❝𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔❞ - jihoon

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p/s: hope you like it!


jihoon looked at y/n who was sitting opposite of him eating her pasta. "you are so cute." he said ruffling her hair. "hey!" she replied slapping his hands away.

he just finished his food and now he was waiting for y/n to finish hers. he hesitated to ask y/n about his family will held a family day. his family really likes y/n that they expect her to attend the family day.

"baby.." he called while resting his chin on his palm staring at her lovingly. she hummed in respond as she took the last bites of her pasta and wiped her lips. "are you free this sunday?" he asked.

"i have to check my schedule first. why are you asking?" she stared at him with eyebrows furrowed together. "my mom wants you to join our family day." he revealed the reason.

"jihoon, its not that i dont want but its your family day. would it not be weird if i was there? its your family after all." she said to him.

"what are you talking about? the moment that you met my parents that means you are already my family. also its my mom request that she wants you to come."

"but what if-" jihoon took her hand in his while shaking his head. "they like you a lot since the first time you come to visit. they even say they missed you." he looked at her with a reassuring smile.

"okay then. i will go." she smiled towards him making him flashing the eye smile that she adored.


"hi baby." she engulfed him into a hug as soon as he entered her house. jihoon scanned her girlfriend head to toe. "are you sure you are not hurt even a bit?" he asked looking worried making y/n frowned. she thought he did not like her outfit.

she pouted. "because how can an angel fell from heaven in front of me." her eyes widened as she feel blood rush on her cheeks. she slapped his arms. "you are still not get to use to my cheesy lines? y/n we already dating for 2 years!" he laughed rubbing the spot where she hit him.

"come sweetheart. we dont want to get us late right?" he took her bag that contained her clothes. they will be staying in a homestay near the beach that his family booked.

after putting her bag on the car trunk, he help y/n to open the door. "my princess." he playfully bowed as she giggled in respond. jihoon started the engine while she secretly took picture and post it on her instastory.

"oh! our y/n is here!" jihoon's mother pulled her into a hug as soon as they arrived in front of the homestay

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"oh! our y/n is here!" jihoon's mother pulled her into a hug as soon as they arrived in front of the homestay. "annyeonghasaeyo." she greeted bowing her head slightly.

"guess my mother did not recognize her son already. okay bye i will get going." jihoon sulked because his mother did not greeted him first. "aigoo how can i forget my son!" his mother chuckled giving her son a hug too.

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