Chapter 45

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"Okay Y/n, you have nothing to worry about. Mr. Keith will surely like you." Eren reassured me as we stood in front of the door that lead to the Starbucks Eren worked at.

"Me? Nervous? Pfft...of course not." I said a drop of sweat building up at my forehead. Eren chuckled opening the door and letting me in first. I thanked him and stepped inside.

I was hit with the smell of coffee and vanilla, which was quite pleasant. Eren lead me to a back door that read 'staff members only' on it.

"Okay through here. I already told Mr. Keith I'll be bringing you in." He told me trying to make me less tense. I nodded and followed him entering through the door. There was a room with some lockers and a table, I assumed that the workers spent their lunch break here.

"You can sit on a chair, I'll bring Keith." After Eren said that he left into another room, which I assumed was Mr. Keith's office. After a few minutes Eren came back and behind him was an older, bald man that looked kinda scary. He eyed me with his yellowish-hazel eyes which made me nervous. Mustering up some courage I stood up and greeted him politely.

"Hello Mr. Keith, I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you." I bowed after finishing my sentence.

"Nice to meet you too kid. Eren said you're a skilled girl." I chuckled nervously. 'Damn Eren, he knows I don't have any skills.'

"Y-yes, I think I would be g-great at this job." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Alright then, let me ask you some questions. Please take a seat." I took a seat and turned my attention to him.

"If somebody came in and requested a drink that is not on the menu, would you do it for him?" 'Huh? I thought all Starbucks did that.'

"If possible, yes." He nodded.

"What if a robber came in and requested money. What would you do then." 'Why is he asking such a serious question all of a sudden?!'

"W-well, I the police?" I said a bit unsure of my answer. I mean...what else am I supposed to do, stab him with a kitchen knife?

"Alright kid, you're hired. Jaeger train her and get to work!!!" He shouted in our faces, making us squint our eyes.

"Yes sir!" Eren said in response. Keith left the room leaving me and Eren alone.

"Alright Y/n, the uniform is in the locker just go and change in it and then come back here." I nodded and grabbed the uniform from the locker, changing into it.

"I'm back." I say quietly to get Eren's attention. He got up from his seat and lead me to the counter where the cash register was.

"Y/n, we have about one hour until the place opens up so I'll just explain to you how everything works." I nodded. I think one hour is enough to get an understanding of how everything works around here.

"Oh Eren, are there any other workers or just us?"

"There is one more girl, I think you'll like her." He said flashing me his toothy smile.

About one hour later Eren explained everything to me and to my surprise it wasn't that complicated. Most of the time I just tried to learn how to make every drink since there were quite a lot of them. The door opened revealing a blonde girl walking inside.

"Eren, I'm here." She said with a bored tone and with a sigh. I guess she was looking for Eren but she locked eyes with me instead.

"Oh...a new worker. That's unsual." I smiled nervously. She seemed familiar in a way but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Anyway, I'm Annie." She said reaching her hand out to me. I shook it lightly. 'I haven't heard that name in a while.'

"Y/n." She looked at me suspiciously before Eren came from the back.

"So what do you think Annie? Y/n has changed a bit hasn't she?" He said leaning against the counter.

"So it's true." She simply said.

"What do you mean?" Eren questioned.

"I thought she looked familiar. Long time no see Y/n." She smiled a bit looking at my e/c eyes.

"Y-yeah. Glad to see you again." I laughed a bit, returning the smile.

Now I remember her, she was one of my friends from two years ago. She helped me come back and see Le- see my friends.

"Well customers will come in any time now so don't play around too much." Annie said going to the back to get changed.

I sat scrolling through my phone for a little while, I looked what time it was. 8:30 AM.

I heard the door open, signaling that someone came in. I walked nervously behind the cash register, ready to take my first order.

"Welcome, what can I ge-" I stopped mid sentence when I looked up.

Blue piercing eyes starring into my soul, jet black hair hanging over his eyes. Levi.

Levi pov:

Y/n. Still as beautiful as ever, those e/c eyes that mix so well with her h/c hair and her s/c skin. Her voice still sounded like an angel's. Long story short, I'm still in love with the girl, even after nearly three years.

Noticing the silence that formed between us she cleared her throat and continued talking.

"I'm sorry, I zoned out for a bit. What can I get for you today?"

"Jasmine tea please." I requested, softening my gaze.

"Short, tall, grande or venti?"

"Tall." She nodded and called the Jaeger brat from the back to come and make the drink. I knew he worked here but that's not the reason why I come here. This Starbucks is small and it's quiet so I like to work on my laptop here most of the times, and today I decided to do that. But I didn't expect to see Y/n here.

"May I have a name for the order?" She asked locking her eyes with mine. 'I know she remembers me. Why is she acting like this?'

"Levi." She nodded writing it down.

I payed and went to sit by the window. It was quiet as usual, there weren't any other customers. I need to talk to Y/n, to tell her something, to make her mine again.

"A tall jasmine tea for Levi!" She shouted. I missed the way my name rolled off her tongue. I walked up to the counter gripping the cup with my hand, our fingers touching gently. I looked up to see a small blush across her cheeks. I smirked and began talking.

"Long time no see Y/n, how are you?"

"O-oh, u-uhm...I'm good. A-and y-you?" She asked.

"Same as you. You should have your lunch break in a few hours right? What do you say if we go somewhere to catch up and stuff." She can't say no to me.

"I-I don't know." She averted her gaze from me, looking at the floor.

"Are you busy?" She nodded her head 'no'.

"Then I'll be waiting for you at that table over there." I pointed towards the table I sat at. I didn't give her another chance to say something because I walked away sitting in my chair again and opening my laptop.

'I'll definitely get her back.'

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Levi is here again, yay! But anyways I'll see you guys next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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