Chapter 24

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"Well aren't you too so cute!" Kuchel said once she saw us coming closer to her house.

"I had so much fun! Thank you Levi." I gave him a peck on the cheek happy. He put me down and began walking towards his door.

"Come on Y/n, you gotta take your books back." He must've seen me looking between his door and my door like an idiot.

"Oh right." I quickly walked up to him who was holding the door opened for me. I got the books I brought which we were supposed to use for studying but we didn't ended up doing what we planned to, and I wasn't complaining.

"Okay, I think I'll better go home cause it's already pretty late. But I had fun!" I said my goodbyes to Kuchel and Levi, then walked up to my house.

"I'm home!" I said once I opened the door. I left my shoes at the entrance but no one was in the living room or in the kitchen. The house was so quiet. 'Maybe they went to the grocery store?' I asked myself confused. But that's less possible, I don't think they would go without telling me. As I walked further down the hallway, voices could be heard and I figured they were coming from Grisha's office, which he often worked in.

"You two need to do something about this!" Eren sounded mad as he spoke.

"Eren, we can't okay?! It's not like we have an option." Grisha said with frustration in his voice. 'What's this all about.' I had no idea what was happening or what were they talking about but I was intrigued, so I walked closer to the door which was locked to hear better.

"Oh is that how it is?! Well then Mikasa what do you think about this?!" Eren spoke again.

"Of course I don't agree with it." Mikasa's voice wasn't nearly as loud as Eren's but I still managed to hear what she said.

"Eren and Mikasa, I need you two to calm down. We're gonna continue this conversation another time, not now when Y/n can get here anytime!" Carla raised her voice to calm down Eren and Mikasa. 'I think I gotta get away otherwise they'll catch me eavesdropping.' I mentally told myself. I could hear steps getting closer to the door so I quickly walked back to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water.

"Oh you're home Y/n!" Carla greeted me happily like she wasn't even raising her voice at her kids a minute ago. I put my best 'I wasn't eavesdropping on you' face and greeted her back.

"Is everything alright?" I decided to ask. She gave me a skeptical look but seems like she brushed it off.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"No idea..." I said putting the glass in the sink and walking to my room. I opened the door and saw Eren and Mikasa sitting on the bed. Eren was eating chips and he was getting crumbs all over my bed.

"No no no Eren, you get up right now and sit on the floor and eat your chips there." I told him.

"Haha okay, okay." He said putting his hands up in defeat.

"Why are you eating chips here anyways?" I asked. He didn't spend much time at all in our room and now he suddenly wants to eat chips here.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe I wanna spend time with my temporary sister." Eren responded. I glared at him but let him stay since I actually liked his company.

"Okay let's play a game." He said putting his chips aside. "It's like 20 questions you know? We just ask each other stuff." 'Oh so basically truth or truth.' I told myself and laughed a bit at the stupid name I gave this game.

"Alright. Mikasa you start cause you haven't said anything yet." I suggested.

"Eren, how many windows have you broken at school?" I looked at Eren curious to know. Deep down I knew he was the kind of guy who would accidentally break the school's windows.

"Like three or four. But hey it's been a while since I've broken one!" He quickly defended himself. We all laughed at his response.

"Mikasa, when will you stop wearing your scarf?" I asked her and I honestly wanted to know. I mean doesn't she feel hot wearing it all the time?

"Never." She simply said. Well then it must be an important scarf.

"Y/n, do you have a hidden talent?" Eren asked. Wow, he was capable of asking a serious question, that's new.

"Well...I can play the piano." I said awkwardly. Not many people know that I can play the piano it's just a little thing I like to keep to myself.

"And you never told us?!! That's a messed up thing to do Y/n." Eren said sounding disappointed.

"You're definitely playing for us one day Y/n." Mikasa added.

"We'll see..."

"What's the most depressing meal you've eaten?" I asked Eren changing the subject. He looked deep in thought for a moment.

"Cold buckwheat." He answered with a sigh and shuddered at the thought. Me and Mikasa laughed at him and continued asking each other silly questions until it was time for dinner.

We all walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat at the table. I thought this was a good time to tell Grisha and Carla about Levi and well that his mother invited us for dinner on the weekend.

"Soo...there's something you need to know." I started. They both looked at me motioning for me to go on.

"You know Levi of course. And well...he's kind of my-"

"Your boyfriend?" Carla finished the sentence for me. I looked towards her a bit shocked, how did she figure it out.

"Yeah..." On the other hand Grisha was surprised. I can tell he didn't expect such information.

"I figured, Levi...well...he looks at you in a specific way." Carla explained and I smiled subconsciously.

"Y/n, I don't think this is a good idea." Grisha stated and we all went silent. What was he trying to get at?

"W-why?" I asked nervous.

"Y/n, you're on exchange and you're gonna have to go back home in like six months. What are you gonna do then? Have a long distance relationship?" I listened to what He had to say and to be honest he had a point. I never thought that going back home is gonna be a problem until now.

"But I really like Levi." I argued. I wasn't going to give up this easily, but all I got in response were sighs. I looked down at my food a little disappointed.

"His mom invited us for dinner on Saturday." I added.

"Alright, we'll go." Carla said rubbing my back trying to make me feel better. I gave her a small smile.

'Oh well...I just hope Grisha's gonna change his mind.'


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. A little fun fact about me, I can actually play the piano so yeah lol, but anyways I'll see you next time. Stay safe and happy byee!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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