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a guy got out from his hiding spot after both y/n and asahi separated their ways. he witnessed everything that had been going on between them.

he pulled out his phone before dialing a number with a smirk on his face. "boss, i think i found a way to trap them." he said before walking away to his clan hiding spot.

hyunsuk slammed his hands on the meeting table furiously. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU FROM?!" he yelled at asahi who was now had his head hang low.

"i'm sorry." that was the only word that could came out from his mouth. "you almost blow up our cover asahi. our enemies didn't know we are here to kill them." hyunsuk brushed his fingers through his green hair slightly felt frustrated.

"calm down, let the poor boy explain." jihoon said as he looked at asahi while nodding his head. "what are you trying to do?" hyunsuk asked trying to calm himself.

"mr. yang asked me to do a mission for him secretly." he explained. "the mission was about to find the hiding spot of KQ clan."

"are you sure you are doing your mission?" this time his another member, yoshinori asked. he passed the laptop towards asahi.

it showed that asahi entered a cafe and at the same night asahi was pulling a girl by her wrist into a small alley. his eyes widened in respond.

"thank junkyu for his hacking skills is on another level. now do you mind explain the real thing?" hyunsuk said with his hawk eyes at asahi.

"i was chased by ateez members. i almost found their hiding place but one of the member saw me following them. so i ran away. the girl had nothing to do with our business. i just bumped into her when i was running away from them." he stated making all 11 pair of eyes looking at him.

"that girl must be insane going out alone in the middle of night."

"y/n is not insane!" he defended.

"wow! looks like you found a girl!" jihoon said as he scoffed walking towards asahi and harshly gripped on his collar.

"i just saved you from being eaten by hyunsuk and now this is what you give me back? you ungrateful shit." he said gritting his teeth.

"you think your love could save us? save us from being attacked by our enemies? come to your sense you fool. you are making our mission more complicated." jihoon letting go of asahi making his stumbled a little.

asahi started to show his irritated expression to his members. "so what are you going to do?" he replied trying to not strike at his other members.

"we have to kill her." yedam said without any expression.

"if someone saw asahi and y/n, that girl will be the bait to make us fall into their trap. if anything happen to the girl we don't want to get involve right?" he stated making asahi clenched his fist.

junkyu glanced at asahi face who was about to burst.

"why? did that triggered you?" junkyu asked letting out an evil laugh. asahi felt that his heart was about to burst from his ribcage. his face was now red because of anger.

he stood up and slammed his hands of the table. the members were shock to death as they never saw him like this before. he was known for being the most tolerance guy.

"if any of you guys dare to touch her even one of her hair strands, i will not hesitate to blow your head off. even you are my own members." he warned before walked out the meeting room slamming the door.

the members who got their tongue tied watched him walking away.


y/n just got out from the shower suddenly got a notification from asahi.


i will go to your house in 10 minutes.

suddenly there was a knock on her door that made her furrowed her brows. "that fast?" she mumbled to herself. y/n opened the door not looking who it was.

"asahi? so fast--" her mouth was cupped by a cloth that slowly making her hard to breath. y/n struggled herself from the man but her weak body cant fight so she fell into the darkness.

asahi arrived at y/n's house and was greeted by the opened door. he went into her house and called for her but there was no response from her.

he walked back to the front door and noticed an envelope with his name on it on the floor. he ripped the opener and the folded letter.

"we got your girl. give us our money or we blow her head.- hongjoong"

he crumpled the paper and throw it on the floor getting into his car.

"that bastard i swear i will kill him if he lay a finger on y/n."

asahi went back to their house passing them in the living room before getting himself amors and guns.

"asahi what are you trying to do now?" mashiho asked him making him stopped his track facing them.

"they already got y/n and i dont mind if i go alone without any of your help." he said walking out from the house.

he arrived at the hiding spot and tackled down the guards that was guarding the front door. he sneakily went inside the room and heard y/n's voice screaming for help.

suddenly asahi was attacked from behind by one of ateez members. "i will let you die today." he said. asahi was trying to get out from his grip but failed. suddenly a shot was released from behind making asahi slowly get out from the grip.

he turned around and saw his members full with guns. hyunsuk who shot the person patted asahi's shoulder. "i'm sorry that i get mad at you but we wouldn't leave you alone. you are still our family." hyunsuk said.

they positioned themselves and let asahi went into the room where y/n was with back up on his back.

he kicked the door revealing y/n who was unconsciously tied on the chair. he was about to get to her but was stopped by hongjoong.

the gun's hollow was pointed right on the side of his head. one movement, his head will blow off.

"not so fast asahi." he said with a wicked smile.

"give me the money first and i will let the girl go." asahi shook his head.

"i will never give the money because you will die in instant."

hongjoong's face turned into rage. "are you trying to-"

"junghwan now."

hongjoong's eyes went down to his chest and saw red dots on his body. he was about to pull the trigger but junghwan shoot his body before he can even shoot.

hongjoong then fell onto the floor with blood spilled out from his wound.

asahi ran towards y/n who slightly opened her eyes. "hey y/n its me, asahi." he softly pat her cheeks while the others cut off the ropes that was tied around her.

he picked y/n up and walked towards their van who was drove by hyunsuk.

asahi had his arms around y/n's shoulder trying to steady herself. she slowly looked up to asahi. "thank you.. for saving me..." she said while trying to get closer to his body.

he pecked y/n's forehead and caressed her head.

"asahi," he turned his gaze towards the mirror so that he can see hyunsuk.

"y/n is welcome to our family."

that made asahi smiled.

"thank you hyung."

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