Chapter 44

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As I turned my gaze to look at the boy who was sitting at a desk with me, I was met with bright teal eyes.

'Oh...that's why his voice is familiar.'

Shock was displayed on my face and on his too. I could tell he knew who I was.

"Y/n?"  He questioned unsure.

"Yes. Eren." If it weren't for those green eyes I wouldn't have known it was him. He had long hair, styled in a bun and he was taller. A LOT taller. 

"I haven't seen you in years!!! How are you doing!!!" He embraced me in a tight hug, choking me.

"Eren, you're choking me!" I said trying to get out of his grasp.

"Stop with the bullshit, how is my sister doing?!" He continued speaking. 'Sister?'

"Sister?" He frowned and released me from the hug letting me breath.

"Of course Y/n. You're my sister."

"We're not even related." Why was he being so nice to me, I couldn't understand. Why was he happy to see me in the first place?

"It doesn't fucking matter. You're still my sister." He said ruffling my hair and giving me a soft smile.

"But...I left without saying anything. Aren't you mad?"

"What?! Of course not you dumbass. If I were mad, I wouldn't have hugged you." He playfully punched my arm his grin never leaving his face.

"But-" Eren cut me off.

"No buts. It wasn't even your fault and what's in the past doesn't matter anymore so let's just be happy that we're here and we're seeing each other again." Is that the way he saw things. I gave him a closed eyed smile.

"Don't call me cute. It's weird coming from you." I told him, giving him a glare.

"Oh yeah...sorry about that, I just didn't know it was you. But hey! You are pretty cute from afar." He said defending himself. I let out a laugh and shook my head.


Our first class ended and we were walking through the halls chatting.

"I never knew you wanted to study photography." Eren said walking beside me.

"Oh...well, I can say the same about you."  He laughed nervously.

"I kinda said I would do photography out of the blue, but here I am studying it."

"Eren, stop flirting with girls and let's go eat somewhere." A girl started walking towards us.

"Is that-" I started, but Eren cut me off.

"Yep." He said popping the p.

"Mikasa, I'm not flirting with girls." Mikasa looked different as well, she was also taller but a bit shorter than Eren, and it seems like she cut her hair so it was now short.

"What do you mean you're not flirting with girls. That's what you always do." I  stifled a laugh.

"Mikasa, come on. Take a look good at this particular girl. Doesn't she remind you of someone?" Mikasa turned her gray eyes towards my shy figure, looking at me. She stared at me for a few seconds making me nervous but then her eyes widened with shock and surprise.

"Y/n." She said almost in a whisper. I guess she did remember me after all.

"That's me." I chuckled and gave her a hug. I felt something wet fall on my shirt, I pulled back from the hug and saw Mikasa crying.

"I missed much." She said sniffling while talking. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I said bringing her close to me one more time.

It took a minute for Mikasa to recompose herself but once she did she began talking.

"So let's go somewhere to eat."

"Yeah, I want Korean barbecue!" Eren said throwing his arms in the air. They started walking away but I remained in my place.

"Y/n, aren't you coming?" Mikasa asked once she saw I wasn't walking beside them.

"Y-you guys c-can go without me." I said fidgeting nervously with my fingers.

"Why? Do you have another class?" Eren asked.


"Then you're coming with us." Eren continued dragging me by the arm. They were giving me no other choice so I just tagged along with them.


We were eating our food, Mikasa and Eren were chatting about school and other stuff while I listened to them. I learned that Mikasa was studying fashion and I thought that was interesting. It made sense now why we were all in the same university.

"Y/n, why are you being so quiet? You weren't like this." Eren stated eating a piece of meat. I looked away tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I-...I've changed."

"Yeah, I can see that. But hey whatever happened, you know you can be honest with us and if you wanna talk and tell us something then go ahead." Eren continued.

Deep down I wanted to ask so many things, how's Armin doing, how's Levi doing. But did I really deserve to know the answers. I pushed all my questions away and started talking.

"Well, I'm trying to find a job but I can't and it's kind of frustrating." I said leaning my head on my hand.

"Oh, I know the perfect job for you! You're gonna get it 100%!" Eren said excitedly.

"Okay, tell me." I told him to continue.

"You can just work where I'm working. At a Starbucks." I raised and eyebrow at his words. A Starbucks didn't sound so bad but how was he so sure that I'll get this job.

"And how do you know I'll get it?"

"Because my boss accepts anyone, unless they can't use their hands properly." He explained.

" don't need any qualification?" I asked.

"Nope, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the job." He said. 'That makes sense.'

"So...when can I start?"

"You can start whenever you want. Even tomorrow." Eren said putting another piece of meat on the grill.

"Then I'll start tomorrow. The sooner the better right?" I smiled shyly at both of them. Eren jumped up in his seat excited that he'll be working with me.

"Do you wanna ask us something else?" Mikasa questioned once she noticed that I was lost in my thoughts.

'Yes.' I answered in my head.

"How's Le-...never mind." I didn't deserve to know.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I didn't update yesterday, the thing was that I wasn't home and I had no wifi so I couldn't update. But I'm back now so yeah. Anyways, I'll see you next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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