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requested by: kitingdenness
p/s : hope you like it!



y/n stared at the test that shown the result that she had been waiting. she was beyond happy and scared as well.

she had been waiting for this moment with her long time boyfriend, or say her fiancee, park jihoon who was actually her full time bodyguard.

feelings bloomed between them since they were together almost everyday. jihoon was hired to be her bodyguard since she was the most famous business man's daughter, mr yoo.

y/n never felt the love from her father since she was born in this world. she felt that she was thrown out from the family since her mother died from giving birth.

her father who loved her mother dearly blamed y/n as the cause of his beloved wife's death.

she was taken care by her housemaid until she reached the age of 18 where she finally can afford herself a penthouse, a car and a happy life.

the news of her living alone reached to her father and that was the first time she met park jihoon as her bodyguard.

they spend most time together and jihoon literally showed y/n the love that she never get. they secretly dating behind her father's back since y/n know that one day her father will get her married on business's purpose and never will accept jihoon since he was only a bodyguard.

y/n decided to teach jihoon some business matters that could give him the chance to be a ceo of her company. she will prove it to her father.

but few months back, jihoon took the bravery and proposed to y/n. she happily accept and the ring was now on her finger shining proudly.

y/n ran out from the bathroom and went to the dressing room where jihoon was buttoning up his white shirt before putting on his black blazer. he turned to the door and smiled.

"why are you not dressed? you have meeting in one more hour." he said while walking towards her. his eyes glanced at the stick in her hand. "what is that?" he asked.

she only stared at him with tearful eyes and a smile. "i'm pregnant." she voiced. jihoon stared into her eyes for a long time before hugging her. "i'm going to be a father." he said in a small voice.

"thank you y/n." he kissed her cheeks. "we are okay hm? lets get through this together." he said while his hand rubbing her small stomach.

after awhile, the couple made into the company where the meeting will be held. both jihoon and y/n made into the act where they will become the ceo and bodyguard in the company so no one will know their actual relationship.

jihoon could not keep off his smile on his lips since he heard the news that his fiancee was pregnant. he literally could not wait to step into the fatherhood. he always wanted a child, and now the only thing was how to tell her father.

y/n sat on her chair in her room while rubbing her belly with a wide smile. suddenly her door was burst opened revealing her outraged father.

she quickly stand up and bowed. "what brings you here appa?" she asked. her father sat down on the couch fuming in his breath.

"cut the shit y/n. tell me what is your relationship with your bodyguard?" his eyes went to her ring finger. "and since when you got that ring?"

y/n could not take it anymore. "its from park jihoon. he proposed me." her answer got her father's eyes wide. "you cant marry him!" he yelled.

"since when do you care?" she replied. "i will not leave him because he is the father of my child that i'm carrying right now." she put her hand on her stomach while standing up facing her father.

"listen to me yoo y/n, i'm your father! he does not love you. he will leave you if he knows--"

"he know about the baby and i know he loves me. what about you appa?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"do you even love me? you never give the love that i need like how jihoon give me the love. you never know!" she yelled.

"all you did was blaming me as the reason of mother's death. do you think that i'm not sad that she died while giving birth to me? i did not even got the chance to see her face when i opened my eyes!" she screamed while tears falling down on her cheeks.

"you never look at me as your daughter. you throw me from your life on the day that i arrived in this world. the housemaid was the only one who took care of me while you never lay your eyes on me for 21 years. the only time that you talk to me was about business and company." she stopped herself.

"now you called yourself my father?" her body was trembling with anger while looking at her father.

the words went straight into mr yoo's heart making him feel the clenched in his chest. he never know that he had been treating y/n like that since the death of his wife.

he loved y/n's mother truly and when the news of her wife died during giving birth, he felt his world was crushed down. the very first moment he laid his eyes on y/n, he blamed y/n for taking the life of the woman that he loved.

"y/n...." he called her and that was the first y/n feel the love and care in his voice. "i'm sorry..." her father broke into tears. y/n was shocked. "appa.. i did not mean to make you cry.." she slowly took her steps closer to her father.

he pulled his daughter into a hug for the first time. "i'm sorry that i have been a bad father. i never expect this to be happened too. i was just crushed by the fact that your mother died." he sniffed. "i'm so sorry."

y/n broke into heavy tears while hugging her father back. "i forgive you a long time ago appa.." she released the hug and both of them exchanged smiles.

just then jihoon went into the room. "i'm sorry i must have went into the wrong time." mr yoo stopped him from backing up. "no son you come in the right moment." he chuckled.

mr yoo turned his body towards him. "since i see that you had taken a good care of my daughter, i give you the permission to marry her."

jihoon felt his heart was thumping hard from his ribcage while his pupils were shaking. he ran towards mr yoo and hugged him. "thank you sir! thank you so much." he said while mr yoo patting his back.

"well, since you are here i will leave both of you with the planning." he smiled at both of them but stopped his tracks.

"since you are getting married to y/n, you will stop being her bodyguard. you will become the ceo of this company along with y/n." mr yoo said before walking out from the room.

y/n pulled him into a big hug. "jagi! you are a ceo now!" she screamed in happiness.

jihoon kneeled down to her stomach. "little one, i will make both of you happy in this world." he stood up and kissed y/n.

"thank you y/n. thank you for this miracle."

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