Bonding Moment (Keith's POV)

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The sound of a low mechanical hiss filled my ears as the aqua glass in front of me faded away. My heart started to race and I let out a slight yelp since I was starting to tumble forwards. Thankfully I was able to catch myself on the nearby headboard of the bed before I toppled onto the floor.

I sighed in relief and then a soft smile came to my face when I saw (Y/n) on the bed in front of me. Her eyes were closed and I could hear her soft breathing, so I assumed that she was asleep. I was glad that she was alright, I panicked when I saw that spear coming towards her earlier.

It looked like she had fallen asleep while sitting at the edge of the bed. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but it was still beautiful. She looked cute when she was asleep. As soon as I realized what I was doing, my smile fell from my face and my heart sunk. There's no way I can have any feelings of affection for (Y/n), not after what I put her through.

Why was (Y/n) here anyways? I realized she was here because she was waiting for me to come out of the pod, but why? It didn't make sense because she had rejected my apology-not that I blame her of course. I was a monster during that incident and I still haven't forgiven myself for what I did to her and James.

Regardless of why, She was waiting for me, even after all I did to her and James. My smile returned to my face as I realized this, she truly is a wonderful person.

As I continued to gaze fondly at her, I decided I couldn't just leave her here. She'd be much more comfortable in her own bed. Even though I couldn't love her, I could still carry her to bed. It's the least I could do since she waited for me and cared for me when I got injured. Even though I can never fully undo the pain I have caused her, doing this could help me make it up to her.

Besides, if she woke up here the rest of the team would find out about her waiting for me. That could make them even more suspicious about the two of us, and I don't want that to happen.

I walked over to her and gently put one arm under her knees and the other around her back. I tried to be as careful and slow as I could as I did this, I didn't want to wake her up. My arms strained and felt sore as I heaved her off of the bed, but I could handle it.

As I walked out of the room and through the hallway with (Y/n) in my arms, my heart started to thrash violently in my chest, my palms became sweaty, and my face and neck grew warm. I was blissfully happy, and I had a wide grin plastered on my face. It was like I was walking on a cloud! I couldn't believe that I was carrying her! The bravest girl I've ever met was in my arms!

My smile slightly fell as I reminded myself of my recent arguement with her. I realized I will probably never be able to have bonding moment with her like this again. Because of this, I should try to savor this moment. My walking speed slowed to a crawl as I took the longest route to the rooms.

My smile became soft as I continued to gaze at (Y/n). She had a cute bed head and she looked very peaceful when she was asleep. The sound of her soft breathing filled the hall and it was soothing like a lullaby.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at her door. I struggled to slide open the door because I had to use the arm that was under her knees, but I eventually got it to open.

When I stepped inside her room, I decided not to turn the light on. That could wake her up, and the hallway light partially illuminated the room anyways. I slowly crept to her bed and crouched down beside it. Then I carefully loosened my grip on her and laid her on the bed, making sure that her head was on a pillow.

After taking a second or two to search for it, I found her disheveled blanket on the floor next to her bed. I gently covered her up with it and folded it over just before her face.

Before I walked out of the room, I glanced over my shoulder one last time at her sleeping form.

"Goodnight (Y/n)" I whispered softly as my soft smile widened.

I felt strangely giddy as I walked to my room. There was a spring in my step and my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so wide. I didn't know why I was so happy, but I didn't care.

When I got out of my grey healing pod suit, I noticed that something was wrapped around my waist. It was stained maroon and it was around the area I got injured, so I figured it was a bandage of some sort. However, after further inspection I noticed that it looked more like strips of a dark colored fabric. Whatever it was made out of, I knew that I had seen it somewhere before.

As I realized that it was (Y/n)s jacket, my eyes widened in amazement and my heart melted. That girl's amazing! Not only did she bandage my wounds, but she used her very own jacket to do so! She did all that for me, even after all the pain I have caused her.

I removed the makeshift bandages and got ready for bed. As I went to sleep that night, I stlll had a sappy grin plastered on my face. I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n), all of the great moments I've shared with her and all that she's done for me recently. She may be my rival, but she's making it hard for me to not love her. 

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