❝𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇❞ - mashiho

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heavy breaths and foggy mirrors were present in treasure practice room.

"lets have 10 minutes break before we start again." hyunsuk said walking towards the speaker to turn it off.

just then the door was opened by the manager. "how are you guys doing?" the manager gestured them to sit down leaving them in questions. "i have two things to tell."

"first of all congratulations all of you will go to AAA Awards!" the manager said making them cheer. "wah daebak its our first award attendance!" jihoon said in happiness.

"two, mashiho." the manager called. "me?" mashiho said while pointing to himself. the manager smirked at him. "you are asked to have a couple dance for the award ceremony. your partner had been chosen, its one of the best trainee."

"one of the best? paerhaps is it y/n?" yedam asked his manager. mashiho's ears perked up by the name of y/n making him turned to the manager. "y/n?" he asked with big eyes.

the manager only shrugged at him with a teasing smile.

"IT IS Y/N!" haruto shook mashiho's body while the boys cheered in the background.

mashiho hide his face in his palms. his crush got exposed after they played truth or dare during their lunch before coming to practice.

"settle down boys. she will be coming shortly." the manager couldnt help but tease mashiho.

after awhile, their door was knocked making them stop what they have been doing.

the door was opened revealing y/n herself. "hello." she bowed to them while closing the door. the boys greeted her too.

"2, 3. find your treasure! hello we are treasure." the members introduced. "hello i'm trainee kim y/n. please take care of me." she bowed again but as soon as she look up she met mashiho's eyes.

"our y/nnie was chosen to be mashiho's dance partner for the award ceremony. you know mashiho right?" the manager asked her.

"i know him. i watched yg treasure box. he is a good dancer." y/n said making them whooed at mashiho whom ears slowly turning red.

"mashi hyung got his crush noticed him." doyoung accidently said out loud but y/n let that slide.

"without wasting their time lets leave them both to discuss their choreography. y/n and mashiho hwaiting!" all of them cheered for them.

as soon as the boys left, they were surrounded by silence. "should we start?" mashiho said while taking the tablet and asked y/n to sit beside him.

y/n was having a fight with her heart because it had been thumping hard as soon as she went into the room.

she have been admiring mashiho since yg treasure box because of his skills in dance. since than she have been keeping up with treasure since their debut until now. however, her admire turned into a small crush.

"sorry to ask but since when you start as a trainee?" mashiho asked her when taking their break after hours of creating the moves for their dance. "no its okay to ask. i have been here for one and a half year." she answered.

"are you happy that you were chosen to be my dance partner?" he asked. "i'm happy and excited that i can work with a great senior like you." she said smiling at her lap. "but," she stopped.

"why but?" he asked looking at her. "its just that i got selected to be your dance partner after the monthly assessment. some trainees were jealous that i got a lot of compliment and got selected. some even said that i dont deserve." she looked up smiling at mashiho. "but i dont care about that. i just have to focus on myself and not listen to the hates right?"

mashiho let out a small smile at y/n as he was admiring her. he slowly grabbed her hand into his. "you are right. you are strong." he said while rubbing the back of her hands.

realizing what he had done he cleared his throat and let her hand go. "we have enough of rest so lets start!" y/n said and started to warm up.

mashiho smiled at her cuteness.

months had passed and finally the day of the awards. the boys were on fire with their red suits on while walking on the red carpet.

"hyung how was your dance with y/n?" junghwan asked beside him. mashiho only let out a smile. "you will see it later." he smirked. "you are so annoying why cant you just tell us?" jaehyuk asked him.

they have been trying to sneak in y/n and mashiho practice but mashiho always locked the door so that they wont take a peek on what they have been preparing for the dance.

mashiho didnt change his outfit and went to see y/n backstage as they were called to get ready for their performance. mashiho was stunned how beautiful she was with the same outfit as him but in red jean short.

"hey y/n." y/n turned to mashiho who had his makeup touched. "are you nervous?" mashiho asked her as he saw her pacing around. "y-yeah its my first stage." she said.

suddenly mashiho pulled her into a hug. y/n's heart was threatening to jumped out from her chest. "after you change your clothes, please see me in the hallway. i have something to say to you."

while in a waiting room, treasure members were monitoring their performance from the television inside.

the members had their mouth gaped and eyes widened at what they were performing.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" yoshi and asahi screamed. "woah daebak." yedam said while cupping his mouth.

"how can they think of the choreography like that?" jihoon said while eyes concentrating on y/n and mashiho's performance.

"look how he looks so in love with y/n!" junkyu squealed grabbing onto jihoon's arm.

the performance ended and mashiho went back to the waiting room.

"MASHIHOOOOO!" the members yelled and started to tease him by recreate the choreography. "no jeongwoo you should have look into the eyes like this." hyunsuk said while looking at jeongwoo with lovely eyes before breaking into high pitched laugh.

"ahhh stop it." mashiho whined trying to stop them.

all of them changed into comfortable clothes and get ready to go home. y/n was about to step out from the room but was greeted by mashiho. "oh gosh you scared me!"

mashiho gave her a smile and a bouquet of roses. she slowly took the roses from his hand. "what is this for?"

he grabbed her hand. "i dont know but i feel like my heart was going to jumped out from my chest every time i see you. to be honest i have been admiring you since the day that i saw you working hard to get your monthly assessment pass. i think i'm in love with you."

y/n looked at him with teary eyes. "but i'm still a trainee and you just debuted this year." he looked into her eyes lovingly.

"you dont have to be scared hold my hand, trust me without question. i will take care of this okay? lets take it slow first." he said gripping her hand.

y/n nodded. "okay then, i wont be scared to hold your hand." she answered. he pulled her into a hug and gave her forehead kiss.

"i love you y/n."

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