Well, This Sucks

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is a larger one (23.8 pages/ 8,516 words), so please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

After what was arguably the best night's sleep you have ever had, you opened your eyes to see sunlight streaming into your lion's hull. Your face was starting to ache somewhat from all your grinning yesterday, but you couldn't help but continue as you turned to face Keith, shuffling around in his arms.

You just felt so happy and at peace, as if even the harshest storm couldn't shake you. You could be in the most wicked torrent, and yet you'd still stand tall while in his embrace, beaming like a maniac. You just loved him so dang much.

It didn't take long for your movement to stir him awake, his eyes slowly fluttering open as if he had just awoken from a deep slumber.

"Mornin' " he drawled out, his husky morning voice tingling your heart. You giggled as he tried to kiss your forehead, his warm lips caressing your eyelid instead.

"Good morning to you too Keith." Your heart only beat faster as his kisses traveled downwards, sloppily finding his way to your lips. With how slow his movements were, he was definitely still half asleep, but he was no less passionate than he had been the previous day.

And you still relished his gentle affection nonetheless, letting your hands roam through his soft raven locks as you held him close. Your heart was a puddle of goo by the time he pulled away, your eyes sparkling as you stared up your beloved.

"What's with that look for?" he asked, raising a brow. Apparently teasing you first thing in the morning was second on his agenda. But you were too lost in the moment to fire back a witty reply, your gaze locked onto his hair as you continued to comb through it, examining the strands between your fingers.

"Your bedhead is just as adorable as I remembered, and your hair has gotten quite long. It's... nice." Your expression melted even more as he blushed in response to your touch, but unfortunately, it didn't take long for your tender moment to end.

"(Y/n), are you awake?" Pidge called through your helmet, jostling you out of your trance. You practically leaped out of your bed towards it, sliding it on as fast as you could.

"Hmm, yeah, just give me a minute and I'll be out there." Dread started to seep in as soon as those words left your mouth, realizing the situation you were in. With everyone awake, there'd be no chance to get Keith back over to his lion unseen. Meaning, they'd all see the two of you leaving your lion together. But there was no other option; you'd just have to face your team.

As you headed out, their reactions were just as you had feared. You couldn't help but feel like a bug under a microscope as all seven of them stared at you, your palms already clammy before any of them said a word. From the moment that you stole a glance at Lance and Pidge's dirt-eating smirks, you knew you were screwed.

"Wait hold up... am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Lance asked, narrowing his gaze at you and Keith as he placed a hand on his hip. The answer to that was painfully obvious, but of course, with Lance being Lance, he had to rub it in.

"Did you two just come out of the silver lion together?" Hunk faltered, more confused than anything as his gaze flickered between him and you. Once it clicked, his eyes went wide. "OHHHHH..." Your face turned into a tomato within a matter of seconds as Lance and Pidge joined in, steam nearly coming out of your ears.

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