.

"Anyways you don't have to worry about me assisting that scumbag" you stated, firmly reassuring everyone on your stance. "I don't trust him one bit." And despite what you might've done in the past, no one seemed to doubt the validity of your statement. In fact, they all seemed to support your sentiment.

"I agree with (Y/n)" Pidge quipped plainly, nodding in agreement as she adjusted her glasses.

"Same" Lance added on coldly, crossing his arms and mimicking your stance.

"What about you Hunk?" Pidge asked, turning to face him as mild interest glimmered him her eyes, her tone becoming a tad kinder.

"I don't know" he hesitantly blurted out, fidgeting with his hands as the crease in his forehead deepened. "I mean he is Zarkon's son and all, but if it wasn't for him we'd all be dead by now. And not just us but all those planets and innocent people would also be wiped out." Usually you appreciated his good-natured outlook, but not at the expense of him being fooled by Lotor.

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