❝𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄❞ - haruto

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watanabe haruto.

just by hearing his name, everyone knows who he is. he is one of the monster rookie boy idol group member. he dance, raps well not forget to mention that he is well known for his looks.

but y/n being his girlfriend since before he debuted feel something that nobody but only she can feel.

haruto, the boy she loves starting from a young age. they went to the same school, same age and same class. he was the school heartthrob. lies if no one ever catches feelings to him.

she was a shy girl and nothing to be compared with other famous girl students there. its always made y/n wonder why would haruto found her attractive and starting to court her during their last year.

and now she was a transfer student in korea from japan in one of the biggest high school. she got the scholarship to continue her study in major of fashion designer. at first she was happy since she thought that they will be able to spend more time together to rewind those sweet memories of them but she is wrong.

he is a really busy person due to his career, being in a famous boy group that includes dating ban but he didn't ask for a break up. so she assumed that they are still going on the relationship.

it was a day where haruto meeting up with y/n in her apartment. she was excited but, haruto doesn't seems to.

she engulfed him into a big hug just right after he walked in making haruto stumbled a little before closing the door.

he hugged back but just by rubbing her back with small circles. y/n didn't care much since she misses him a lot. they were spending time by watching movie in the living room.

haruto had his arms around her shoulder while she lay her head on his shoulder. "ruto-yah, do you miss me?" she asked breaking the silent treatment. he looked at her before giving her a small smile. "of course." he replied.

y/n circled her hands around his torso pulling him close to her. "you don't have idea on how much i miss us." she muttered knowing that haruto will hear her words. haruto only nod while his eyes fixed on the screen.

y/n couldn't help but to feel a little sad because lack of affection and attention from her lover.

a week after that day, haruto didn't call her nor text her. she wanted to text first but she afraid that she might disturbed him with his practices or such. she sighed and couldn't help but to think, maybe this relationship was going at its stack.

she bring herself to a cafe with a black shirt tucked in with blue jeans while letting her hair falls on her shoulder. she placed herself in a seat that faced the door entrance after ordering her menu.

the bell rings as a sign that someone entered the cafe. she didn't know but her instinct told her to look at the person. her eyes snapped towards the couple that walked inside hand in hand. she squinted her eyes, they were so sweet yet so familiar.

her eyes caught the pair of shoes that the boy was wearing. it was so similar to the one that she bought for haruto the day before he left japan for his debut. she shook off her thought, thinking that it might be just a coincidence.

her eyes became teary when the boy took off his bucket hat, revealing himself as the boy that she love. she cupped her mouth not believing what she had saw. "it can't be.." she mumbled.

the boy scoop the cheesecake that they ordered, placing in front of the girl while he feeding her. the girl smiled while happily accept it. so happy, yet so hurting to watch for y/n.

she grabbed her phone texting haruto a few words. who knows he will reply?


hey love
where are you now?
can we meet up?

haruto's phone blows up making him spare a glances before rolling his eyes and turned his phone off. "who is it?" the girl asked making him shook his head. "not important." he replied.

"y/n right? i thought you said you want to break up with her." the girl replied. "yeah, i already lost feelings to her that's why i chose you." haruto took the girl's hand in his caressing her hand making the girl blushed.

y/n wiped her tears off her cheeks sprinted away from the heart breaking scene towards her apartment.

she slammed herself on her bed crying her eyes out, thinking what did she did wrong to him. if he didn't love her anymore, he could just say it and end it in a peaceful way.

her door bell rings making her lifelessly walked towards the door and opened it. she was startled enough to see haruto standing in front of the door with the same attire from the cafe.

"hey- are you crying?" he asked with concern making y/n scoffed on how fake it sounds to her.

she let him in as they both sit on the couch. "do you have anything to tell me?" y/n asked with a glare. "no?" he said innocently.

"lets break up. we are done."

finally, the words escaped from her mouth. she couldn't bare to suffer alone for him while he is out there dating other girls. "why are you saying such things y/n? what's wrong with you?" haruto furrowed his eyebrows.

"i thought you lost feelings towards me?! there is no use for us to fight over our relationship when you don't love me anymore haruto!" she yelled as tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes.

"i saw everything, you and that girl. being so lovey-dovey in front of my eyes. you don't know what i feel when i see the man i love with other girls." she spat with her voice started to crack.

"wait, i can explain." he grabbed her wrist when she was about to walk away from him to her bedroom. she yanked her wrist off sending him glares from her bloody shot eyes.

"there is nothing to be explain. we are done!" she yelled one more time making haruto stand there remained silent realizing his fault.

"okay." haruto voiced out. y/n who look at him with her chest raising up and down in madness and sad look at him disbelief.

"that's it? that's it that came out from your mouth instead of apologizing?!" she asked making him let out a heavy sigh. "there is no point of explaining if what you saw is true."

"we are done right? i will get going." he picked his wallet that he placed on the coffee table before walked out from the door with a loud slam.

y/n broke down bringing her knees up to her chest while she buried her face between her arms wailing her eyes out.

she realized the fact that haruto had just disappear from her life, and left her without a proper last good bye.

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