❝𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃❞ - yedam

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yg has started a new survival show called 'YG TREASURE BOX'. its not only the trainees have their monthly assessment, but the choreographers too and it was based on their team's performance in front of the main producer, yang hyunsuk himself.

the trainees and the producers were waiting for the main producer before starting the monthly assessment. finally yang hyunsuk himself arrived and took his seat.

"how was everyone?" he asked. "great!" the trainees answered in unison. "we will wait for a little bit because a choreographer will join us." he turned his eyes towards yedam. "did you miss her yedammie?" he said.

[she? who is this she that yang hyunsuk mentioned?]

yedam broke into a shy grin when the main producer mentioned that person. all of the producers laughed at the shy yedam leaving the other teams in questions except for treasure A who knew about that person.

meanwhile outside the company, a black mercedes drove into the parking space. a young girl went out from the car and walked towards the elevator.

"hello.." she bowed to the employees that were walking in and out from the company. finally her face revealed to the camera.

[its yang y/n. the niece of yang hyunsuk himself!]

y/n who had her hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a shirt and sweatpants and sneakers walked towards the room in rush. she just arrived from her college and was called to join the monthly assessment.

she walked into the room and greeted everyone before taking seat beside yang hyunsuk.

video showing some clips from mixnine with the choreographs that she made. herself showing how strict was her when she was monitoring the choreographs. no one dare to messed her choreograph, even elders were scared of her.

[even she was 16 that time, she was a praised high choreographer and was given the task to be treasure A's choreographer.]

"hi uncle." she hugged him. "you dont want to greet your boyfriend over there?" he playfully poked her arm pointing at yedam. "not now.." she muttered in shyness. making the others laughed at her.

"okay enough. lets start the monthly assessment shall we?" yang hyunsuk stated.

{how do you feel when you see y/n?}
yedam broke into grinned and hide his face in his hands. "i'm happy. its been days since we saw each other because she was busy with her early year exams." he nodded his head and smiled widely. "i'm so happy."

{hyunsuk's interview}
he let out a small laugh. "y/n is here. the other trainees didnt know how it feels dancing in front of y/n."

{junkyu's interview}
he clapped his hands once and turning around on the chair. "we are doomed."

"okay lets have treasure A performing first." yang hyunsuk called while the trainees clapped for them to come out.

"y/n do you have any words to your team before we start?" her uncle asked her. y/n scanned her team one by one with smile but her smile dropped and put on her resting face. "dont expect me to be easy on all of you, even you are my boyfriend yedam-ah."

the trainees whooed at her marks.

treasure A gulped in nervous because they know how scary is y/n can be.

the music started for them and y/n noticed some small mistakes making her brows furrowed. finally the music stopped and they stood back in a line.

y/n silently tapped her pen on the table trying to ease out her anger that was slowly building up inside.

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