Chapter 23

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"You know it sucks that you can't drive." I tell Levi while holding his hand and walking down the sidewalk.

"Well I'm gonna be able to when I turn eighteen." He tells me.

I stay silent for a moment thinking. I realized that I don't even know when his birthday is, well this is the moment to ask him.

"You never told me when your birthday is."

"Tch. Well neither have you." He replies with his famous 'tch'. I just shook my head lightly before continuing.

"Mine is on (birthday date)."

He sighed before speaking.

"25th December."

"Oh my god!!! That's so cool Levi!!!" I was so excited, his birthday is on Christmas day. That was like my dream when I was a child, to have my birthday on Christmas. And besides that his birthday is gonna be in like one week.

"Here we go..." He said before I started rambling on and on about it.

"Why didn't you tell me! Your birthday is like one week away, I have to think of a good gift and we're gonna have so much fun!!" I said excited.

"Don't get too excited cause I don't celebrate it." He replied.

"Huh?" I asked dumbly. What does he mean he doesn't celebrate his birthday. Birthdays are something that are supposed to be celebrated.

"Look brat, I never liked to be in the centre of attention, so I never celebrated it." He explained.

"Well not this year. This year you're gonna have so much fun!" I hugged him tightly. Levi shook his head and patted me on the head.

"Oh by the way, where are we going?" I was so focused on talking to Levi that I forgot to ask where we were going.

"Not telling." He said plainly.

"Awhhh, but I wanna knowwww." I started whining, hoping that would annoy him and he would tell me. But that didn't work, not that I expected it to.

"Still not telling...but you look cute."

"Oh my god! I can't believe it, Levi Ackerman called me cute!" I mocked the fan girls he had at school to lighten the mood.

"Shut up." He chuckled.  "We're here." He spoke shortly after.

I looked around me, we were at a diner and it was rather small but it looked cozy. We entered and sat at a table near the window, the waiter came to us and Levi ordered one chocolate milkshake but insisted on having two straws.

"Are you planning on doing that thing where we share a milkshake?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Levi's lips formed a smirk.

"Bingo." I shook my head at him. He could be such a nice person but not many people got to see that. I didn't like the silence that was between us, even if it was a comfortable one, so I decided to break it.

"Let's play a game." I suggested.

"I'm down." He said smiling softly. 'He's so beautiful.' I thought starring at him.

"Brat, I know I'm hot but stop starring and explain that game of yours." He replied once he noticed you looking at him. You rolled your eyes and started explaining.

"Okay so it's called truth or truth. It's basically truth or dare but without the dares."

"Tch, that sounds lame as hell." He protested.

"Oh come on mister 'I don't play peaceful games', play this with me." I pleaded giving him my best puppy eyes I could do.

"Fine, I'll start. What do you find most attractive about me?" He asked looking interested. Well I don't blame him, I would be interested to know too.

"You're eyes or you're hair, I don't know. But really everything about you is attractive so yeah..."

"Okay my turn now. Do you want kids? In the future obviously." I spoke. Levi thought for a second.

"Yeah I do." I smiled softly, he was such a good person, even if he looked mean in reality he wasn't.

"What's your cup size?" Once I heard his question I nearly fell off my seat and my face flushed a deep red color. 'How can he ask me that?!' I panicked on the inside.

"I-I'm not answering that." I said looking off to the side too embarrassed to meet his gaze.

"Not that it matters cause I love you no matter what...but you know...just curious." He added blushing a little himself. I stopped thinking for a second and looked at him. Did I hear that right?

"Did you just say that you love me?" I asked. I watched Levi's cheeks getting just a little bit more red as I said that.

"Yeah...I did."

"Well, I love you too." Even though I was looking calm, I was freaking out on the inside. We just said 'I love you' to each other and that's the first time those words even left my mouth other than telling them to my parents. My little freak out session was interrupted by the waiter bringing us the milkshake. I grabbed my straw and put it in the milkshake, I started drinking it like it was my first time drinking something. Levi put his straw in as well but before he took a sip he chuckled.

"What?!" I asked. Instead of giving me a response he took his thumb and wiped my nose.

"You had whipped cream on your nose brat." He licked his thumb making me blush again.

The rest of the date went well. We played that game a little bit more and then Levi paid the bill.

"I'm tireddd." I whined walking besides Levi. He sighed, walked in front of me and bent down.

"Hop on!" He said.

"Yayyy!!! A piggyback ride!!!" I squealed while jumping on his back.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are." I started singing.

"What are you doing brat." I heard Levi say, though I didn't respond.

"Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are." I finished singing and leaned forward a bit to look at Levi.

"You know I meant what I said earlier. I love you."

"Love you too Y/n."


Hello, here I am back with the long chapters again. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time! Byeee!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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