❝𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓❞ - haruto

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y/n was chilling in her room while doing some leftover school works but was interrupted by a call.

"haruto? why did you call at this time?" she answered the call while looking at the clock which striked 11pm. haruto slightly chuckled. "i just miss you. get ready in 10 minutes. i will pick you up." he said ending the call.

y/n stared at her phone weirdly. "what was that about?" she muttered to herself but did not waste any time and get dressed.

y/n lived alone since her parents died in a car accident few years ago. she felt the light in her life was already gone forever. but after she met haruto, she feel like the source of the light was there once again.

right after 10 minutes haruto knocked her door wiping away his tears. he just want to spend the last few hours with his girlfriend before he left her.

y/n opened the door with a wide smile and crashed him with a big hug. "where are we going?" she asked. he intertwined their fingers and walked away from the house.

"i want to bring you to the amusement park. i just want to have fun today." he answered her. "how was your practice? i heard that you guys are busy preparing a performance for an important event."

that made haruto hitched his breath but trying not to be obvious. "y-yeah.." few minutes later they arrived at the amusement park that was full with colorful lights and happy kids running around.

"i'm so excited let go buy the ticket now!" she dragging him towards the ticket counter. both of them got their ticket pass and got their visitor bracelet so that they could play and ride without paying any extra money.

the couple enjoy their time without worrying anything. they literally went all over the games and rides. even haruto forgot about leaving her in few more hours.

they finally went on their last ride which was the ferris wheel. y/n was busy admiring the view of tokyo while haruto busy admiring his lover.

y/n turned her head to him. "haruto are you okay? you are so quiet today." she hold his arm. haruto couldnt help but burst into tears pulling her into a hug.

"i'm sorry..." he said while sobbing in her neck. y/n understand the hardship he was in. she patted his back soothing him out. "what are sorry for?" she asked. "i didnt even spend any much time with you since i got scouted into YG Japan."

y/n made her hand towards his dark locks. "you dont have to be sorry. i know you are busy with practice. i understand that and dont forget that i will always support you."

that made haruto cried harder. she didnt even have any clue about what is going to happened in the next few hours. he pulled her away from the hug pulling something out from his jacket.

it was a diamond necklace and a letter. her eyes widened looking at him. "haruto.." he turned her body so her back was facing him. he put on the necklace around her neck while y/n was touching the necklace.

she turned her body back once she feel haruto was done. he hold her hands. "y/n can you wait for me. please?" he asked with teary eyes. y/n furrowed her brows in confusion. "of course i will wait for you. haruto, why do you sound like you are going to leave me?"

haruto leaned and kissed her forehead. right on time their ride was over. they stepped out from the carriage and decided to call it a day.

he walked y/n back home but she was stop by haruto calling her out. "please read the letter when you are already inside." he said. y/n ran back to him pulling him into a tight hug. "if you need someone to talk, i'm here okay? dont push yourself if you are stressed or tired."

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