❝𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐀𝐋, 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒❞ - doyoung

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"look! he is staring at you the whole time!"

y/n turned her head towards the direction of the person who was looking at her. he winked at her while shooting small hearts with his fingers. she rolled her eyes and let out a huff.

that was kim doyoung, her boyfriend. or should say,

fake boyfriend.

doyoung was the one who suddenly approached her and asked her to be his fake girlfriend just to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. y/n in the other didnt even know why she accepted the request.

its already been few weeks since they started fake dating but y/n couldnt help but gaining feelings towards doyoung. she knew that all of these will be over once doyoung had his ex-girlfriend on her knees to get him back.

recess was over and she excused herself from her friend to get into the restroom. while she was washing her hands, doyoung's ex-girlfriend, jung jiwon revealed herself.

"so this is doyoung's new girlfriend?" she said while eyeing her up and down. "he really got herself a girl who didnt look better than me." she sniggered at y/n. "he must be using you to get me jealous, and i'm not even jealous." she continued.

y/n didnt even turned to her while wiping her hands with tissue. "hey are you deaf?" jiwon raised her voice at her while arms crossing on her chest.

y/n sighed and threw the tissue into the trashcan. she finally turned to her. "if you are not jealous then why are you here trying to throw shades at me?" she smirked when she saw jiwon's face turned into red.

she scoffed. "well, i bet he is not happy with you." y/n only maintain her poker face while watching jiwon. "oh no. i remembered he told me that he is more happy with me than you. he said you are boring because you are too girly." y/n said with a wicked smile.


"i seriously have no time to deal with your childish words. so dont ever try me." she glared at jiwon before going out from the restroom leaving an embarrassed jiwon.

but as soon as she walked out from the bathroom, someone pecked her cheek. she was totally shock by it and held her cheek turning to doyoung who was smiling cheekily.

"why did you do that?" she asked. he wrapped her arm around her waist and started to walk.

"why? i cant kiss my girlfriend's cheek?" he said leaning closer to her face. "correction, fake girlfriend." y/n said.

doyoung's smile turned into a small frown when he heard her statement but he managed to cover it.

"i have practice today." he said. "i want you to come and watch me practice." y/n shook her head as a no. "why?" doyoung whined.

"you want me to watch you practice at the field? no way." she said. "i'm not going to sacrifice my face to get burn while watching you on the field under the hot sun. also the smell of sweats, ugh i cant stand it." she even made a small gag.

"jiwon will be there."

her name made y/n's heart clenched. "so?" she turned to doyoung. "so? we need to make her jealous! she had been trying to talk to me these few days." he said.

finally they arrived in front of her class. y/n sighed. "i will think about it." she said looking into his eyes.

doyoung was struck while looking into the doe eyes that he adored for awhile. his trance was snapped when y/n shook his arm. "you need to go to your class." she said nodding her head towards the direction.

doyoung settled himself in his seat while fanning himself. "are you okay?" his friend, yedam asked. "your cheeks are so red." he pointed.

"is it about her?" he asked. doyoung only let out a smile. "when are you going to ask her?" yedam asked.

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