❝𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓❞ - jeongwoo

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year end exam was around the corner making all students spend their free time with books right under their nose.

jeongwoo was also one of them. he keep himself busy studying in the library. he was busy taking notes from every subject that he was taking until his attention was pulled by a voice.

"excuse me? is this seat taken?" the girl who have books under her arm asked him. jeongwoo was flustered because he never talk to a girl besides his classmates. he didnt realize that he had been staring at her not answering her question.

"hello?" she waved her hand in front of his face making him snapped out from his thought. he shook his head. "n-no, you can sit there."

the girl smiled. "thank you. its just that all the seats were taken so when i saw an empty space so i rushed here." she said as she lend out her hand.

"jeon y/n." jeongwoo was startled by how straight forward the girl is. he slowly grabbed her hand and shook it gently. "park jeongwoo."

"well it seems like i disturbed your session just now so you can continue. dont worry i will not disturb you." she let out a grin and start to taking notes for her exams.

jeongwoo couldnt helped himself but he keep taking glances at y/n. he found that she looked cute when she was seriously taking notes. how her face scrunched when she couldnt find the answers of the question.

both of them didnt realize that hours had passed and its almost evening. y/n stretched herself out feeling her body was sore from sitting for hours. the moment she opened her eyes she caught jeongwoo's eyes were on her.

"do i have something on my face?" she asked while touching her face. "yeah." he answered. y/n's eyes widened as she took out her small mirror.


y/n's face slowly turned into crimson as she packed her belongings. jeongwoo realized what he had said quickly straightened his posture.

"i-its not like that.." he mentally slapped himself for saying loudly what was in his mind. y/n let out a shy smile and walked out from the library.

jeongwoo ruffled his hair in frustration. "ah park jeongwoo why did you say that?! you ruined your first impression." he quickly stuffed his pens into his pencil box into his bag and rushed towards the gate before the security lock him in the school all alone.

on the next morning, y/n and her friend were having breakfast in the canteen. y/n was daydreaming about park jeongwoo. she felt butterflies every time she caught him staring at her in the library yesterday.

"yah y/n, why does jeongwoo keep staring at you?" her friend nudged her side pointing at the other table. with y/n quick turned he accidently made eye contact with him.

jeongwoo got his eyes widened and coughed uncomfortably.

"park jeongwoo what is wrong with you?" haruto asked while rubbing his back to ease him. he took the glass and drank all of the water in one gulp. "no no its nothing."

"you have been staring on y/n a lot." yedam teased him with a wide grin. "since when? i did n-not stare at h-her." jeongwoo stuttered making yedam and haruto laughed.

"but i think i saw her for the first time yesterday in the library. how come i never saw her in this school?" jeongwoo asked.

"she just transferred here last week. she is in my class." haruto said.

in the same afternoon, this time jeongwoo didnt come to the library alone but with haruto and yedam.

jeongwoo keep looking around the library but shook his head. "no she wont come after what i have blurted yesterday." he mumbled to himself.

"yah are you looking for y/n?" haruto asked him with a smirk. jeongwoo got flustered with the question. "who said i'm looking for her?" he said but secretly looking around again.

just then someone pulled the chair beside him making him clear his throat while both of his friend tried to hold their laugh.

"hello." she greeted and went into her books without any conversations.

eventually yedam and haruto left y/n and jeongwoo alone. suddenly he got a message from yedam making him rolled his eyes.

bang yedam:
we can see that you like her.
man up jeongwoo-yah!

y/n packed her things up making jeongwoo turned to her. "you are leaving already?" he asked. she nodded in answer. "yeah my mom asked me to be home early today." she said while pushing her chair.

she leaned closer jeongwoo's ear and whispered. "you are staring at me again. also, i think you are handsome too."

jeongwoo was stunned by the closeness till he didnt realized he was holding his breath. he saw a pink sticky note with her number on it.

"i think you have a staring habit. lets be study buddies! i love your company. text me if you agree." - beautiful y/n

since then both of them keep talking to each other and even hang out after having their study sessions.

until one day jeongwoo cant take it anymore.

"jeongwoo-yah where should we go after this?" y/n asked while twirling her pen in her fingers. "you choose this time. i will follow your plan." he answered. "okay." she said and continued taking notes.

"y/n-ah." jeongwoo called. she just hummed not looking up.

"do you like someone?" he asked making her stop her movements. "yes." she said smiling. "i like him for awhile now. he always hang out with me." she said in grin. "how about you?"

"i like you."

y/n was startled by jeongwoo's blunt answer. y/n mentally shook her head thinking that there is no way he will have the same feelings.

"i'm serious. i like you y/n, from the start." he said with a serious face before he grabbed her hand into his. "be my girlfriend?"

y/n leaned and pecked his cheek. "does this answer your question?"

jeongwoo smiled while rubbing her hand with his thumb.

but behind them there were two person hiding behind the bookshelves.

"i told you jeongwoo will confess first!" haruto whispered harshly while lending his hand out. yedam rolled his eyes and gave him two burgers and fries.

"i shouldnt have agree to his bet." yedam said in frustration following haruto out from the library.

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