Chapter 16

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I was woken up from my beautiful sleep by my alarm clock. I tried to hit it to make it stop but failed and eventually gave up. Mikasa however threw the TV remote at it and it successfully stoped, but that wasn't gonna work since we needed to get up anyway. "Mikasa, we need to get up." I said, my voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm aware of that. Just let me keep my eyes closed for one more minute." Her voice sounded tired and her words were sloppy. I agreed with her, since I wanted to sleep a bit more too but that wasn't going to happen because and angry and overly excited Eren burst in our room. "Wake the fuck up!!!" He said, stealing my soft blanket. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I wasn't tired anymore I was just mad. I was looking at him confused. He hit Mikasa on the head with a pillow. "Have you two forgotten? We have to be earlier at school today, we're going on a field trip." He explained. "Oh, yeah I guess you're right." I said understanding. After he got out of the room Mikasa and I got ready.

The three of us were running down the sidewalk with the bags that we prepared. Neither of us wanted to be late, we were looking forward to this trip and it's finally here. After some minutes of running we were at the school gates and we saw the bus that we were supposed to get in. However the students were chitchatting and it turned out we came just in time. When we finally stopped I was catching my breath. Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and jumped in surprise. "Calm down brat." I looked behind and saw the person who always made my day. Levi. "Hello!" I smiled brightly at him. He was wearing black jeans with a white hoodie and black sneakers. 'Damn. How can a trash bag like me sit next to a model like him' I thought to myself. "So are you ready for the trip." I asked breaking the silence. He nodded in response. "Well, we better get on the bus brat." "Oh, right!" I exclaimed. I was walking behind him with my bag over my shoulder. Suddenly he stopped in front of two seats and turned to me. "Do you wanna sit next to the window?" I nodded in excitement but he chuckled. "Well, too bad." Levi said taking the sit next to the window. "Meanie..." I sat next to him pouting slightly.

We have been on the road for a few hours now and so far so good. In front of us was Mikasa and Sasha, in the row beside us were Armin and Eren and behind us was sitting Hange who was alone. I felt bad for her but she didn't seem to mind. Everyone was talking to each other, except me and Levi. The atmosphere between us was awkward and I just couldn't figure out why. I was getting frustrated so I groaned. "What's the matter Y/n?" Asked Levi. I looked away for a second but then I decided it was best if I told him the truth. "Why are we so awkward today. Did I upset you with something?" "So you noticed." He made a pause between his sentences. "You did nothing wrong
Y/n, I don't know why we're acting like this." He sighed. "Okay how about we play truth or dare." I suggested. Hange overheard what I said and decided to join us. I asked Sasha and Mikasa and they agreed, and of course Eren was gonna play a game that Jean was playing just so he could prove he was better, and Armin didn't want to be left out so he agreed as well.

"Okay Eren, truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare." He said sternly. I thought for a bit and then smirked. "Try to give Krista a hug in front of Ymir." "Easy one." He said sure of  himself. We were all looking at him going to Krista's seat. He started speaking something with them and out of the blue he gave Krista a hug. Next we heard Ymir scream at him. "Don't touch her you stupid fucking creep!!!" We had a pretty good laugh out of that. Ymir was ready to push him but Eren backed away saying he was sorry. "See that wasn't hard." He said when he got back to us. "Okay my turn." He said. "So Jean, truth or dare?" Jean sat thinking for a moment. "Dare." He chose. Very well then, go to the bathroom and wet some toilet paper, then put it in your shoes and wear them until we get out of the bus." Eren gave Jean the instructions smirking. "Eren, we're on a bus, there's no bathroom." Jean tried escaping Eren's dare. "Oh but this bus is fancy bus so it actually has a small bathroom." He replied. Jean groaned and went to do what he was told. After a few minutes he came back and as he was walking we could hear water being splashed. We all laughed at him, he just growled at Eren. "Whatever, my turn now." He said after he sat down. "Y/n, truth or dare." I smiled a bit. "I guess I'll be the first one to choose truth." "With who on this bus would you want to spend a night at a love hotel." He asked smirking. Everybody's eyes were on me. Some people knew very well who I wanted to spend it with. 'Levi' I answered the question in my head, but I couldn't say that. At least not when he was here. People were getting impatient and I was getting red. I was about to say a lie but I was saved by Mr. Smith.

"Okay kids, were here to our hotel, so quit the game and get ready to leave." I thanked him in my head for saving me. 'That was close'  I grabbed my bags and got out of the bus. We were staying in a nice hotel and that meant a nice environment for me to confess. I sighed slightly and went inside. My room was on the third floor and that's where most of us were put, including Levi. I was sharing a room with Mikasa, Hange and Sasha and I was quite happy about that, since we all got along, however I heard from Eren that he had to stay with Jean, Levi and Armin. And that was just about the worst pairing ever. Not did only Eren not get along with Jean but he also didn't really like Levi. Armin on the other half was friends with everybody or at least tried to be so he didn't mind.

"Okaaaaayyyy Y/n!!!!" Exclaimed Hange. "Hange quiet down you're gonna disturb the neighbours." I said to her. "Don't worry Y/n our neighbours are Krista and Ymir, and they are probably gonna disturb us more." She winked at me. I quickly closed my eyes not wanting to think about that, I mean sure they were dating but they're smart enough to know what's appropriate. "Just get to the point Hange." I said. "Go to sleep and rest well because tomorrow in the morning before breakfast you're gonna go confess to Levi." My eyes widened. "Wait. In the morning?!" "Yes, because if you confess in the morning you'll have more time with him during the day." I had to admit her thinking was pretty smart. And as much as I wanted to deny I knew I couldn't run away forever, so I agreed. "Okay, then in the morning it is."

Hello guys, here's the chapter. Idk why but I had a weird feeling when I was writing this, like something seemed off but I just can't figure out what. Anyways I hope it wasn't boring and you enjoyed it. Until next time, bye.

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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