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Months has passed so quick that you didn't realize the amount of time you're going to spend with the members is getting fewer, you were not mentally prepared for this because of how deep your friendship had bond with them.

They make you learnt the meaning of having friends, and to always have each other back no matter what happened. Thinking of you leaving them makes you feel sick. However, was that you're supposed to feel?

And now you were seating on the sofa in the living room with all the boys, Haruto had his head laying on your lap as you ruffles with his soft hair. He liked the feeling when you're around, the tinglish feeling didn't change in his heart even for once. Everyone was minding their own business when Hyunsuk stood up, gaining everyone's attention including you.

"I just received a text from Daehan, we have a last minute mission tonight." He said while scrolling through his phone to read further information before he glances on his watch. "It's 10.30 now, we'll move by 11." He announced and everyone started to separate and when to their own room to change and get ready. Haruto who had stood up turned to you, "Y/N? We have to change." He said snapping you out of your thoughts.

You instantly stood up and nodded, proceeding to your own apartment which is only beside theirs and change into an all black outfit. You were actually worried since your battery percentage only had 30% left meaning you only could survive less than 2 hours. What if you abruptly black out because of the battery that died during the mission?

You shook your thought off taking all the positivity, "I'm sure it didn't took that long." You nod while adjusting the gun strap on your hip, putting a dagger on the side on your knees too. After everyone change into their fits for the mission, Hyunsuk brief all of you about the plan and on what they're aiming. The mission is to kill someone from their rival's clan. 

Why did they have to kill him? No specific reason, they just did what they've been told.

You sits beside Jaehyuk when you started to feel your eyes are getting heavier, the battery percentage in your mind keep blinking and remind you to recharge yourself. "Y/N, you look pale." He shifted his gaze on you as you only gave him a small smile, gesturing that you're fine and no need to worry about you. 

Arriving at the location, all of you get off the van in a crouching position before proceed to sneak inside the building. The security were pacing back and forth guarding the front gate, Jeongwoo silently went behind him as he cupped the bodyguard's mouth and let the gun went through his brain silently. Asahi as well did the same thing to a few guards that near them.

"Stay close to me." Haruto had his arms placed in front of you when you were behind him resulting you to crept a smile on your cheeks on how protective he is towards you. He told you to stay down when he followed the others to upstairs towards the room of the targeted man, you make sure that the ground floor you're currently at was empty with Doyoung and Mashiho at the second and third floor.

You forced yourself to be awake when your sight started to get murky and blurry, red lights from 4% of the battery percentages covered up your sight. Despite of that you couldn't focus on the mission, "Y/N!! BEHIND YOU!!" You could hear Mashiho's shouts however you're too tired to move, the electricity inside you were drained out. You could feel something went through your shoulder meeting the steel of your body when everything had turned black, sending you into a dark dimension.

You collapsed onto the floor completely unconscious and not giving any sign of waking up, Doyoung and Mashiho shoots the man behind you until all of them were gone before they hurriedly went up to you. "Y/N is down!" Doyoung pressed on the earpiece letting all the members know as Mashiho slipped his arms under your knees and your lower back and carried you back to the car with surprised on how light you are.

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