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8:19 pm, yg entertainment
"TEUHAAAA!" the members cheered waving at the cameras that was set up around the room.

"today," hyunsuk started looking at the members. "our y/n birthday!" they all clapped and started singing the birthday song messily.

"we are here to prank y/n for her birthday. we planned already and now we just need to separate into 3 teams with 4 members along with the tasks." yedam said.

"so, hyunsuk asahi junghwan and i will go to the bakery and buy a cake. we will decorate it by ourselves. then, doyoung jeongwoo yoshi and jaehyuk will go buy some food to eat. lastly, jihoon mashiho junkyu and haruto will go buy some decorations."

they all started to went to their ways with their go-pros and come back after an hour of tasks.

*yedam's camera*
"hello." they all greeted as soon as they went into the bakery. "wah there are a lot of delicious cakes." the cakes were shinning in their eyes as they gulped down.

"y/n likes chocolate cake so we will buy a plain chocolate cake and some decorations. we use the decorations to decorate the cake. is that okay?" hyunsuk asked the others and they immediately agreed. as they were paying junghwan and asahi have their eyes on a dozen of donuts.

"hyung can we buy this one? just one doughnut!" junghwan begged at yedam and hyunsuk. "we should award ourselves right?" hyunsuk grinned. "dont tell the others okay?"

they ended up buying four pieces of donuts and a cake with some decorations for y/n.

*jaehyuk's camera*
"treasure makers, we did not go to buy some food!" jeahyuk stated. "we just ordered some food from a pizza store because y/n loves pizza very much." they were chatting with the camera when the cake team arrived.

"what? you guys didnt buy any foods?" junghwan asked them with wide eyes. "we ordered pizza. y/n loves pizza more than other food." yoshi said and suddenly jeongwoo laughed making them stare and him with question mark.

"i just remembered that me and jihoon hyung did some complications on y/n eating pizza. we recorded it every time because her reactions is so fun!" he took out his phone and showed to the guys.

the guys laughed for a few minutes before started decorating the cake so that they can finish early and help the decorations when they arrived.

*jihoon's camera*
the camera was greeted by mashiho wearing an elsa wig. earning some weird glances from the other customers.

"we are trying to find some birthday decorations for our y/n!" junkyu said to the camera while the others searching for some decorations for y/n.

they all stopped by a shop that is full of candies and they found y/n favorite. they bought a lot and haruto gasped looking at the mount of sweets. "i think y/n noona will get sugar rush tonight. lets not buy that much." he said in worry.

junkyu looked at mashiho and jihoon. "no no let her be its her birthday after all."

mashiho turned to haruto. "i have a bad feeling about this." he whispered to haruto. "hyunsuk hyung will get mad. y/n noona has a low sugar tolerance." haruto said.

they all gathered back in the practice room after an hour but one member was missing. junkyu searched around the room. "where is hyunsuk hyung?" he asked.

*hyunsuk's camera*
"right now i'm walking to the nearest shoe store to buy a pair of shoe for y/n!" he happily shake the camera. he went into the store and look around. "woah there is a lot. how can i choose?"

suddenly an employee approached him and introduced him to a couple matching shoes. his mouth gaped as he saw how beautiful the shoes. "daebak i'm buying this. its y/n favorite brand."

he bought the shoes and went back happily.

10:03pm, yg practice room
all of them were getting ready and briefed the prank for the last time. thank god mrs. hwang volunteered to join the prank when they heard the boys were doing it for y/n.

"y/n is here. she is on her way now." a staff informed them and they got into act.

y/n opened the door and greeted them, putting down her belongings and got a hug from hyunsuk before she shooed him into his positions.

minutes later the staff already saw her unsatisfied face glaring at the members.

"stop the music y/n." mrs. hwang started and that was the cue for the prank to start.

y/n was getting a great scolding from mrs. hwang making them feel bad. they all started to feel more bad when y/n's voice cracked when she scold them before walked out from the room.

meanwhile outside the room, mrs. hwang let out her breath. "suddenly i feel guilty for scolding y/n. what should i do?" she said to the camera. "but wow i didnt expect that i can those things to her. she is a great choreographer. i'm such a good actress." she chuckled.

"i'm sorry y/n-ah. happy birthday!" she whispered to the camera before walked off towards her office.

"hyung, should we start now?" junghwan asked holding a balloon.

"guys dont be sad lets all decorate this so that we can make her smile again!" junkyu said and they started to decorate the room happily.

"hyung its okay. you can go after her now." doyoung said to hyunsuk who have tears in his eyes after saw his girlfriend's reaction just now.

the staff one by one started to coming in and helped the boys. "but is it true that during mixnine y/n was asked to change the choreograph for the theme song?" jaehyuk asked the staff while tying the balloons with asahi and mashiho.

"yes. she was asked almost three times to change the choreography especially for the girl's. her choreography already accepted but after we got informed about the girl's uniform, it was more shorter than we expected. so y/n was asked to change. you can ask hyunsuk after this. he knows more." the staff said.

"no wonder y/n is much strict during practices." mashiho said.

they finished decorate the room and now waiting for hyunsuk and y/n.

"should we go see what is going on at both of them? i'm afraid that y/n will kill hyunsuk after what she said." jeongwoo said.

jihoon, mashiho and haruto were tiptoeing towards y/n room but they stopped when they heard crying from the hallway and hyunsuk's voice trying to calm her down.

they walked away and went back to the practice room. "how was it?" yoshi asked. "y/n noona is still crying and hyunsuk hyung still calming her down. she must be hurt so much." haruto said.

"they are coming turn off the lights!" the staff turned off the lights as they stand in the darkness.

"junkyu hyung you are stepping on my shoes!" jeongwoo said. asahi who was holding the cake suddenly feel some pushed him slightly. "yah i'm holding the cake dont push me!"

"jaehyuk stop hitting me with the balloon!" jihoon said. "hyung its not me its yoshi!" he whined.

"shhhh they are here." doyoung said as the door slowly opened.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" they cheered and sang happy birthday song while recording her reactions.

she was crying mess when she knew about the prank as she hide her face from the cameras.

well they ended up practicing again after cleaning the mess.

1:34am, yg practice room
*camera zoomed out showing the yg building showing captions around the building*

"y/n can we go home now?" mashiho asked still panting.

"no! you guys still more practice!." cheerful can be heard from her tone.

"thats why i said dont give y/n too much sweets!" hyunsuk yelled.

"oh? there are more leftover candies!"

"no you had enough!" jihoon and junkyu trying to stop her. "y/n!!!" hyunsuk yelled.

mashiho sighed. "i told you i have a bad feeling."

"y/n noona i cant feel my leg anymore!" jeongwoo shouted.

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