Now You're All Alone~

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Hello, Jess here.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about His Rival let me know, I'd like to hear from you :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this next chapter

You opened your eyes and examined the room that you were in. You realized you were not in the med bay anymore, you were in a worn down messy shack. Books were in messy piles by the shelves with papers sticking out of them and the couch had lots of tears and rough patches. There were papers and photos everywhere and a big rectangular object with a cloth over it on the wall. Whoever owned this place obviously doesn't care about organization or has no time for it.

As you got up and help your head, three guys were coming towards you. One was a tall, tan, and skinny boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a brown jacket with stripes, a blue and white shirt, and jeans. You recognized him as Lance McClain. He was another fighter pilot in your class. Even though you didn't talk to him much you knew him better than the other two. You only knew the other twos names because they were Lances team for the simulator. You didn't have them in any of your classes.

The shorter one was Pidge. He was pale, had slightly longer caramel colored hair and hazel eyes. He wore circular wire-rimmed glasses, a green, orange, and white shirt, and black shorts.

The other one was Hunk. He wore a long sleeve yellow shirt with a green vest and light brown pants. He was bigger in weight and height, had dark skin and shaggy black hair tied behind an orange banana.

They looked at you with a puzzled expression. They found you unconscious in the med bay and obviously had some questions. Especially Lance as he knew you better.

"Sooo, why were you in the med bay"? Asked Lance with a skeptical tone.

"Gosh Lance, she just woke up, give her a break" Hunk said scolding his friend. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok I guess. I have a slight headache and my wrist kinda hurts but that's about it. How did I get here?" You replied. You were as confused as they were. Hunk opened his mouth and was about to reply, but Lance cut him off.

"Hang on, we're the ones asking the questions here. You still haven't answered my question! Why were you in the med bay?"

"Lance!" Hunk said, trying to calm his friend down. "We found you unconscious in the med bay. Me and pidge carried you out on our shoulders while Lance and Keith got Shiro. We all climbed on Keith's hover bike, evaded the garrison vehicles and ended up here."

"Thanks for carring me with you. If I would have stayed there I could have gotten in a lot of trouble." You replied. You didn't want to think about what would have happened if you were still in the med bay. This got Lance thinking and he replied,

"Yep that sounds a lot like you (y/n). Usually you follow rules and greatly fear getting in trouble. Why was the model student outside past curfew. And why were you in the med bay? What even caused you to be unconscious?"

"Yeah I'm getting curious too" added on Pidge.

"That doesn't matter right now" you replied, reminding them of the situation. He "You guys said that you got shiro. Where is he? What happened to him?

"Oh yeah, Shiro!" Hunk realized. He is outside talking to Keith right now. You saw the ship crash right? Shiro was inside of it. He was taken to the med bay and they put him on medication so he went to sleep. Apparently he was abducted by aliens while on the Kerberos mission. Also, Pidge heard the same aliens communicate so they are real.

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