Chapter 39

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Y/n pov
Me and the girls were walking back to our table with the pizza we ordered. The boys were all discussing, and I was glad they could all get along.

"We came back!" I announced putting two boxes of pizza on the table and sitting down beside Levi.

"What were you talking about?" I noticed Reiner and Levi talking when I was coming back, which was not something I expected. Levi wasn't a very talkative person, and on top of that he barely even knows Reiner so I was curious.

I noticed something flash through his eyes. What was it? Confusion?

"Are you alright?" I put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"You're kinda warm." Levi pushed my hand away noticing the concern in my voice.

"Yeah...just a bit frustrated." I looked at Reiner for an explication but he shrugged.

"If you say so..." I said leaning on his shoulder to attempt to calm him down a bit, which worked. I noticed Levi exhale and relaxing his tense muscles as he grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Do you want one?" He said holding the cheesy pizza in front of my face.


"I'm just asking if you want a slice. You're looking at mine like you've never seen pizza before." I didn't even realize I was starring at his slice.

"Oh...I'll just take my own." I reached my hand to take a slice out of the box of pizza that was near me, but before I could grab it Levi shoved one in my mouth.

"Just take this one brat." He leaned in closer to whisper something in my ear. "You're stressed Y/n. Relax." He rested his hand on my thigh making me blush slightly. It was true. I was stressed, because Levi was acting strange all of a sudden.

"Y/n, you alright? You're cheeks are pretty red." I snapped back to reality, from Eren's words. I felt my ears burning, from the corner of my eyes I could see Levi smirking, while he moved his hand a bit higher. I gave him a glare and looked at my friends.

"Yep, I'm good." I simply said, eating the pizza Levi shoved in my mouth earlier.

"Oh Y/n, why don't you tell Levi about that dream you had." Reiner spoke up. 'What dream, does he mean- oh no-'

"Huh? What dream, I don't have dreams." I tried convincing them, but with the blush on my face that was slowly deepening it was hard for them to believe me.

"Yeahhh, sureee. Not like you admitted the other day about a dirty dream you had. And not to mention it was about Levi and-" i quickly put my hands over Reiner's mouth to stop him from talking.

"Don't you dare speak about that." I shot him a glare and if looks could kill, Reiner would've been six feet under long ago.

"The funny thing is..." Levi began.

"I actually wanted to know about that dream. I would appreciate if I heard it from you though." I looked back at Levi. No way was I going to tell him.

"Keep dreaming about that. I'm not going to tell you." I huffed sitting back on the chair.


It was pretty late when we came back home. I was brushing Eren's hair, because despite him wanting to grow out his hair he didn't know how to take care of it very well so it was tangled most of the time.

"Ow!" He scrunched his nose at the feeling of me tugging at his brown locks.

" won't take much longer." I reassured him continuing to brush his now smooth hair. Mikasa came into the room with three cups of hot chocolate and joined us, sitting on the floor.

"Thanks Mikasa." I took a sip from my drink and closed my eyes in delight.

"I never thought you were a chocolate kind of girl." Eren commented.

"I love chocolate." I chuckled, continuing to slide the bristles of the brush through his hair.

"It's funny how we're talking about chocolate and your hair has a chocolaty color." I pointed out making Eren and Mikasa raise a brow.

"I guess you're right." He shrugged drinking his own hot chocolate.

"Okay, done!" I put the brush down on the floor and gave Eren a mirror so he could admire himself.

"Thanks Y/n. I look pretty good, don't I?"

"You do! Your hair is actually really soft, I'm kinda jealous." I said brushing my fingers through his hair.  

Carla entered the living room to see us sitting all together, engaged in a conversation.

"How are you kids doing?" She greeted us with her usual kind smile.

"We're good. You got home pretty late from work." It was Saturday, but Carla worked on weekends as well sometimes, which can be a bit inconvenient but she says she doesn't mind.

"Oh yeah...police cars are patrolling around for some reason and they created a bit of traffic." She explained sitting on the couch, exhaustion taking over her body.

"Police cars patrolling around? That's unusual." Mikasa stated.

"Yeah, this is a peaceful neighborhood." Eren added.

"I don't really know what's going on, but it doesn't matter, cause I'm exhausted." We all chuckled and let Carla go to her room to get change in some comfy clothes.

"I'll go make some tea for mom." Mikasa said getting up and putting the kettle on.

"I guess it's just me and you Y/n." Eren said leaning back on the couch. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm playfully.

Our relaxing moment cane to an end as knocking on the door could be heard.

"I'll go get it, you just stay here." Eren sighed before getting up and going to see who was at the door. I moved out of the living room despite Eren telling me to stay there. I wanted to see who it was.

Eren opened the door and two men in a police uniform stood on the porch.

"Can I help you with something?" Eren said a bit confused as to why exactly they were here.

"Yes. We're looking for Y/n L/n. Is she by any chance staying in this house?"

Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time. Bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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