Chapter 34

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I woke up earlier than usual today to pack necessary things for the secret trip I'll be taking. I still can't believe Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt would go through all that trouble for me. I was careful to not be loud since everybody was still sleeping. I figured this was the best time to pack my things since Grace and Ryan work from home so they're basically here all day and it would be hard to put things in a backpack without them noticing. I haven't asked Annie how are we gonna get there tomorrow night, she said I shouldn't worry about it and she has everything under control so that's what I've been trying to do.  I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 AM, which means I still had thirty minutes before I needed to meet Annie.

I got ready rather fast and ate my breakfast which was just some toast and scrambled eggs. After I put my dishes in the sink, I got my shoes on and got out of the door careful to not wake anyone up. I saw Annie waiting for me at her usual turn, I checked my watch and I was two minutes early so this was good.

"You're not late today, good job." I smiled at her praising me.

"But you have bags under your eyes." She continued. I guess going to sleep late and waking up early would lead to bags under your eyes.

"Yeah I went to sleep kind of late and woke up earlier than usual." I explained.

"And what did you do?"

"Oh, just put some stuff into a backpack, like water, snacks, a charger, necessary things you know?" She was looking at me while I was speaking listening to everything I had to say.

"Only that?" 'Do I need to pack something else?'

"Uh...yeah. Why?" I asked.

"Well we're going to be sleeping there, we'll stay there over the weekend so pack some clothes or something." 'Wait! We're staying there over the weekend?! I thought she was gonna bring me there just so I can stay one or two hours and then bring me back, but I guess not.'

"And where are you guys gonna be sleeping?"

"We'll figure something out, don't stress about it." She waved her hand in front of my face saying it was an unnecessary thing to worry about. 

As we got closer to the school, as usual Reiner and Bertholdt could be seen waiting for us.

"Yo Y/n, ready for today?" Reiner slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Ready for what?"

"We have cooking class first, you're gonna have so much fun with me, you don't even know." He said, excitement clear in his voice.

"I can't even cook." The best thing I could make was toast and even that I messed up sometimes.

"Don't worry, you got me." Can he cook? He sounds confident.

"Reiner, you can't cook shit. Don't think I forgot that one time you came to my house and put a metal bowl in the microwave." Annie said, bringing Reiner's confidence down.

"Hey, don't tell Y/n that!"

"What were you trying to do?" I asked amused.

"I wanted to cook eggs..." he said looking off to the side.

"In the microwave?" I questioned.

"Don't give me that look, you're not better than me!"

"At least I know that if you put a metal bowl in the microwave you can die. And to top it off if you put raw eggs in the microwave, they explode and make a mess." I said proud of myself for knowing that, it was pretty interesting considering Hange told me that. She said she has done it before and they exploded.

"Well today we're making pancakes so no need to use the microwave!" Reiner said.

"We'll be in groups of four anyway, so I'm not gonna let you to do dumb shit as always." I trusted Annie. I knew she was skilled in most of things she does and if that means cooking then I'm glad.

Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner and I put our aprons on and started getting the ingredients ready.

"Okay class, today you'll make pancakes. I've wrote the recipe on the blackboard so please follow it carefully." The teacher said and we began to cook.

"Okay so first we have to crack two eggs." I said reading the steps that were written on the blackboard.

"Y/n, can you crack eggs?" Annie asked unsure.

"Of course I can!" I've cracked eggs before, so I think I'll be ok.

"Reiner, you should put the flour in a separate bowl. I hope you can do that at least." Annie continued giving each of us different things to do.

"Bertholdt, you can mix the ingredients after we're done putting them in."

I cracked the first egg. A success, now it was time for the second one. As I was trying to crack it Reiner accidentally hit my elbow.

"Fuck Reiner! Now there's an eggshell in my bowl!" I glared at him, and he responded with a smirk.

"Well I can't be the only one who does things wrong." He shrugged returning to whatever he was doing. I managed to take the eggshell out of the bowl, and heard a thud. I looked at Reiner who now had flour on the half of his face.

"So you can't even put flour in a bowl." Annie shook her head with disappointment. We helped Reiner clean up the mess he made and continued following the recipe. Bertholdt turned on the mixer and started mixing just like Annie told him.

"See Reiner? This is why I trust Bert and not you." I chuckled lightly at their little argument.

After some time our pancakes were done and someone had to take the first bite.

"Who's gonna take the first bite?" Bertholdt asked looking at the stack of pancakes which was beautifully placed on a plate.

"Reiner, cause if he gets ill it won't really matter." Annie stated.

"Would you stop being mean to me?!" Reiner argued but took a fork and cut a small piece of pancake. We looked at his features and tried to figure out what was going through his head.

" it...good?" I asked unsure, I mean, Annie basically made them so it couldn't be that bad.

"They taste like shit." Reiner said putting his fork down.

"You're just saying that to make me mad." Annie took her fork and took a small bite.

"It tastes good you idiot."

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I actually have no clue how to cook pancakes so this was interesting to write haha. Anyways, I'll see you next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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