Chapter 41

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Here I was the airport. But not the one in Japan, this is the airport of my country where I'm supposed to meet my mom.

I walked dragging the heavy suitcase behind me. I got through security and soon enough I was at the place where people pick up other people. I looked through the sea of people, looking for my mother. She is a short woman so it'll be hard to observe her, but she got my attention jumping up and down and waving her hand like a crazy person. With a sigh I made my pace faster, quickly reaching my mother.

"Hey honey!" She took the suitcase from my hand and lead me to her car. Noticing the gloomy expression on my face she spoke again.

"Y/n, are you ok?" 'Did the agency not tell her what's going on? Why is she not mad?'

"Do you even know what's going on?" I asked her. She opened the door to the passenger seat and I got inside the car. She got in as well, starting it and driving out of the parking lot.

"I do know. And I can't say that what you did was right but I can't be mad at you either, in the end we all make mistakes right? And you're still a teenager so it's ok for you to make mistakes." She said keeping her eyes on the road. I was prepared to be scolded for wasting money and for being a disobedient child but my mom was so chill about this. How can she not be stressed right now, I swear I'm more stressed than she is.

"I dad home?" I hoped I could see him, since I haven't seen him in over six months.

"No, but he should be later today. You miss him don't you?" My mom glanced at me putting a sympathetic smile on her lips.

"Of course I do." I said leaning my head on the window and closing my eyes for a moment.


I stepped inside my house...everything felt so surreal. This didn't even feel like home anymore. I had no siblings, and as an only child those six months I spent with Eren and Mikasa really made me happy. I didn't feel lonely nor bored. Every second I had something to do or I had someone to talk to. Now I'm here again alone in this old house, back to my twin sized bed which I often fell out of.

"Are you hungry. I can make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." My mom asked from the kitchen. I nodded my head 'no' but realized she couldn't see me.

"No, I'm good." I responded heading to my room. I flopped on the bed and let out a heavy sigh. If I could just tell Levi goodbye...he's probably so hurt. Hell, I bet he hates me, I just disappeared without an explanation. 'What do they think of me now?' Thoughts rushed through my head. There was so much I wanted to know. There was so much I wanted to do. More tears started flowing down my cheeks and onto my white bedsheets.

'I'm an idiot, an idiot, an idiot!' I slammed my hand on the table, causing me to wince in pain. I was so angry at myself.

"Y/n, are you alright?! I heard a loud noise and thought you might've gotten hurt or something." My mom burst in my room, seeing me now on the floor holding my hand as I silently sobbed.

"Come on Y/n, your dad will be here soon, don't you want to greet him?" She said coming closer to me and helping me get up. We walked to the living room and sat on the couch, waiting for my father to arrive.


The door opened  and my father who I haven't seen in so long entered the house. I silently walked up to him and gave him a hug, burying my face in his chest for some comfort. He chuckled and patted my head. 'That's all? You haven't seen your daughter in six months and that's how you greet her?'

"Hey there kid! I hope you're ok. I would love to spend more time with you but I gotta work from home you know." He said scratching his nape and pushing me away from him.

'And he calls himself a father.'


I was walking through my old school again, since it was Monday and I had to go back to school. I opened my locker getting a few things out and walking towards the classroom. As I was preparing to open the door, somebody tackled me from behind, with a gasp I found myself on the floor wincing in pain. 

"Y/n, I can't believe you're back!!!" Someone shouted in my ear making me squint my eyes at the volume. I recognized the voice as Emma's. My best friend.

"How you doing sis?!" And this was my other best friend. Daniel. I really didn't want to be an asshole but I don't want to spend time with them right now. I'm just not feeling like it...'They're not the same as Eren, Mikasa, Levi and Armin.' I averted my gaze to the ground not returning the hugs.

"I'm sorry...can you two...leave me alone for now?" I said looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry, what?" Emma flashed her confused smile.

"Emma, Daniel, you heard me. Leave me alone please. At least for now." I turned around pushing the door to the classroom open. I walked to my desk, earning a few stares from the other students.


Lunch rolled around and I went to sit under a tree where it was peaceful. However my peace was interrupted by...them...again.

"Y/n, we let you alone for a bit like you asked us!" Emma said sitting on the grass beside me. I sighed heavily trying to ignore her for the moment.

"Yo sis, can I copy your notes from class?" Daniel began talking as well plopping down beside me. 'I swear I can't with these two.'

"No you can't." I replied keeping the dull expression on my face.

"Y/n, are you alright? You don't seem like yourself." Emma said looking into my eyes with her blue ones.

"Yeah Y/n, just tell us what's bothering you." Daniel began as well.

I was losing my temper, gripping my hair with my fingers, ready to tear it all out.

"You know what's the problem?! You two are the problem! For fuck's sake, please leave me alone!" I snapped at them.

They went silent for a moment, before Emma scoffed grabbing Daniel by the arm and making him stand up.

"Fine! You don't want us to be around you then we won't!" After that they left, leaving me alone just like I had requested.

'Well...the first day of school was great.' Note the sarcasm.

Hey guys, here I am again with a new chapter that I hope you enjoyed. Please look forward to the next one, see ya!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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