Chapter 25

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"Eren, you better behave yourself when we get there." We were getting ready to go to dinner to Levi's house and I didn't want Eren and Levi to get into a fight so I told him before we left.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'm like the nicest person out there." He told me with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I don't know about that one." I laughed. We were supposed to leave the house in thirty minutes but I made Eren and Mikasa get ready earlier just so I was sure we won't be late. Right now we were waiting for Carla and Grisha who went out to run some errands, but they left a while ago and now I'm just hoping they'll manage to come back in time.

"Do you know when your parents are gonna get back?"

"They should be back in about five minutes. They said they won't take long." Eren said.

"What are they doing anyway?" Lately I feel like everybody in this house has been hiding something from me, I just can't figure out what.

"I don't know, they didn't tell me exactly." I could see that Eren's ears were a shade of red which means his ears are warm. 'He's lying.'

"Oh...okay." I simply said not wanting to push him further more just to get answers. If it was something important they would tell me, at least I hope so.

"So, what are you gonna do for Levi's birthday." Eren asked after noticing that I got slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't know yet. I mean...what would he like?" I was still thinking about what to get Levi for his birthday considering it was in less than a week.

"I think he'll like anything if it's from you." Eren had a point but that shouldn't be used as an excuse. I mean I can't get him a stupid present and expect him to like it just because it's from me. Gotta put a little effort in it.

"That doesn't help much." Just as I said that, the front door opened, Eren, Mikasa and I snapped our heads to look at the door. I relaxed once I saw Carla and Grisha come inside but I noticed they were...well how do I put this...frustrated maybe?

"Can we go now?" I asked. They both looked at me and Carla put a smile on her face and nodded. I took that as a sign to get up from the couch and go towards the door to put my shoes on. Mikasa and Eren followed me getting their shoes on as well.

"Eren, remember don't be rude." I warned him, he nodded understandingly. We walked up to Levi's door and I knocked, not long after Kuchel opened and let us in.

"Hello! It's so good to see you all." She greeted us. I bowed politely then looked at Eren and Mikasa and I was relieved seeing them bow too. Well actually I knew Mikasa would bow but it seems like Eren really was trying to be nicer than usual.

"Oh my, you brought fruit! Thank you!" Carla handed Kuchel a big basket full of different kinds of fruit.

"Okay, let's go to the kitchen. The table is already set up and Levi is waiting for us." Kuchel gave us a smile and welcomed us in. We walked into the kitchen and I saw Levi sitting and waiting patiently at the table. I waved at him and sat next to him. I was sitting between Levi and Eren while Kuchel was in front of me, Mikasa was sitting on Kuchel's right and next to her was Carla and next to Carla was Grisha.

Everything was going smooth so far, everyone was just chatting and eating, Eren and Levi weren't glaring at each other 24/7 and overall we were all having a good time. That was until Grisha decided to ask a question.

"So my main concern here is, what are you two going to do when Y/n has to go back?" I looked down at my food thinking. I don't even know since I haven't thought about that at all. I just wanted to enjoy my time here without any worries but of course that can't be the case.

"What do you mean go back?" Kuchel asked us confused. Oh right, I didn't tell her I don't actually live here. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I'm actually an exchange student and I'm supposed to stay here for another six months." I explained.

"Well in this case, I'm curious to know too." She added. Great, now I have the pressure of two adults on me.

"We haven't thought yet. Just as simple as that." Levi said shrugging. That was one way to avoid the question.

"Yeah, well I think it's about time you two think about it." Grisha just wasn't going to let us get away this easily was he.

"Of course, we'll discuss it. But right now we want to enjoy each other's company." Levi looked at me and smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah...right...enjoy each other's company." Grisha muttered. Again, what was he trying to get at?

"Dad, now's not the time." Eren joined the conversation. What did he mean 'now's not the time.' The time for what?

I quickly finished my food not wanting to deal with this anymore. These past days I don't even know what's been going on and is just too much for my little head.

"Thank you for the meal!" I said getting up from my chair. After me followed Levi, Eren and Mikasa. We went to the living room and sat on the couch in silence.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said getting up from the couch. As I came back I saw Eren telling Levi something but I couldn't hear what since I was too far away. I came closer and as they noticed me they stopped talking. I could tell Levi had a whole different mood. I don't know what Eren told him but whatever it was it didn't make him happy.

"Come on guys, we're leaving!" Carla called us. We got up from the couch and walked to the front door to get our shoes on.

"Y/n, why don't you stay for the night. You and Levi can have a sleep over." Kuchel proposed me smiling.



Me and Levi said yes while Mikasa and Eren said no. Kuchel looked at Carla as to ask for permission.

"I think it's ok if Y/n spends the night." She said with her usual sweet smile.

"But mom!" Eren protested. Carla just gave him a glare and that shut him up. We gave them a 'goodbye' and they left.

"Okay, you two can go upstairs to Levi's room while I clean everything up." Kuchel said. Me and Levi nodded and began walking towards the stairs.

"Oh wait! Don't forget that my room is right across Levi's so you better not do anything!" She told us making me blush.

I guess I could say this was an okay dinner.

Hi guys! I'm back with a new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I just wanna say get ready cause there's gonna be some angst in the next chapter so yeah. Anyways that's all I had to say, stay safe and happy, byee!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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