Chapter 30

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I was sitting in the car looking at the trees passing by. They said it wasn't far but we've been riding this car for 20 minutes.

"How far are we from the festival." I asked wanting to know what's up.

"Y/n, I thought you said you were okay with it." Grace responded.

'Oh god, I have to tell them I wasn't paying attention. Well here we go.'

"I'm sorry, I actually have no idea what I agreed to. I wasn't paying attention." I said bluntly. To be honest it didn't really bother me that they could get mad or I could seem disrespectful. I'm just here because they gave me no other choice.

"I don't want to argue right now, so I'm just gonna tell you but in the future please pay attention when we're talking to you." I rolled my eyes at Grace's words.

"I told you that we're going to pick up the son of some family friends and you agreed. So please be nice to him." She continued.

Oh god...I don't need another person on my nerves. But I guess I'll have to deal with that boy for now.

"As long as he's nice to me, I'll be nice to him." That's some Eren mentality right there. There is one thing that Eren taught me and that is 'If a person is being a bitch, you should also be a bitch.' Now, I don't know how effective this method of thinking is but if it's gonna make life easier then I'm gonna use Eren's method of living.

"Y/n... you're...a difficult person." Ryan said. He had the nerve to say that after they basically forced me to come here. 'Of course I'm gonna be a difficult person to deal with, don't expect me to be nice when you caused me so much pain.'

"Tch...yeah right." I didn't want to stay silent yet I didn't have anything to say to them, so I just said what Levi would've said.

"Oh, it looks like we're here!" Grace exclaimed changing the subject.

I was curious to see this boy. And not because I wanted to befriend him, I just wanted to see if he is going to act like Ryan and Grace are, since they did say they're family friends or something.

We were parked in front of a pale blue house, then somebody opened the door and in my vision was set a pretty tall boy with black hair, brown eyes and freckles. 

"Oh my! He got so big!" Grace said as the boy was approaching the car. Ryan motioned me to move so the boy could sit in the back with me and I did just that. The car door opened and I felt a breeze hit my back.

"Hello Grace, hello Ryan!" The boy, who was now sitting only a few inches away from me, greeted politely. I could see that he turned to face me, even though I was looking out the window.

"You must be Y/n! Grace told me about you." What does Grace even know about me, she has nothing to tell this dude.

"I'm Marco by the way. Nice to meet you." He held his hand for me to shake. I turned to face him a little bit and shook his hand.

"I see you don't talk much." He chuckled. 'You're damn right.' I thought to myself.

"Y/n, would you at least greet the poor boy. He's trying to make a conversation and you're ignoring him." I rolled my eyes before speaking.

"Nice to meet you too." Was the only thing I said before turning away from him again. I leaned my head against the window, once again watching the trees pass by.

"Marco, please have patience with her, she's a little...stubborn." I heard Grace say.


"Y/n, wake up. We're at the festival." A calm voice spoke. 'Huh? When did I even fall asleep?' I opened my eyes and saw Marco with his hand on my shoulder, I pushed his hand away and got out of the car.

"Don't touch me. That's sexual assault." Marco chuckled at my words, I didn't really understand what was funny but whatever.

"Y/n, you're being dramatic."

"I am not. I didn't give you consent." I explained.

"Y/n, I touched your shoulder not other parts of your body." Marco tried defending himself, however I was not having it.

"Well I didn't like it so don't do it again." Who does he think he is?! Trying to act nice and all. I walked further ahead not wanting to walk beside him.

The festival wasn't that crowded. Kids were running around with caramel apples in their hands and couples were here on dates. I remembered that one time Levi brought me to a festival and fed me a caramel apple. God I was so awkward around him back then. Now I just wanna hold him all day and not let go of him ever.

"Aren't the couples here cute!" Grace had a high pitched voice which got on my nerves most of the time.

"They are!" Marco said.

"What do you think Y/n?" Ryan asked. I guess he really wanted me to speak because all he was doing was interrogating me.

"They're ok, I guess."

For the rest of the night we didn't do much, just walked around and ate a few snacks. But I was tired so when I got back home I planned to go straight to my room, however that couldn't be the case.

"So Y/n, what do you think of Marco. Do you like him?" Ryan asked entering the house. 'Don't fucking tell me they're shipping me with Marco.'

"He's alright." I didn't wanna say anything else, I just wanted to get over with this so I could go to my room.

"Just alright?" Grace asked being skeptical.

'Yes, he's just alright. I'm not gonna like anybody else besides Levi.'  I answered in my head, but I didn't want Ryan and Grace to know about Levi, that would cause more questions.

"Yes. Can I go to my room now?"

"Sure, go ahead." Finally they let me go to my room. Now I can call Levi.

I picked up my phone and pressed on his name. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hi Y/n, how are you." His voice sent a smile to my face, it was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on that just made me melt.

"Hello! I'm alright. What about you."

"I'm good but what happened." He knows me so well.

"Okay so now they're trying to set me up with this Marco dude and it's annoying."

"What?! That Marco dude better not put his filthy hands on you or I'm gonna have to attempt murder." He said angrily. I chuckled and continued talking.

"Don't worry, I won't let him put his hands on me. I'm yours only." I smiled. I heard Levi let out a sigh of relief.

"Me too brat. I'm only yours." I was so glad to hear those words.

"Love you Levi."

"Love you more Y/n."

Those were the only words I needed to hear that night.

Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe and happy, byee!!!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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