❝𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔❞ - yoshi

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y/n walked into the school entrance with her friends. "good morning y/n!" students started to greet her as soon as they saw her.

who didn't know her? she was famous for being the top student and because of her kindness and gorgeous. she replied them with a small smile.

a boy named yoshi was looking at her direction as he leaned his back on his locker with one of his hands in his pocket while the other one holding his bag strap.

he was one of the exchange student from japan along with mashiho, asahi and haruto but they were separated into different classes. jihoon was his mentor who was given the task to guide him for two weeks.

he watched her back slowly disappear from the hallway. jihoon nudged his side. "what are you looking at?" he asked him.

"nothing. let's go." he said while putting his arms around jihoon's shoulder as they walked into their class. he turned to yoshi with a teasing smile. he definitely know there is something fishy.

during the entire class session, yoshi spaced out a lot. jihoon who was seated beside him would tap his shoulder or shook him but he wouldn't budge.

the bell rang as the sign for recess. the students started to leave the class leaving the both of them alone. "is it about y/n?" jihoon asked him. "who is y/n?" he asked. sure that he knows the girl but only by her face.

"the one that you have been staring at in the hallway this morning." jihoon said. "i'm not staring at her." yoshi said as he stood up and went to the cafeteria with jihoon catching him from behind.

the hallway was full with students that makes the situation there so crowded. yoshi was chatting with jihoon when they have to squeeze in the hallway.

a girl with a bread in her hand tried to squeeze in the crowd to walk back to her class. she didn't noticed that her shoelace was untied.

at moment where the both of them walked past against each other shoulder, he accidently stepped on her untied shoelaces making her lost balance when she leaned forward ready to have her face kissing the floor.

yoshi turned and grabbed the girl's small waist as her hands landed on his chest. both of their eyes widen. yoshi was also startled by his own reflects.

yoshi and y/n's eyes met each other. they both stay in the position for a few seconds. yoshi gently let go of her waist as she stood on her own foot.

"are you okay?" yoshi asked with concern. "yeah i'm fine. thanks to you." she replied him with a smile. yoshi's heart skipped a beat. he never feel like this before.

y/n looked at the floor only to found that her bread was already dirty being step by the students. she pouted. yoshi who still stepping on her shoelace crouched down.

he tied her shoelace and said "don't fall again, but fall for me instead." he said looking up to her as he chuckled. she frowned. "flirt." she muttered.

he then stood up facing her. "yoshinori." she spelled out his name while looking at his nametag. "i'll remember you. you saved me so i owe you one. thank you again." she said before walking back into her class.

jihoon looked at yoshi. "did you just talk to-" jihoon pointed to her class. "i did." he replied. "i never get the chance to talk to her while you gotten the chance so easily?" jihoon groaned while yoshi shrugged.


"do you know that there is a rumor where the students said that y/n was dating yedam?" jihoon asked him. yoshi shook his head. "is that real?" he asked. jihoon replied him saying that he don't know anything about them.

as the time passed by, it was already the end of school. yoshi stood outside the school gate waiting for y/n to walk by.

the moment she did, he grabbed her arms. y/n who was with her friends turned to him. "oh its you." she said before turning back to her friends "you guys can go first." she said before wave her friends goodbye.

yoshi was struck by the pretty girl in front of him. he stared at her. "pretty.." he blurted out. "excuse me." y/n said waving her hands in front of his face. yoshi looked at her as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"ugh, can we like study together?" he asked. y/n chuckled. "out of all students, why me?" she asked.

"you said you owe me. so that way you could repay me is by studying with me. if that is fine with you.." he muttered the last sentence in a low tone.

"sure. when do you want?" she replied. yoshi smiled. "really?" he asked excitedly. "lily's cafe at two tomorrow after school." yoshi said. y/n nodded.

"if there is nothing to ask then see you tomorrow. bye!" she said waving him goodbye. he replied back and look at her jumping as her hair bounces cutely. "aish, i must be love struck." he said rubbing the back of his nape.

day by day, the two of them had gotten closer. sometimes they would eat together during recess at the rooftop. after school, they would also study together.

as time passed, its been three months. yoshi know, he's falling in love with y/n. every single thing that she do would make him had butterflies all over his stomach.

he wanted to confess but the rumors about y/n dating yedam didn't stop. its true that he would see both of them together sometimes.

as usual, they meet up at the cafe to study. y/n took a seat opposite him. "oh? you're early today." she said smiling. he just nodded.

silent fill up the air as yoshi didn't like the tension there. "y/n." he called as she replied him with a hummed. "you're pretty." he blurted out.

"i know yoshi-ah. you said it everyday since the day we met." she chuckled while continuing her work. yoshi felt his cheeks and ears red in shyness.

"can i asked you something?" he said. "you already did." she chuckled. "are you dating yedam?" he asked. y/n put her pen down as she look at him.

"no. he had been liking me and confessed a few times but i rejected him. i have someone in my mind." she said.

"can i be that someone?" he asked looking straightly into her eyes. she was startled by the sudden question. she secretly been developing feelings for him to.

"what are you talking about?" she said as she avoid his eyes.

"date me." yoshi said as he took her hand in his. y/n blushed. her face was completely as red as a tomato. she smiled and slowly nodded as yoshi kissed the back of her hands.

"i love you."

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