Chapter 46

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Y/n pov

Did I still like Levi? Yes, no doubt. But how can I even face him after what happened. I don't deserve to look into those gorgeous blue eyes or to run my hands through his soft black hair, and I certainly don't deserve to feel his lips on mine. Why does he even bother to make a conversation, if I was in his place I would tell myself to get lost, I mean...I'm sure I hurt him when I left without saying anything.

"Y/n, you ok?" I turned my head to look at Eren.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I told him trying to sound as chill as possible.

"It's him isn't it?" Eren knows me so well. I nodded my head looking at the floor.

"Y/n, I know you feel guilty but...he's giving you another chance, don't you wanna take advantage of that?" I did want to take advantage of it. But it's wrong...I wasn't raised like this, to take advantage of people's kindness. Honestly...Levi should know better than this.

"I'm getting a headache thinking about this." I said lifting my hand up to hold my head. I looked at the clock to check the time. 11:55 AM. Only five minutes till lunch break. What am I gonna do? Tell Levi to just leave me alone because I'm scared I'll hurt him again or just tag along with him?

"Y/n, you can go to lunch break me and Eren will handle this." Annie said smirking. She knew about Levi and she's trying to get me to go out with him.

"I-" I tried to find an excuse not to go but Annie cut me off.

"Y/n, just go. The guy is head over heels for you." I sighed and went to the back to change into my normal clothes. I walked over to Levi's table and saw him working on a project on his laptop.

"I-I'm ready." I told him when I was close enough.

"Okay, let's go then." He said closing his laptop and sitting up from his chair.  We walked towards the door and I tried to open it but he stopped me and opened it himself.

"Ladies first." He said motioning me to exit the Starbucks. A blushed creeped up on my cheeks but I tried to hide it looking at the ground.

"S-so where are we going?" I decided to break the silence.

"I was the park. You down?" I hummed in response.

"So, what brings you here in Japan?" I guess I can't avoid talking to him.

"I-I'm s-studying here." I said shyly. Why was I stuttering...oh right, because I'm fucking nervous.

"Interesting...and what are you studying?" He continues.

"Photography." He hummed, not saying anything else, awkward tension filling the air.

"W-what about y-you?"

"Oh I'm studying business." Well that's something I expected, Levi was a really smart guy so I figured he'd want to study something like that.

"T-that's cool." I heard Levi sigh and look at me.

"Y/n, you don't have to be this nervous ok?" What?! He could tell I was nervous? Well I guess my stuttering doesn't help.

"I'm not n-nervous." I said looking away. 'Yeah, his totally gonna believe that Y/n.'

"Y/n, you're stuttering. Look, if you're not interested in me anymore just tell me. There's no point in trying if you don't want anything to do with me." I could tell he was sad. But he understood things wrong, I need to explain everything to him.

" don't understand." I began shaking my head lightly.

"I just...don't wanna hurt you anymore. I know I already did and I can't forgive myself for that, and now I might cause you even more pain without realizing it." My voice was shaky and tears were ready to fall. This was a difficult subject to talk about, at least for me.

He took my warm hands in his cold ones and looked me in the eyes.

"Y/ didn't hurt me. I know you were trying to do a good thing, to come and visit me since I missed you so much, it wasn't your fault it all turned out like that." How can he still think like that. I don't deserve this man.

"No, that's wro-"

"Don't finish that sentence Y/n. It's not wrong. Yes, maybe I was hurt, but one thing I know for sure. I wasn't hurt by you and I never will be." He cupped my cheeks with his hands, wiping the tears away with his thumb. God I missed his gentle touch on my skin.

"Please Y/n..." he looked in my e/c eyes once again.

"Let me show you how much I love you." He looked at me with soft eyes, different from how they were usually.

"No, no, no, no!!!" I shook my head tears running down my cheeks aggressively.

" don't have to show me anything. Let me make up for what I did. Let me love you." I didn't waste another second, I locked my lips with his and he kissed me back.

I was on cloud nine. I forgot how soft his lips were and how well they fit with mine. I wasn't gonna hurt him ever again. I was going to give him everything he wanted. No...everything he needed. I was going to make up for all those lost years.

We pulled apart, looking in each other's eyes. Suddenly Levi started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I raised an eyebrow amused myself a little bit.

"You're so stubborn brat." He said patting my head and smiling down at me. I chuckled and looked up at his eyes.

"Hey Levi."


"I want to be yours again." I said closing my eyes and putting my head on his chest, hearing his steady heart beat.

"You can be mine again." He told me softly kissing my forehead.

"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, but you took the words out of my mouth." He continued.

"Well, too bad." I chuckled lifting my head up and intertwining our hands together. 

'I wanna stay like this...forever.'

Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was thinking, after I finish this story, I want to make a Eren x reader so if you guys would like that please comment. Anyways, bye guys!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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