Chapter 31

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I stood before the gates of my new school, thoughts filling my head. Today was my first day back at this new school, which was smaller than the last one I went to, which meant that there was gonna be more attention on me. Maybe I can get away with just not talking to anyone and they'll realize I'm not an approachable person. More kids entered the school and me, feeling a bit more confident I took a step forward.

I went straight to the reception desk to get my schedule, a middle aged woman with a white shirt, black hair and green eyes stood there reading a book.

"Um...excuse me?" I quietly spoke as the woman's gaze fell upon me.

"How can I help you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm the new student. Y/n L/n, and I came to get my schedule."

"All right... just a moment." She typed something on her computer and then printed a paper handing it out to me.

"Here you go. If you need any help finding the classrooms just ask a student, they're pretty friendly." I nodded ignoring her last comment. I can find a classroom on my own I'm not that stupid. I glanced down at the paper and it seemed like my first lesson was Biology, on the paper it also said the number of the classroom so I guess that's gonna help me find it easier. I was supposed to enter the door which had 208 on it, and currently I was passing by some doors which had 200, so it can't be that far, i think I'm going in the right direction.

I found the classroom and entered, there were only five minutes until the class started. I looked around and it was a small classroom, much smaller than the one at my previous school. I took a seat in the back and put the books on my desk. I prompted my chin on my hand and observed every student. It was true, they did seem friendly but you know what they say, 'Don't judge a book by its cover.'

The teacher entered the classroom, slamming his bag on the table and sitting on the chair, at his desk.

"Alright everyone the bell has rung, please take your seats and get ready for attendance." The teacher was an old man, with a grumpy face and a bored tone in his voice. He started calling the student one by one, each of them raising their hand once their name was called.

"Oh! Looks like we have a new name on here..." God does he have to make it so obvious?!

"Y/n L/n! Is she here?!" I awkwardly raised my hand from the back. He looked through the students and laid his eyes on me.

"Oh you're pretty small so it was rather hard to see you from here." He chuckled and moved on. 'Well thanks to him now the whole class knows I'm a short kid.'

Biology was as boring as ever. The only thing I learned was that the teacher's name was Mr. Pixis and something about chromosomes but I wasn't really paying attention to that. Now I was in the maths classroom and lesson was starting in ten minutes. My plan of not talking to anyone and just staying on my own was going smoothly so far. There were two boys and a girl sitting two desks in front of me. It was looking like they were arguing about something, suddenly one of the boys started approaching me. 'I think I jinxed it.'

"Hey there! You're the new kid right?" He had a scary looking face. Small, hazel eyes and blonde hair.

"Yep." I said popping the p. The girl and the boy that probably told him to come and talk to me were snickering.

"Well, you're pretty cute. Wanna come stay with us?" Don't tell me he was the type of guy who flirts with any girl he lays eyes on.

"No thanks, I'm good here." I said looking off to the window.

"Oh come on Reiner. You scared the girl." The other boy said. He started walking towards me as well, and when he stood up it was like the Eiffel Tower was standing before me. He was so tall it was scary.

"Sorry for his behavior. I'm Bertholdt by the way." Why were they making this so difficult. All I needed to do was to just stay on my own, but they were making this impossible.

"Y/n." I said coldly.

"That's a pretty name you got there!" The Reiner guy said a bit too loud for my liking.

"Seriously, you should come and stay with us." He insisted. I rolled my eyes and moved to sit at the desk behind them. The girl who was sitting at the desk had a cold glare which reminded me a bit of Mikasa. She eyed me suspiciously for a few more seconds before speaking.

"Annie." Was the only thing she said. I nodded and that Reiner dude started talking again.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he really think he would have a chance with me.

"That's none of your business." I didn't tell him about Levi, I mean I just met him, he doesn't need to know everything.

"Reiner, you should really shut your mouth. You always say the wrong things, that's why you're still single." The blonde girl, who I learned had the name Annie said.

"Annie, shut up." He glared at her trying to look scary, and if I didn't hear him talk I would actually be kind of scared but after I heard what kind of sentences come out of his mouth I just wanted to laugh at him.


The rest of the day went smoothly, most of the time I just ignored what the Reiner guy or his friends had to say. Now I was almost back home. I had to walk from school and I didn't mind since it was the only time I got to myself. I opened the door to the beige house which I lived in. It still didn't feel like home and I doubt I'll get used to it. Carla and Grisha's house felt more like a home than my own house back home sometimes and that's why I really liked spending time there, but here I feel like a stranger.

"Hi Y/n!" I was immediately greeted by Grace once I walked inside.


"I invited Marco over, he'll be here in a few minutes. I thought you two could get to know each other better." My hands curled into fists when I heard her sentence. Doesn't she get the hint?! I stormed off to my room without saying anything else.

'Why is my life so difficult?!'

Hello guys, I hope you're having a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe and happy, I'll see you next time. Byee!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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