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People said we do have an afterlife after we're dead. But why do we have to live and experience death instead of straight away meeting the death? Life is too complicated.

Some people were born in a wealthy family. To have a great parents and healthy food, to have their own toys and pretty clothes. However it's a big no for someone named Haruto.

Haruto always wonder, why does the fate that was given to him is not as beautiful as anybody else's? Happy, how does it even feels like? And who to blame when his fate is so painful?

And now he was inside an empty classroom that only had a chair where he usually sits, he took out a cigarette from his pocket as he placed it between his lips.

The lighter in his grasp as well had lighten up. However the moment he was about to burn the cigarette, someone had took it away and threw it on the floor resulting him to stare at the person.

"Do you wish to die early?" Y/N said as she step on the previous cigarette, he didn't answer her question either. Haruto took out another cigarette and quickly lighten it up. He didn't want her to did the same thing for the second time.

The smoke that he had blew out from his lips made her step away from him. The bitter smell makes her feel puking right and there as she used her handkerchief to cover her nose. "How can you stand the smell? I don't like it." She coughed.

"How did you find me?" He turned to her who had her eyes ponders at him. "Mrs. Kim asked me to find you since you were the only one missing." She answers. "One cigarette shorten 11 minutes of your life, you know."

Haruto only scoffed. "Nobody cares even if I die." He casually replied making her a little stunned. He took a last inhale before he threw it on the floor. "Stop it, Y/N."

His words makes the girl who's still on the same spot petrified, her face turned into confusion. "Stop acting like you care about me when you actually not." He walked closer to her who's right beside the door.

"I'm tired of hoping."

Walking away from her with the fastest speed he could makes him feel sudden rush of adrenaline. "Haruto! Wait!" She gripped on his arms trying to stop him while he yanked her hands off.

The push was quite harsh making her fell down the floor. He turned to look at her who had teary eyes yet he still choose to walk away. However the sound of provoking causing him to turn his heels back.

"Awe, is this Haruto's chick? You do look pretty." Doyoung was crouching in front of Y/N as his hand trailed her cheek, she flinched on the touch. "Hands off her." The mentioned boy voice out.

"And If I don't want to?" Doyoung forced Y/N to stand up before he wrapped his arms around her shoulder making her shaking in agitation. Haruto didn't spare any chance as he lunged as punched the bully on his jaw.

He pulled Y/N behind him and look at the bully who fell to the floor while his goons helping him to stand up. It's the first time he did something like this, punching people at school for the sake of a girl.

He turned to Y/N. "Sorry." He murmured but it's audible enough for her to hear. The girl tip-toed on her feet patting his hair since he was quite tall. Haruto could feel blood rushed to his face.

"It's fine. Thank you anyways." She replied. "You have me if you need to talk okay?" He nodded. "You have to promise me to be always happy." She let out her pinky as Haruto only stare on it .

"I can't promise, because life, sometimes is too tough for me to handle alone."


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