Chapter 19

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"Levi...what hour is it?"

"2:45 AM."

"How did I even get here?" I tiredly asked Levi.


Flashback to yesterday

"Fifty takoyaki please." I kindly asked the woman working there.

"Fifty takoyaki...miss I'm afraid you can't eat that much." She replied scared of my request.

"Yeah...I probably can't, but please just give me fifty takoyaki." I tried to sound as nice as possible, just so I could get this over with quickly.

"Oi Y/n, you know you don't have to do this. I can just go talk with four-eyes." I turned to Levi as he was speaking.

"Oh no no. I lost, I guess I should be more careful next time."

"But Y/n..." Levi gave me a hug from behind. "You'll get sick."

I knew. I already knew I am gonna get sick but I accepted that, so now's Levi's turn to accept it. I turned around and cupped his cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."  I gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Will you two stop acting like she's gonna die. It annoys me."

"Oi Jaeger, why don't you shut your mouth." Levi replies annoyed.

"Here you go miss." The lady handed me the box that had fifty takoyaki in it.

"Thank you."

I walked with the box in my hands and with Levi by my side. It was decided that everyone will come to my room and will watch me eat this takoyaki.

"Mrs. L/n, what are you gonna do with all of that takoyaki?" Mr. Smith questioned.

"I'm gonna eat it."

Mr. Smith looked confused for a bit but didn't question me. I guess, I wouldn't question a girl with a box as big as her head full of takoyaki either. I sighed and leaned on Levi's shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, before wrapping an arm around me.

"Let me carry it for you, brat." He offered as he took the box from me.

"Thank you." I smiled and clung onto his arm tighter.

"You know...whenever I'm with you I feel so safe, I don't feel scared at all. I don't feel any pain. It's like an escaping from reality when I'm near you. Thank you." I really liked letting people know how much they mean to me. My parents raised me like that. They always told me if I loved someone I should let them know because it creates a wonderful feeling in that person's heart. A feeling that should be treasured.

"Brat, you know...I'm not the best at these things but...I appreciate that you feel about me like that."  I chuckled once I heard Levi's response. It was just funny and cute when he was trying to express his emotion. It's true he's not the best at it but I don't mind. After all people are on Earth to learn stuff right, so he just had to learn a little bit about expressing his emotions.

"Why are you laughing." He asked bored.

"'re just sooo cute!" I gave him a tight hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Oh it looks like we're here" I said as I noticed our hotel.

I happily walked up the stairs to get to the third floor. I opened the door and let all of my friends in. Levi placed the box on the coffee table and sat on the couch. I took my chopsticks and opened the box.

"Is this really gonna be ok?" Sasha asked.

"Wait! Sasha, YOU'RE asking this?!" I questioned surprised. Sasha loved food and if fifty takoyaki was too much for her, then I'm done. I can say my goodbyes to my friends and I should probably call my parents to tell them I love them.

"Come on Y/n, you can start." Hange gave a devilish smirk, with her hands together. This was the Hange I was scared of...she was like a true mad scientist.

"Well, thank you for the meal." I said before I dug in. I didn't stop for one bit. It was forbidden to let my brain catch up to my stomach.

"It looks like our loser is off with a good start! Moving her chopsticks so fast I bet her stomach is much further ahead than her brain!"

"Shitty-glasses, shut up."

"But I'm making this more interesting by commenting what's happening."

"Water please!"

"Oh it looks like our contestant wants a glass of water. Will her boyfriend be kind enough to give her one?" Hange asked while looking at Levi.

"Anything for my princess."

"Oh it looks like our contestant's lover is back. And he has a glass of water!!!" Hange cheered.

I took the glass and immediately started drinking the water. After I finished drinking the water I looked at the box to see how many takoyaki I had left. There were about 30 left. As I was thinking my brain finally caught up with my stomach.

"Crap. This is bad."

"Oh, how unfortunate, the pretty girl has stopped eating and can't go any further. But she has to!!!"

I gave Hange a glare before picking up my chopsticks again and beginning to eat. But this time I was way slower.

"It looks like our contestant has picked up her chopsticks again. But she slowed down. The curse came upon her!!!"

"Hange, calm the fuck down. She's not cursed she's just like any other normal person."

"No!!! This is the curse of being restricted. The curse of having no appetite. How poor the girl must be!"

A loud bang stopped Hange from speaking. Everybody looked at me. And there I was, with my chopsticks slammed against the table.

"Oh...looks like she's done." Hange said in shock almost whispering.

However I collapsed on the ground as soon as I finished.

"Y/n!" Levi said worried.

"Okay, show's over everybody go in their rooms and I'm taking Y/n to mine."

"Shorty I can take care of her." Hange tried to say but Levi didn't give in.

"No shitty-glasses, I'm taking her."

End of flashback

"So that's why I'm on your bathroom floor." I started laughing.

"Oi brat, why are you laughing?" Levi asked confused.

"Because I'm such an idiot."

"Yeah...but you're my idiot." He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and just like that I fell asleep in his arms.


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter, and I'll see you next time. Bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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