Chapter 5

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It was now Friday. The math class was about to finish and chemistry was about to start. Since it's my first time having chemistry at this school I was excited to see how it goes. I heared the bell ring and got up from my seat. "Oi, do you know how to get to class?" Levi asked me. "Yes I know. But I'm gonna go buy something from the vending machine on the way." I told him while grabbing my backpack and heading towards the door. "Hang on, I'm coming with you." He said trying to keep up with my pace.

We got to the vending machines and I bought apple juice and Levi got ice tea.
"Why do you always drink tea?" I asked him after taking a sip of my juice. "Cause it's the best drink." He said looking at my apple juice with a slightly disgusted look on his face. "Hey don't you dare look at my apple juice like that!" I yelled at him noticing the look on his face. "Yeah, yeah whatever brat. Let's go to class."

We got into the classroom and I started looking around for a seat. "Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!!" Someone shouted my name and I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Hange waving her hand and waiting for me to notice her. I waved back and made my way towards her. I took a seat beside Hange and started looking around the classroom. Levi didn't seat beside me he sat more in the back. "Hey Y/n are you ready for class?!" Hange asked bouncing in hear seat excited. "Uh yeah. I haven't seen you in our school until now, what's up with that?" I asked looking at her. "Oh well I figured we have just one class together which is chemistry. But don't worry we can hang out at shorty's house, I bet he doesn't mind." She finished the last part chuckling. I smiled back and heared the bell. My attention turned to the teacher.

"Okay class today we're working in pairs, so please pick someone." I looked at the people around me. Everyone was picking their friends or just the person besides them. I looked at Hange and she had the biggest smile on her face as always. After I paired with Hange we were asked to do some experiments. So we put on our safety glasses and coats and began the experiment. I noticed that Hange was really good at chemistry and that made the lesson fun for me. Once the bell rang I took off my coat and glasses. Me and Hange made my way towards Levi so we could exit the school together. "Y/n and Levi can you come here for a second?" The teacher called us. I looked at Levi and he shrugged so I just made my way to the teacher. "Can you two go to the music room and bring the papers on the desk?" We nodded and left the classroom with Hange. "I'll walk you two to the classroom." Hange said walking in front of us. Levi rolled his eyes and I chukled. Once we stepped into the classroom we heared Hange yell. "Okay bye guys, hope you have fun!!!" Then we heared the sound of keys locking the door. "Oi shitty glasses, come back here!" Levi shouted at Hange who was already gone. I sighed and decided to look for the papers. "How did she even get the keys?" I asked looking at the desk. "I don't know." Levi sighed and came beside me to help me look for the papers. We found them and I grabbed half of them and Levi the other half. We were prepared to leave somehow but we heared voices heading towards the classroom.

"Come onnn Jean. I just want to show you that I can play piano." A girl said. "Shit its Petra. If she finds the two of us here alone she's gonna tell the whole school that we're dating or something." Levi said while looking around for a place to hide. Just as they reached the door Levi shoved me under the desk. He hid under the desk aswell. I looked at him with my eyes wide and he just mouthed to me 'shut up'. "Petra the door is locked. Let's go back." I heared the boy outside the door say. I think I remember him from the day that Armin, Eren and Mikasa showed me around the neighbourhood. "That's why I got the key from the janitor." The girl that I guessed was Petra said. I sat beside Petra the other day, I don't think she liked me though.

We heared the door open and two people walking inside the classroom. Luckily the the piano was on the other side of the classroom so you wouldn't notice what's under the desk if you walked up to it. I heared the playing of the piano, I don't really know calssical music so I don't know what piece Petra was playing but it was beautiful. After she finished her piece she stood up and was ready to leave. "Okay very pretty Petra. Now let's go." Said Jean. Just as they were about to leave Levi lost his balance and fell on me which caused me to squeal. "Wait Jean. Did you hear that?" Petra asked Jean, I couldn't see what she was doing but I think she was looking for us. "Yeah I did. Someone might be in here." Jean said. I heared the footstept getting closer to the desk. Levi and I didn't move and didn't breathe hoping they would leave. But soon enough I looked up and saw Petra's face. "What are you two doing here?!!!"


Hi guys. Sorry I didn't update for like 10 days, but I have a lot of activities and I'm still trying to manage my schedule. Anyways this chapter was fun to write and I hope you guys liked it as well.

From Lin to Reader-chan♥️

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