Chapter 18

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After the confessions were told we went to breakfast. I sat at a table with Levi, Armin, Mikasa, Eren and Hange. I was surprised the table was big enough to have space for six people to eat. We had omelettes with a bowl of rice next to it, because I'm in Japan of course there's gonna be rice.

"So where are we going today?" I asked Hange, because she is on good terms with Mr. Smith so I'm guessing she knows the plan for today.

"I think Mr. Smith said we are going to a shrine and then to a park for a picnic." Hange said picking up her chopsticks.

"That seems nice. The shrines here are so beautiful. And the parks with sakura trees are magnificent!" I said excited. A big part of why I liked Japan was because of the nature. Everything here is so beautiful.

"Its been a while since I've been to a shrine." Said Levi.

"Oh really? Did you used to go with your parents?" I asked. Levi never really talks about his parents, the only time he mentioned them to me was when he said he moved here with them.

"Yeah, my mom finds the shrines really peaceful, and I agree with her, its just that I don't find the time to go anymore." I frowned a bit hearing his words.

"You know...sometimes it's ok to take a break and spend time with family, so when you get back please take your mom and go anywhere you want with her." Levi nodded in agreement before putting his chopsticks down and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I return a smile and sit up from the table.

We were walking down the road, Mr. Smith was at the front leading the class while me and Levi were walking side by side.

"Look! The shrine, I see it from here!" Hange exclaimed excited. I tried to jump so I could see it too, but no luck.

"I can't see it."

"What do you mean you can't see it?" Confusion clear in Hange's voice.

"Well, if you haven't already noticed, I'm super short and being surrounded by tall people doesn't help at all." I stated. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and before I knew it I was in the air. Levi put me on his shoulders. I let out a squeal while gripping onto his shoulders trying to maintain my balance.

"Calm down brat, you won't fall. I've got you." He said calmly, like he didn't even have the weight of a sixteen year old on his shoulders.

"Am I too heavy?" I asked nervous.

"No, don't worry." I relaxed after hearing his words. I lifted my head up to see the world from a tall person's perspective.

"I can see the shrine! It's so pretty!!!" I exclaimed excitement clear in my voice. Chuckles could be heard around me. Happiness was flowing through the air and my mood was brighter than ever, in that moment I realized how lucky I am.

After walking for another 5 minutes, we arrived to the shrine. Levi put me down and took my hand in his intertwining our fingers. His hand was cold and mine was slightly warmer which created a comfortable temperature.

We walked through the gates and tossed a coin in the saisen box. I put my hands together and prayed for the best. After I was done, I quietly waited for the others to finish. Once I saw Levi open his eyes and turning towards me, I took that as a sign that he was done. Our hands found each other again and we exited the shrine.

"So, what did you pray for Y/n?" Levi asked.

"I prayed for everyone to be happy and healthy." I say with a big smile forming on my face. Levi chuckled and ruffled my hair after hearing my words.

"There you go again, being kind to everybody and thinking of everybody's feelings. I'm lucky that I met you, otherwise I would be surrounded by annoying people all the time." He laughed.

"Awwwhh, don't say that. Our friends are not annoying they just have a specific personality." I laughed along with Levi while walking down the sidewalk.

Time skip to the park

"Okay have all of you eaten?" Hange asked our friend group. Everybody replied with 'yes', and was waiting for Hange to speak again.

"Great then, how about we play tag?" She suggested. Honestly a game of tag would be fun, I haven't played tag in like 6 years.

"Shitty-glasses, we're sixteen." Levi said annoyed.

"Oh come on Levi, it'll be fun!" Hange tried to convince him, but it was no use. He was as stubborn as a mule.

"I'll play only if Y/n is playing." He added.

"Well I want to play so come on." I dragged him by the arm and went to stand beside Hange.

"Okay then, everybody's playing!!!" Cheers were heard from my friends.
"But it'll be boring if there is no consequence, so the loser has to eat fifty takoyaki."

"Wait what?! Fifty takoyaki!!! That's ten times the amount you buy at a convenience store!" Hange's rule was honestly ridiculous. I doubt there is a human on earth who can eat fifty takoyaki in one go.

"I know, so that's why make sure you don't lose. I'll be the one who'll catch you and the game starts now!" As Hange finished her sentence everybody scattered.

I ran as fast as I could to a place filled with trees. I used to use a technique when I was younger. 'Hide in the trees and you'll be fine.' The words repeated in my head. I found a tree that seemed quite easy to climb and it would be hard to see anyone who's hidden in there. So I went with my gut feeling that was telling me this tree was a safe one.

After I climbed it I found a rather comfortable branch to sit on. I wasn't really paying attention to where Hange was so when I felt the tree shaking I was alarmed. I looked down to see Jean trying to climb the same tree I was in.

"Pssst! Jean, I'm already here. Go somewhere else." I whisper-shouted so he could hear me.

"But this tree is the best one." He argued.

"Yeah I know, that's why I'm here." I replied. Our little argument however was creating noise so Hange didn't take long to find us.

"Y/n and Jean, I'm gonna catch youuu!!!" She shouted at us. Hearing her I jumped from the branch I was sitting on. As my feet made impact with the ground a slight pain shot through my body. But I got up and ran like it was a game between life and death. And well, it kind of was considering that anyone's stomach would explode if they were forced to eat fifty takoyaki.

I look back to see Hange's hand almost touching my shoulder. I tried to run faster and I wasn't paying attention to all the small rocks on the ground. Suddenly I felt my body falling to the ground and in almost no time a loud thud was heard.

"Caught you!!!" Hange exclaimed happy.

I slowly got up from the ground with my hand on my head. "Was I the first one you caught?" I asked. 'Please say no, please say no.'


"Oh god. Stomach pain, here I come." I said exhausted.


Hey guys, Here is the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to say thank you to all of you who are reading my story and hopefully enjoying it. I can't believe that my book has reached 400 reads, I never imagined this would happen and I can't thank you enough.

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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