Chapter 3

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"You told her I was afraid of him!!!What the hell is wrong with you?!!" I woke up to Eren's screming, what the.... I thought to myself as I got out of bed. "Eren, calm down. And watch your language." I heared Mikasa's voice. "What's this all about?" I whisper to myself. I went downstairs and found Mikasa and Eren in the living room. Eren had an angry look on his face, his hands were clenched into fists. Mikasa on the other hand was very calm as if this was normal.

I quietly entered the living room and stared at the two of them. "What's the matter?" I finally asked. They both turned to face me, Eren still had the angry look on his face. "Mikasa lied to you! That's the problem!" I look confused to Mikasa, she was just standing there, without much emotion on her face. "What do you mean Eren?" I asked. I didn't really belive that Mikasa lied to me. She isn't the type of person to tell lies. "She told you that I am afraid of that midget." Eren said more calmly. I was very confused at that point so I asked one more question hoping that after that I would understand a bit more what's happening. "What midget. Who are you talking about?" Eren sighed and as he walked away he said "It doesn't matter, you'll know soon enough."

After the argument was settled, I looked at the clock which was saying it was 7:00 A.M. Shit. I think to myself as I rush back upstairs into my room to get ready for school. Not long after me Mikasa entered the room as well. We got dressed in our uniform and did our hair. Mikasa only brushed it but I styled it into (hairstyle of choice). Then I grabbed my backpack and my phone and went downstairs to put my shoes on and waited for Eren.

After we were all ready, we began our walk to school. We walked along the sidewalk with Armin, as we passed by the house that Eren was afraid of. I looked at it suspiciously and I saw a boy with raven hair walk out the door. He seemed kind of familiar but I shrugged it off and continued walking. However Eren noticed the boy too. That's when he grabbed my wrist and we began running. "Eren why are we running?!" I asked panting. "Doesn't matter Y/n. Just keep running if you want to be in a good mood." Eren replied to my question. I didn't ask anything after that, I just kept running along with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

When we finally got to school I was breathing heavily and was ready to collapse on the ground. However I couldn't do that I needed to go to the office to get my schedule. I wanted to ask Armin to lead me there but he was already gone. I looked around a bit and it seemed that Eren and Mikasa were gone too. Then I look at my watch and it hit me. Only 3 minutes until class starts. I sigh and make my way into the school. I opened the big door and start walking down the hall trying to find the office. This school was big and I was completely lost.

Suddenly I bump into someone. I look up a bit and meet a pair of gray eyes. I look away not wanting to make eye contact. "Tsk. Brat watch where you're going." The boy says to me with the coldest voice possible. "I'm s-sorry." I say looking at my feet. He starts walking away but I gently tap him on the shoulder. He turnes around with the same bored expression as before. "Can you lead me to the office please." I say quietly. He looks at me for a second thinking. "Tsk. Follow me." He finally spoke and turned away from me. We began walking down the halls and not long after come to a stop in front of a dark blue door. I opened it and walked into the room. Right in front of me was a desk and a chair. There was sitting a lady. "Oh you must be Y/n L/n. The new student, and I'm guesing you came here for the schedule." She said smiling at me. I nod and grab the seet of paper from her hands. The lady looks behind me and her smile becomes bigger. "So you already made a friend. I'm guessing that Mr. Ackerman showed you the way here." I look up at her confused. "Huh?" I give her a confused look, but she points behind me. I turn around and remember the boy who hepled me get here.

"Oh yeah. We're not really friends but he did show me how to get here. Thank you..." I say the last part looking at him and trailing off. "Levi." He said with his usual tone. "I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." I say smiling at him, and giving him my hand expecting him to shake it. "Tsk. I'm not touching your filthy hand brat." Hearing his words I go through my bag and grab some wet wipes. I carefully clean my hands and put the wet wipes back in my bag. I reach out my hand again and this time he gives me an annoyed look but shakes it. I turn to face the lady and smile at her, thanking her for giving me the schedule.

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