Chapter 9

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We were walking down the road. It was pretty since it was dark and all the street lights were on. Levi was still holding my hand. I must've blushed the whole way here. But we finally arrived to the festival. It was very very pretty and unique. We didn't have many festivals in my country so this was all kind of new to me. "What do you want to do first?" Levi asked letting go of my hand. "I don't know. You pick." I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. There were a lot of things to keep you occupied. Like cotton candy, a ferris wheel, caramel apples, and more traditional food stands. "Very well then. Let's get caramel apples." He took my hand again and dragged me through the crowd. "Levi, I don't have any money on me." I looked to the ground. I heared him click his tongue before he spoke. "Well you weren't gonna pay anyway. Remember I'm doing this as an apology so you don't have to worry about money." I still felt uncomfortable but I didn't fight back since I know Levi wouldn't change his mind. "One caramel apple please." The worker nodded and gave him an apple. I looked at Levi confused. I thought he was gonna eat one aswell. "Aren't you eating one?" Levi looked at me and smirked. "I am." He said taking a bite from the apple. I didn't really understand what he had in mind but I brushed it off. We walked to a bench that was away from all the people so it was quiter. "Y/n look at me." Levi ordered. I turned my head to look at him. The lights were illuminating his face. He was beautiful. "Y/n, what are you thinking. You can't fall for him." I told myself. Without having another chance to think Levi brough the apple to my lips. "Take a bite Y/n." He said calmly. I looked him in the eyes and nodded 'no'. He clicked his tongue and put his hand on my thigh. When I gasped Levi put the apple in between my teeth. And since it was already in my mouth I took a bite. " it good?" He asked me taking a bite himself from the other side of the apple. I felt my face warm up so I'm guessing I was blushing very much, but I found the words to respond. "Y-yes." Levi giggled as I looked away. I turned my head to face him again. I never heared Levi giggle. And I don't think anybody has.

He fed me the apple until it was finished. "Let's go to the ferris wheel." I suggested taking Levi's hand. Now I was the one smirking and Levi was the surprised one. We made our way to the ticket booth and he payed for two tickets. We were standing in line waiting until Levi broke the silence. "Once we are in the ferris wheel, remind me that I wanted to tell you something." I was confused but agreed to what Levi said. After a few minutes we were in the ferris wheel. I sat on the opposite side of Levi. I wasn't sure when to remind him but I waited a bit. I sat up from my seat and looked out the window. You could see the whole city from here. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. The wheel was moving rather fast and quickly we were at the top. That's when I spoke. " wanted to tell me something." I reminded him as he reqested. He looked away for a bit but then his eyes met mine. "Look Y/n...I'm sorry." He said still looking at me. My eyes widened and I smiled softly. I got up from my seat to hug him but he stopped me. "No. Let me finish. I'm sorry for being an asshole to you. I didn't mean what I said the other day. I do see you as a friend, it's just that I don't want to admit it. And thank you for not leaving me alone even after what I said." After he finished apologizing he hugged me. I hugged him back and put my head on his shoulder. And just like that I fell asleep.

Levi pov:
I heared Y/n's soft breath. She fell asleep while hugging me. How cute. It was already pretty late so no wonder she was tired. The ferris wheel came to a stop and we had to get off, but I didn't want to wake Y/n up. So i carried her bridal style. She was wearing a beautiful (f/c) dress. The street light were making her hair look sparkly. "God what am I thinking. I can't fall for her." I mentally face palmed and continued carring her.

I reached her front door but it was almost midnight and I didn't want to wake anyone up. So I did the best thing I could do. I took her to my house, and as soon as Y/n wakes up she's gonna go to her house. I opened my door and put her in my bed. I had a couch in my living room but I didn't want her to sleep on the couch. What if she fell off and hurt herself. I went and took a shower and returned to my room. She was still sleeping. I got myself a blanket and a pillow, layed down on the floor and fell asleep. "I hope her parents aren't gonna kill me."


Hey guys, here's the chapter. I tried to make it cute but idk if I succeded. Anyways I'm sorry that Levi's personality is not really how it should be. I'm fully aware that Levi wouldn't probably act like this. But its just more fun if he does. Anywas this is all I had to say, until next time!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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