How Dare You!

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is around regular length (17 pages/ 5,904 words) so please take breaks if needed

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The atmosphere was tense as you and the others continued to chase after Lotor in your lions. You were quite fusterated with Keith, what the heck was he thinking? You understood why he wanted to go after Lotor, but this wasn't the right time for that. Half of your team was in new lions, you were such a wreck that you barely got out of that last battle. But despite all this, Keith was deliberately putting you all in danger.

At the same time, you were anxious about the predicament Keith was putting you in. Lotor had proven himself to be a dangerous and manipulative leader, possibly the worst kind. You and the others could be getting seriously hurt, or worse Lotor may exploit your weaknesses to take voltron from you! The entire universe was at risk!

On a more personal level, you were worried about Keith and the rest of the team. The other day Keith had confessed that he hadn't been thinking straight since Shiro left. His decision to go after Lotor must be somewhat influenced by that, meaning that he was still severely struggling with Shiro's disappearance.

The rest of the team was likely as worried as you were by the current situation, and it must be even worse for Allura and Lance who were in new lions. Just thinking about what everyone was going through caused your heart to break.

On top of that, the very idea that your team was being led by someone who had lost their mind was terrifying, especially since that 'someone' was Keith. It had been a while since then, but you still had a vivid memory of the last time Keith had lost his mind at the garrison.

That wasn't a pleasant event, and the fact that Keith was close to the point that he could do something similar was bone-chilling. He could cause you and the rest of the team to get hurt!

You were feeling so many strong emotions that your mind and heart were racing, but you tried your best to keep them under control. You attempted to clear your mind and take deep calming breaths, doing all you could to stifle your feelings.

After all, you were Keith's second in command. You had to be strong, now more than ever since Keith was currently unhinged. You got a strange notion that you'd have to assume the position of leader later on, so you should be ready for that.

"Lotor's crusier is on the other side of the planet" Pidge stated, assessing the situation. "At our current rate of speed we'll be in attack range in an hour."

"Good, hold formation" Keith replied without a hint of hesitation, causing you to feel even sadder and anger. But you just pushed these feelings away, not wanting to lose your cool. You tried to focus all your attention on flying ahead to drown out all your thoughts, worries, and feelings.

You were still going as strong as ever, but the other paladins seemed to be struggling a bit as you flew in formation. Allura specifically, her lion was shifting and swerving everywhere as if she had little control over its movements.

"Oh apologies Hunk!" She called out sheepishly as her lion bumped into his.

"Mmm" he groaned. His voice became jittery as he continued. "Is attacking right now such a good idea? You know, since not everyone is so great with their lions."

"Do you mean me specifically?" Allura asked, a tad accusingly.

"You?" Hunk replied, trying his best to sound calm as he denied it. "No, no way. I didn't— I was just stating the fact that half the team is in new lions. Maybe now isn't the best time to bite off more than we can chew."

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