Taking Action

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is one of my shortest in a while (19.5 pages/ 6,663 words), so I was able to release it even sooner than the last. But still, please take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Slight Blood Warning*

*Angst Warning*

*Trigger Warning*

After leaving the Patrulian zone, it wasn't long until your team was heading back to Galra Headquarters to put the next step of Lotor's plan in motion.

"To return so triumphantly is a dream I thought I would never achieve" Lotor reminisced, standing tall near Allura's podium. "We are one step closer to bringing peace and prosperity to the entire universe. This is all because of you princess."

"We did it together Lotor" Allura replied with the same cordial grin. "I would have never even known of Oriande without you, and therefore could have never unlocked its secrets."

"Yeah, the two of you do make a surprisingly good team" you commented, recalling everything they've accomplished together. Who knew that after all her deep seeded hate towards the Galra, Lotor would be the person to take her abilities to the next level? Not only did it show their growth as individuals, but their partnership was one that could truly bring peace and prosperity to the entire universe, just as Lotor said.

Of course, not everyone could see the beauty of their alliance. Lance as always, was stuck in the past. But this time as he huffed and turned away, you were reminded of how much he seemed to care about her the other day.

Perhaps there was more to what he was feeling, but you didn't feel like getting involved in his love life, especially after what happened last time. Besides, you still had a universe to save, so the petty drama between Lance and Lotor was the least of your concerns.

"Hold your gazurgas (Y/n), where do you think you're going?" Coran called as you were about to follow the rest of the team out the door. His preppy voice was so sudden that it nearly made you jump, freezing in place as you turned to face him.

"Uhhh... to Galra headquarters along with everyone else?"

"Nope, you're staying here with us (Y/n)!" Pidge chimed in, alerting you of her presence with a tugging hand on your wrist. "We need you for something in the med bay."

"Okay then" you went along, your curiosity getting the better of you. Whatever they needed you for must be important since they were keeping you back from the rest of the team. But you didn't see the purpose in Coran holding up a measuring rope to your fingers as soon as you walked into the room. He kept moving it every second, madly scribbling the numbers away in a hand-held note pad.

"What are you measuring my hands for Coran?"

"Well, you see-" but before he could explain, Pidge gave a sharp tug on his sleeve, pulling his ear towards her to whisper something.

"Wait, surprise?" you wondered, leaning forward as you caught onto a fragment of her gibberish.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Pidge nonchalantly covered up, beckoning you to a nearby machine. "Just rest your hands on here. It'll give us the most accurate measurements." You didn't think much of following her directions, it was just a simple scan after all. There was really no harm whatsoever in the aqua light tracing over your palms.

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