Chapter 7

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I woke up with a headache. The sheets were covered in sweat. "That's why I hate nightmares." I told myself as I got out of bed. I walked to the mirror and looked at myself. "No. That wasn't a nightmare. That was a memory."

Flashback (10 years ago)

"Y/n do you wanna go out with your sister to the park for a bit?" My mom said looking at me. "Yeah!!!" I loved playing with my sister, she was always good to me, not like that boy at school. I don't remember his name but he always tells me to shut up. And calls me by this weird nickname, I don't really remember it but I think it was brat.

I walked up to the door that led to my sister's room. "Bella, mommy said that you will go with me to the park!" I shouted as I opened the door. I saw my sister on the phone with someone. I think it was her boyfriend. "Alright, just give me a moment ok, Y/n?" She smiled happily and turned her attention back to the phone. I nodded and walked out of her room. I took the box of cereal from the counter, sat on the couch and started eating them.

"Are you ready Y/n?" I saw my sister sit down on one of the chairs and she starting putting on her socks. I looked down at my feet and saw that I had no socks. I must've forgot them. But I was too lazy to go get a pair. I grabbed my shoes and starting putting them on, however my sister stopped me. "Y/n, go put some socks on." She said after she finished putting hers on. "But why can't I wear sneakers without socks?!" I whined. "Because that's unacceptable." She laughed, and stood up from the chair leaving. A couple minutes later she came back with a pair of socks. She kneeled down to my level, took one of my feet and starting putting them on. "See it's not that hard." She giggled and tickled my foot.

We were out of the house and now walking down the street. My sister grabbed my hand and at first I was against it but then she told she will buy me ice cream if I held her hand. So I obeyed. After a few minutes of walking on the sidewalk we heared a melody. "The ice cream truck!!!" I screamed as I threw my hands up in the air. My sister giggled and made a sign for the truck to stop. I walked up to the truck with my sister and looked at the lady. "What can I get for you today?" She looked at me and smiled brightly. "Can I have one (favourite flavour) ice cream, please." I said after looking at the options they had. The lady nodded and put a ball of ice cream on a cone. She handed it to me and my sister payed. After I got my ice cream, my sister took my hand again and we walked to the park. "Bella, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked my sister. "Yes I do. Why?" She replied looking down at me. I thought for a moment, and then I said "Nothing, its you think I'll have a boyfriend when I grow up?" She looked at me confused for a bit. "I'm sure you'll have one. You're a wonderfull girl Y/n." She gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at her.

We were now at the park. I managed to finish my ice cream before we got there. I started running to the swings, because they were my favourite thing but I stopped. I saw that boy again. The one that is always mean to me. He was playing with a toy gun. I walked up to him to try and befriend him one more time. But honestly I was tired of his behaviour. "Hey, I'm sorry but I forgot your name. Would you mind telling it to me?!" I said playing with my thumbs. Once I looked up at him, his face was the same. He didn't smile but I thought it wouldn't hurt if he did cause he would look more approachable. After a few seconds of staring at each other, he lifted his toy gun and pointed it at me. "Bang." He said after he pulled the trigger. Of course nothing happened since it was a toy. I was going to speak up again but he just walked past me and left. "Hmph." I crossed my arms over my chest and walked back to my sister. "I wanna go home. I don't wanna play anymore." I said still annoyed at the boy. My sister had a worried look on her face but she gave in. She took my hand again and started walking back to our house.

"What does brat mean?" I asked my sister. I wanted to know what that boy was calling me, just to make sure it wasn't a bad word. "Let's just say it means a person that has a bad behaviour." My sister explained to me. I was mad. I couldn't belive that he called me a brat. I was not a brat. But how could I know for sure. "Am I a brat?" I turned to my sister desperate to know. "No you aren't." She smiled softly at me.

We were almost at our house. We had just two more streets to cross. We stopped at one of them and were waiting for the light to turn green. However I saw no cars coming and I was getting impatient. I wanted to get home so I could tell mom about the boy that always calls me a brat. So I did a mistake. I crossed the street. I heared my sister yell behind me. "No Y/n, don't cross the street!!!!" But I wasn't able to process anything because the only thing I saw were the lights of a car. I was waiting for the pain to hit me but it didn't. I opened my eyes and started crying. There was my sister on the ground with a piece of glass in her belly. And an uncounscious man in the vehicle. All of this was my fault.

End of flashback

After recalling everything that happened that day I felt cold on the outside but just as much on the inside. I stood there for a few minutes processing everything and then something hit me. "I still don't know that boy's name."


Hey guys its been like ten days since the last chapter and I'm sorry about that. School just started for me and I've been busy. However I decided that I will upload every sunday. If I get a chance I might upload two times a week but that's less likely. Anyways I know its kinda cliche with the whole car crash thing but I actually really like how this chapter turned out. That's all I had to say. Byeee!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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