Chapter 38

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"So what are we doing today Y/n?" Eren asked playing with a pencil he found on the floor.

"Oh well, I thought I could introduce you some new friends I made while I was gone."

"Tch, new friends..." I knew Levi didn't really like meeting new people but he had to give them a chance.

"Actually I'll call them now. I just need to take my phone from the kitchen." I sat up from Levi's lap.

"Where do you think you're going?" He pulled me back down and held me tighter so I couldn't get out of his grip.

"Eren, can you get my phone please?"

"Sure thing Y/n." He got up from the floor and went to the kitchen to get my phone. A minute later he came back with the device.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and he gave me his smirk which people often found annoying. I looked through my contacts searching for Annie's number and when I saw it I pressed on it and put the phone up to my ear.

"Yes?" She picked up after some seconds.

"Would you, Bert and Reiner want to hang out with us today?"

"Us?" She questioned.

"Oh yeah me and my friends." She was silent for a few seconds thinking about it.

"Alright we'll be there in thirty minutes." She hung up without giving me a chance to say goodbye.

"Done!" I said bringing my phone down from my ear.

"Oh by the way Levi, I heard you got a little jealous while I was away." I smirked at him. It wasn't often I got to tease him.

"Who told you that?!"

"That guy over there." I pointed at Eren giggling.

"You damn brat!" Levi pushed me off his lap and grabbed Eren by the collar.

"You dare embarrass me in front of
Y/n?" I could see sweat building up on Eren's forehead. I wasn't too scared for his life since I knew Levi wouldn't actually hurt him. Eren looked at me for help but he quickly noticed the smirked which was plastered on my lips, after that he got a bit more brave.

"Yeah..." He said a smirk also tagging at his lips. 'Some popcorn would be perfect.' The little show they were putting on was rather interesting.

"You're being brave showing that smirk of yours Jaeger. If you weren't Y/n's brother I'd punch you right in that annoying face of yours." Levi scowled at Eren, finally releasing the grip he had on his collar. 

We discussed a bit more, laughing together and just catching up. I told them about how Ryan and Grace weren't my favorite people in the world and they agreed with me. I was finally away from them and I felt strangely free. My phone rang, startling all of us. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

"What's up Annie."

"We're here." I hung up and sprinted outside, I was so excited to introduce them. I opened my door and saw them standing on the sidewalk. They spotted me and started walking closer.

"Hey!" I waved at them with my usual cheerful tone.  They nodded and I moved out of the way to let them in. I guided them to the living room, where everyone was.

"Okay, this is Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt." They bowed simultaneously.

"And these are Mikasa, Levi and Eren." They all sat up from the floor and bowed. I saw Levi eyeing Reiner and Bertholdt suspiciously and I knew exactly what he was thinking, but I didn't say anything.

"So Y/n, who's your boyfriend?" Levi didn't give me the chance to speak.

"I am." His brow was arched giving Reiner a glare.

"Yeah...uh Y/n, you have uh...good men." Was Reiner intimidated, well this was kind of funny.

"I know!" I smiled slinging an arm around Levi's shoulder.

"Oh by the way is Armin home? I wanna see him too." I continued.

"Yeah he should be, let's go." Eren started walking towards the door and we followed him.

"Who's Armin?" Annie asked following us.

"Just another really good friend of mine." I said.

We got to Armin's door and Mikasa knocked. The door opened after a few seconds revealing Armin.

"Oh hi Mikasa, Eren, Levi and...Y/n?!" His eyes widened upon seeing me.

"Yup! I'm here!" I pushed Eren aside and gave Armin a hug. 

"I missed you Y/n!" He said hugging me back.

"Look Armin, I brought some friends with me." I pointed towards Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner. Armin looked at them and stepped forward.

"H-hello, I'm A-armin. Nice to meet you." He bowed at a ninety degree level while looking at them. I noticed he stuttered when he looked at Annie. 'Is he nervous?' A smirk tugged at my lips.

"Y-yeah...nice to meet you." Annie spoke. 'Wait, was she- blushing?!' Oh this is gonna be so interesting.

"Let's go somewhere, all of us." I suggested taking Levi by the hand.

"Where?" Eren questioned.

" the cinema."

"That sounds fun to me." Eren shrugged walking behind me and Levi.


We arrived to the cinema just on time for a horror film.

"This looks scary, I want to watch it!" I pointed at the movie I wanted to watch.

"Y-y/n, I don't know about that." Armin said scratching his nape.

"Come on Armin, you can sit besides Annie, I'm sure she's not scared." I suggested, smirking at him. He looked like he wanted to protest for a second but didn't say anything.

"O-okay." He nodded his head walking towards the popcorn stand.


We were one hour into the movie and so far I've spilled popcorn over Levi every time there was a jump-scare.

"Y/n, let me hold that." He offered taking the popcorn from my lap and putting it on his own. I leaned forward to look at Annie and Armin, when there was another jump-scare I noticed Annie clinging a bit onto Armin. 'I thought it would be reversed, but this is good too.' They were both so cute.


After the movie we were all shaky, so we decided to go eat something, and we voted for pizza.

Levi pov

The girls went off to order the pizza and now it was just me, Jaeger, coconut head and those other two guys I didn't bother to learn the name of. One of them, the blonde one looked at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him getting annoyed.

"Look man...I'll tell you a secret." A secret, what does he have to tell me?

"Go on then." I told him to continue.

"It seems you don't know how the exchange student stuff goes so...just treasure the time you have with Y/n. Don't take it for granted."

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?!'

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you next time. Bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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