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Hello everyone, Jess here!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Warning: This chapter starts with mild/medium angst. This chapter and some others coming soon will be very important to the story, so please let me know if you want any events clarified. I'm available 24/7 for your questions.

You only had a couple more hours before you would be arriving at the Balmera. However, that time had slowed to a crawl for you as you were worrying about the outcome of Shiro's conversation with Keith. You were pacing back and forth in one of the empty hallways of the castle. Your palms were sweaty, your heart was pounding wildly, your breathing was slightly unsteady, and a million thoughts weare running through your head.

You wondered if Keith would listen to what Shiro has to say about the incident. You figured he probably wouldn't since he wasn't sorry for torturing James. If he was sorry, he would have apologized to you, which he hasn't done.

You wondered if Keith will get mad with you for telling Shiro. Keith had a short fuse, he got mad about almost anything. Plus, Shiro's probably mad at him, so he has even more of a reason to lash out at you.

If Keith got after you for telling Shiro about the incident, then the incident would get brought up. As you realized this, you started to tremble. Usually you were ok with confrontations involving Keith because you've had years of experience. However, the idea of Keith confronting you about the incident made your teeth chatter and your blood run cold. The incident alone was scary enough, you wondered if talking to Keith about it would give you nightmares as well.

"Uh, you ok, (y/n)?" you heard Lance call out of nowhere as he started to walk through the hallway, his voice full of concern and uncertainty. You jumped slightly in response as he surprised you. Then you glanced towards him ang gave him your best fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine" you responded, trying to keep your tone casual. Lance nodded in response. Once he turned the corner, you sighed in relief.

"Hey (y/n)" someone mumbled timidly, causing you to freeze. You could recognize that voice from anywhere, it was Keith's. A shiver ran down your spine. He came out of nowhere!

"Keith!" You scolded him, turning around to face him. "You gotta stop creeping up on me like that!" You took a deep breath and continued to ten, waiting for him to fire back a response as usual.

"Oh, sorry, Could I talk to you about something?" Keith replied, scratching the back of his neck. His voice was still quivering. Your eyes widened in surprise at Keith's very abnormal response, but then fear took over you. Your felt yourself begin to tremble once more and your stomach twisted in knots.

His apologetic response could only mean one thing: he wanted to talk to you about the incident. You took a couple seconds to try and calm yourself down, but it barely did anything.

"Um sure, But not here" you responded while staring at the ground, your voice uneasy. Keith nodded in response while his eyes were glued to the floor. He turned away from you and started to walk forwards. You assumed you were supposed to follow him to a more private location, so that's what you did. When you were following him through the halls, it was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. Your heart was beating so loud that you swore Keith was hearing it as well.

Once you reached the lounge, you sat down on one of the couches and Keith sat on the one across from you. You took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

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