Falling Apart

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is back to regular length (23.5 pages/ 8,230 words) so please take breaks if needed

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"(Y/n), are you awake" Allura gently asked, jostling you out of your sleep.

"Yes" you replied, groaning as you sat up in your bed. Your head was throbbing from your recent meltdown and you still felt that aching void in your chest. However, you had to admit that you were starting to feel a bit better after you had gotten your emotions out.

"May I come in?" She continued. Even though she was trying to sound cheery and serene as usual, you sensed a hint of sadness in her voice. "I want to talk to you about something."

"Sure, what is it?" you answered as she slid open your door and entered the room. Your voice became a tad hopeful as you continued, despite knowing that what you were suggesting likely wasn't the case. "Is this about Shiro? Do you have any news about him?"

"I'm afraid not" she replied somberly, a deep frown coming to her face. "Coran has tried to locate signs of him but he hasn't found anything."

"Oh" you gasped, your heart sinking as you heard her response.

"It's about Keith, in the middle of the night he left the castle in his lion" she stated in a serious tone, jerking your thoughts away from Shiro's disappearance. "He didn't tell the rest of us about it so I was wondering if he told you since you're so close to him."

You froze up when you realized that Keith had left without saying a word about it to you. His lack of communication felt like a punch in the stomach, even though you knew that he had a valid reason to be avoiding you. He needed his time alone to grieve and you understood that.

"No, he... he didn't say a word to me about it" you answered, suddenly feeling cold as the stinging in your heart intensified. "I haven't talked to him since he ran off yesterday."

"Oh" she responded, concern in her eyes as she saw how much pain that was putting you through. "So you don't know what he's up to?"

"Nope, but I'm guessing he went to look for Shiro" you remarked, your voice turning melancholic for a different reason as you recalled how much he was grieving. "Keith isn't the type to give up without a fight, he's probably still in denial."

"You're probably right, he does seem very fond of him" Allura agreed, her voice now somewhat calmer. It then became serious as she changed the subject.

"Anyways, there's something else I want to discuss. It's about your newfound abilities. They're incredibly powerful, I haven't seen anything like them before." A hint of amazement was in her voice as she said that last line and gave you a slight smile. "I guess they explain why you have to have a strong conscience and be righteous, that power could be dangerous in the wrong hands."

"Yeah" you agreed, glad that she she was getting off the topic of Keith.

"So about your ability to take complete control of voltron, how exactly were you able to use it?" She asked, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes as she made eye contact with you.

"A special set of controls in my lion gave me that power" you explained.

"Controls?" she inquired, a hint of surprise in her voice as she quirked an eyebrow at you. "Have you seen them before?"

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