❝𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅𝐅❞ - yoshi

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a day where everyone would like to stay at home and do nothing. y/n groaned while stretching the both of her arms out feeling the sunlight hitting her face. she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist making her turned to the side.

her boyfriend, yoshinori was sleeping beside her. their legs tangled with each other as she smiled hugging him back. she glanced at the clock and realized its almost the time where he needs to go to his practice.

"jagi.." y/n called. yoshi hummed as he could not open his eyes. "you have to go practice. get up big baby." she said shaking his shoulder a little. "i'm on off day today.." he replied with his raspy morning voice.

"lets cuddle a little longer." he said as he snuggled more into her neck. feeling his breath blowing on her collarbone, she giggled as she played with his soft hair making him drift deeper into his slumber.

its been weeks since they last having time for each other. yoshi was busy with his upcoming comeback while y/n was busy with her college.

y/n slowly went out from his arm trying not to wake him up and proceed herself to the bathroom. she cleaned herself and changed into new pair of fresh clothes.

she walked out the bathroom with a towel drying her hair. she halted her step when she saw yoshi sitting on the bed heads bopping down his eyes barely could open. y/n chuckled at the sight.

yoshi glanced at y/n who looking fresh. his hands open up asking for a hug. "why are you awake?" she asked. "you left me.." he said still feeling sleepy with his raspy morning voice.

y/n engulfed him into a hug as she rocked him side to side. he let go of her and suddenly puckered his lips. "what is wrong with your lips?" she looked at him playfully. "i want my morning kiss." he said pointing on his lips.

"no." y/n sprinted out from the room. "YAH PARK Y/N COMEBACK HERE!!" she could hear yoshi yelled as he groaned pouting at her behavior.

y/n tied her into a small bun and opened the fridge to look for the ingredients to make the both of them breakfast. her eyes scanned the whole fridge. "omelette it is." she muttered taking two eggs out.

as she was busy frying the eggs, she felt hands making contact on her waist making she jolted up a little. he put his chin on her shoulder. "you are so unusual today. you are so clingy." she chuckled still focusing on the eggs.

they both sat on the counter table opposite each other. "how are you these days? you seemed so busy that you could not even text me." she asked shoving her food in her mouth. yoshi's gaze caress her softly. "i'm sorry.." that was the only word that could came out from his mouth.

"how about we go on a date today?" he shot up his eyes meeting hers. "you are not mad to me right?" he asked. "i understand your job yoshi. its okay." she said giving him a small smile.

"should we go to the han river?" he suggested. she nodded her head furiously. "lets get dressed after this."

yoshi drove his car with y/n seated beside him. along the way, he intertwined their fingers while the other was on the steering wheel.

"jagi, can we drop by my dorm first? i need to take something." he hesitated to ask but earned an approval from her. "its been so long since i met them. quite miss them too." she replied.

the car halted as the traffic light turned red. yoshi quickly pulled out his phone and opened their chatroom.


you guys better were some shirts and clean up the house since me and y/n is on our way to the dorm.



jeongwoo did not bring his phone to the bathroom hyung..

can you believe junkyu is cooking some fried rice?

dont underestimate my cooking skills mashi -,-

anyways hyung where are you already?

in front of the door.

both of them heard someone fell of the sofa as soon as he saw the members read his message. "yoshi and y/n noona is here!!" junghwan shouted from the living room as they all run back into their room.

"asahi quick! stop doing your robot dance!" hyunsuk shouted as she could hear junkyu's high pitched laugh. "we are coming in." he said entering the code and pushed the door open. they were greeted with piles of shoes in front of the entrance.

y/n tucked her hair that falls out at the back of her ears while one hands on the walls supporting her from falling as she took off her shoes and slipped her foot wearing the home slippers.

she straightly went to the kitchen as she felt her throat dry. "hi junkyu!" y/n greeted putting her handbag on the counter as she proceed to give him a side hug and get herself some sky juice.

"hi! do you want a taste?" he asked giving her a scoop for his fried rice. she munched as junkyu waiting for her reaction with anticipation. her eyes lit up giving him thumbs up. "its delicious!"

she went to the living room greeted by asahi and mashi were arguing for the remote control. she chuckled when the two of them stopped arguing as soon as they saw her. "hi noona." they greeted. she replied with smile.

she sat beside asahi on the couch sipping the water she get before waiting for yoshi. "noona have you seen asahi's robot dance?" mashi asked with his head peeking beside asahi. he pushed asahi forward as he hide his face feeling shy.

y/n and mashi's laughter echoed around the house as soon as he started dancing. she crouched down holding her stomach smacking the floor.

the members got out from their room and look at two. "what is going on?" hyunsuk asked confused but get it after seeing asahi who was still dancing his robot dance.

"y/n i got my stuff already. we can go now." yoshi chuckled pulling her up by her arm. "that fast?" she asked and got a nod from him. she grabbed her bag and big goodbye with the others.

they arrived at the han river as they both walked slowly hand in hand along the path. "i hope this last longer." he said swinging their hands. they sat down on a bench that was facing the river.

the cold breeze brush through her fair skin as she could felt chills down her spine. yoshi stared at the figure beside him. how can he be this lucky to have her as his girlfriend. he pulled out something from his pocket and called for her.

she turned to him feeling something in her palm. when she open her palm, her eyes went soft. "yoshi.." she said looking at him. it was a necklace that had yoshi's name craved on it. he helped her to wear it as her fingers caressed the craving.

"i have been waiting for the moment to have you wearing this." he hold her both of her hand while his thumb caressed it softly.

"thank you for staying with me even i cant make a lot time for the both of us. i could not describe how much i love you in words y/n-ah." he said looking into her eyes that made him fall in love deeper.

"i will always stay with you love, always."

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