Chapter 47

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Levi and I were coming back from our walk hand in hand. He told me that he studied in a different university not too far from mine, maybe fifteen minutes or so, and he didn't live on campus he had his own apartment.

Reaching the doors of the Starbucks, Levi opened the door for me, letting me in. Annie and Eren looked up to meet my eyes.

"You two made up already?" Eren said in a teasing tone. I swear all this boy is doing is tease other people. I rolled my eyes a smile tugging at my lips. I looked back at Levi and he went to his table and opened his laptop again.

"We weren't arguing to begin with." I said changing back into my work uniform and getting ready to start the work again. Annie, Eren and I didn't have too many hours left only like two so it wasn't that bad, it's not like this job is exhausting.

"Well...that's true, but you know what I mean. You two are dating again?" Eren continued, arranging the cups.

"Yeah." I smiled to myself. I was so happy that I could finally say that again. 'Levi and I are dating.'

We continued serving costumers, making coffee and chatting when we had time. I noticed Levi didn't leave and he was still at the same table, his laptop screen reflecting in his eyes. I could see he was getting tired, I bet his insomnia doesn't help.

"Levi why are you still here? I can see you're tired, go and take a nap or something." I suggested.

"No, I'm waiting for you cause I wanna drive you back to your campus." I appreciated the thought but I didn't want him to be tired and force himself to stay awake just because of me. He's a human too, he needs rest.

"No, you should go rest." I insisted. He yawned and shook his head no. 'And he was calling me stubborn earlier.'

"I'm fine Y/n, you're almost done anyway." He said waving his hand in front of his face. It was true that the other shift was supposed to start and that meant that I got to go home but still.

I sighed walking away, knowing that I won't be able to convince Levi. When I returned, Annie was already back into her normal clothes and so was Eren. I took this as a sign to go change and gather my things to leave.

When I came back Annie was talking with someone on the phone, I'm guessing it was the person who was gonna pick her up.

"Eren, who are you going with?" Eren looked up from his phone and responded.

"I'm going by foot. You know...gotta lose weight." I laughed at his argument. He's in a perfect shape he doesn't wanna lose weight, he just doesn't wanna admit that nobody offered to take him.

"If you want to Levi could ta-" Eren cut me off before letting me finish the sentence. I was going to give him an opportunity to ride and actual vehicle but okay.

"No Y/n, I'm not riding with Levi." Eren gave his best smile. 'Is he...scared.' I put my hands up, saying I understood and didn't try to convince him anymore.

The bell at the door rang, signaling someone walked in. It was a man, wearing a business suit with a red tie and a black hat on his head. Walking towards the counter, he took his hat off revealing blonde hair. He looked around a bit, as if he was looking for someone. He spotted me and he turned on his heels, now walking towards my figure.

"I'm sorry, I might mistake you for someone else, but by any chance are you...Y/n?" He name? I was confused for a second but as I looked into his blue eyes, I knew who he was. It all made sense now. His voice, his blonde hair and his blue eyes.

"Yes, that's me. And are you by any chance...Armin?" The man chuckled, smiling.

"That would be correct." He leaned in for a hug. I missed Armin so much, I haven't seen him in ages. And not only him, I haven't seen everybody in ages, it's amazing how they all still kept in touch. I hugged him back, smiling.

"Good to see you Y/n. I missed you." He let a deep breath escape from his lips.

"I missed you too." I pulled back to look at his fancy clothing but then I noticed something. I subconsciously lifted my hands to cover my mouth as I gasped.

"You're..." Armin finished my sentence for me.

"Engaged. Yes, I was actually looking for a particular person that happens to be my fiancée." He laughed lightly looking around.  As Annie came in sight I saw his eyes soften. 'This is so cute my heart can't take it.'

"Oh my god Annie, I didn't notice the ring on your finger." I said, my voice still full of shock as Annie gave me a smile. It was a rare thing for her to smile so I'm glad she's happy. Soon the shock was replaced with a smirk.

"I knew this would happen~" I tried to tease them a bit to get a reaction, and fortunately I did. A blush creeped up on Armin's features as Annie chuckled at the sight.

"So how long have you two been engaged for?" I continued, curious to know.

"Six months." Armin said.

"We're actually having our wedding in two months. But we still have to make the invitations." Annie continued, finishing Armin's thought. 'So they want a summer wedding. I like those.'

"And now that you're here, we'll make sure that you're on the list too." Armin said with a smile he always gave.

"Oh you don't have to-"

"No Y/n, we want too." They both nodded their heads. 'I don't deserve to have these kind people as my friends.'

Time skip (two days later)

Levi and I were at the convenience store to buy some wine for our movie night. I made him agree to let me pay, because since we've been dating he pays for everything and that's not fair, so the least I can do is buy some wine for the two of us.

When we were done selecting what kind of wine we wanted, we made our way to the cash register.

"Miss, may I have your ID?" The cashier asked me. 'Damn me for being so short, I look like a kid and I can't even buy wine.' I sighed, reaching for my wallet and taking out my ID, that I always carried with me.

"Oh today's your birthday? Well we have a birthday deal, you can go choose any item from the store and you'll get it for half of the actual price." The cashier explained to me. 'Oh that's kinda nice-'

"Y/n, today's your birthday?!" Oh right, I didn't tell Levi.

"Well you don't need to worry abou-"

"No Y/n, we're having a party."

Hello guys, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, as you see I also brought Armin back hehe. Anyways, I'll see you next time. Bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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