Chapter 2

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Y/n pov:
I woke up, and looked around. I kinda forgot that I was no longer in my usual house, so I was a bit confused to see the unfamiliar room, but soon I remembered where I was and a smile was set on my face. I felt like I was going to enjoy this year a lot. I turned my head to the side to see a window. Since I arrived late yesterday I didn't take much time to explore the house, so this was all very new to me. I looked out the window and saw the clear blue sky. It was a sunny day, and that means I will be in a good mood today. My mood really depends on the wether.

I heared, something moving above me. I looked up confused only to see planks of wood. That's when I realized that I was sleeping in a bunk bed, and above me was Mikasa. "Morning Y/n" she said once she climbed down the ladder, that was attached to the bed. I gave her a smile and replied with a good morning.

We dressed in some comfy clothes and went down to get breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and breathed in the smell of pancakes. Near the stove was standing a not so tall woman. I guessed she was the one who made pancakes so I greeted her with a good morning. "Ah Y/n! We didn't meet yesterday did we? I'm Carla, Grisha's wife." She said with a smile on her face. "Nice to meet you!" I replied, giving the same smile I always give when I'm happy. "Okay, first you have to eat breakfast, then Eren and Mikasa are going to show you around the neighbourhood and the town so you don't get lost." She said the last part with a chuckle. I grabbed a plate and a fork sat down at the table and began to eat my pancakes, soon I was accompanied by Eren and Mikasa who were also happy to have pancakes for breakfast.

"Y/n, go and get dressed we're leaving in a few minutes!" Eren yelled from his room loud enough for me to hear. "Okay!" I yelled back. I went through my clothes and found a (f/color) dress. Once I put it on, I went downstairs and saw Eren already waiting for me, I put my shoes on and not long after Mikasa came down and put her shoes on aswell. "Mom, we're leaving!" Yelled Eren as he opened the door. "Okay, be safe and don't come home too late!" Carla said, her voice coming from the kitchen so I'm guessing that's where she was.

"Okay so first I have to tell you about our neighbours." Eren said to me as we started walking down the street. "I'm excited!!! I'm sure it'll be fun!" I replied with an excited voice. And I really was excited to meet Eren's friends that were also his neighbours, but I was nervous aswell. "Here lives a boy named Armin." Eren said pointing at a house that was right by our home. "Is he...nice?" I asked nervously while looking at Eren. "Yes, he's the nicest person i know." "Okay. I hope I can become friends with him too." I said as I began felling more confident. "Oh belive me you will become good friends with him." Said Eren calmly. We walked up to the door and Eren knocked. After a few seconds a blond boy with bright blue eyes opened the door. "Eren! Mikasa! And..." He said looking confused as he glared at me. "Y/n. Nice to meet you." I said looking in his ocean blue eyes. "Oh hi. I'm Armin, nice to meet you." He replied looking back into my (e/c) eyes. "She's an exchange student and she will be staying in our home." Eren explained. "That's great!" Said Armin with an excited tone. Maybe its not going to be that bad. I thought as I started to walk down the sidewalk along with Eren, Mikasa and Armin.

"Okay let's go the opposite way since the only thing exciting there is Armin's house." Said Eren while walking the opposite direction from Armin's house. I nodded and followed them. We passed our house and stopped in front of the next one. Mikasa went up to the door and was ready to knock when Eren stopped her. "M-Mikasa, I-I think we s-shouldn't knock, let's just pass by this one." Eren said stuttering and with fear in his voice and eyes. Mikasa nodded and started to walk back to the sidewalk. I looked at Armin who didn't say anything. He just looked at Eren and Mikasa, a bit of fear also could be seen on his features. I was confused but shrugged it off, and continued walking with my friends.

We walked down the sidewalk a bit more until we reached another not so big house. Armin knocked on the door and we all waited for someone to answer. After one more knock the door opened and a tall figure appeared at the door frame. "What's up horse face." Said Eren with an annoyed tone, looking at the boy in front of him. "Eren, be nice." Said Mikasa calm. "Hey Jean." Said Armin with a smile on his face. "Oh hey" said the boy that I guessed was Jean. He looked at me confused and I opened my mouth to introduce myself but Armin spoke. "This is Y/n. She's an exchange student and is staying with Mikasa and Eren. "That's nice." Said Jean, while looking at me. Once his eyes were set on mine he spoke again. "I'm Jean." He said not taking his eyes from mine. "Hi, I'm Y/n." I said giving him a smile.

Jean didn't end up joining us on the rest of the trip but I didn't mind. Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I walked to a cafe. We sat down at a table and ordered our dirnks. "I'll have a coke please." Said Eren and the Mikasa followed "I would like green tea." Armin didn't take long to say his order "I want a milkshake." And then the waiter looked at me. "I would like a (f/drink) please." I say looking back at the waiter. He wrote down our order and walked away. Armin looked at me with an excited expression on his face. It wasn't long until he spoke up. "So Y/n, tell me about you, like where do you come from, what's your favourite food and do you like books?" I chuckeled and answered the questions I was asked. "I came here from (your country), and my favourite food is (f/food) and unfortunately I don't really read but I really should." I say the last part a bit embarassed. "That's ok. I can show you a few books that you might like." Said Armin, his voice full of hope. "I would love that. Thanks Armin." I replied, smiling at the cute boy in front of me.

Once we finished drinking we talked for a little longer about different topics. We started talking about the fact that I'll be going to school tomorrow, which was thankfully the same school as the one Armin, Mikasa and Eren are going to. And ended our conversation discussing why is soccer better than football. Once we left the cafe we headed home.

We said our goodbyes to Armin and stepped inside our home. I took my shoes off while Eren and Mikasa did the same. It was now evening which means that we were out all day, and I was exhausted. I heared Carla and Mr, Jaegar having a conversation in the kitchen, but I didn't concentrate enough to be able to hear what they were saying. After we came inside we greeted Mr. Jaegar and Carla and went into our rooms. Once I was in my room, I let Mikasa come in of course and then closed the door. I changed into something comfy and sat in my bed while scrolling through my phone. I came across a post on instagram. I looked at it and felt slightly sad seeing that all my friends from home were hanging out today. I saw my best friend Emma looking at the camera and smiling while also doing a peace sign. I looked at the people that were around her and saw my other best friend Daniel, looking off to the side with his arms crossed. I let a small laugh escape thinking that he was probably forced to be in the picture. I missed them a lot but I think the decision to come here was the best. I got under my blanket and Mikasa walked up the ladder to get into her bed. "Hey Mikasa?" I said with a tired voice, that was just above a whisper but was loud enough for Mikasa to hear me. "Yeah?" She replied, and from her tone I could tell that she was tired too. "Why didn't we knock on that door?" I asked curiously. "Because Eren is scared of a certain person that lives there." I was a bit surprised at the answer but didn't think anything of it. "Okay. Thanks for telling me, and also goodnight Mikasa." I said closing my eyes. "Goodnight Y/n." And after those words I fell asleep and was ready to let a beautiful dream take over me.

Hey, guysss. This is the second chapter, I tried to make it longer but if it turned out boring i'm sorry. Anyways hope you guys still enjoyed this.

From Lin to Reader-chan♥️

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