❝ATTRACTED❞ - junkyu

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requested by: yanagirenjiidealtype
p/s: hope you like it!


she was watching at the couples who was happy chatting and flirting with each other not caring if anyone have seen them.

she looked at them with envy eyes. not even one boy try to get her or even talk to her. that made her thinks that she was not attractive.

she was walking with her head down slightly not looking at what was at the front making her bumped into a person.

"i'm so sorry!" y/n said slightly gripping on her bag strap. she looked up and got her eyes widened at the person who she bumped.

its kim junkyu, the school heartthrob.

junkyu let out a small grin. "hey its okay. i didnt see you too." he said grabbing her shoulder. y/n felt her heart was beating out of cage by his little action.

she shrugged off his hand. "i-i have to go." she said and walked away leaving junkyu in the hallway watching her pass by.

"she is cute."

she only sat on her seat for a few minutes when suddenly hong joyeon, the school's famous girl slammed on her desk. "you are so shameless y/n." she said while gritting her teeth.

"how dare show yourself at kim junkyu. do you think that with your appearance he will look at you? dream on y/n." she said while poking her forehead.

"leave me alone joyeon." y/n decided to speak up. "i didnt even bother you so why should you bother me." she continued leaving an angry joyeon.

without any hesitation joyeon grabbed a fistful of y/n hair making her winced. "listen to me y/n. kim junkyu is only mine and no one will get him. you are too ugly for him." she harshly let her hair go. "do you even know why no boys try to talk to you? because you are hideous."

y/n admit it. she will never be one of the wanted girl in the school because of her appearance. she have a nice fair skin, a natural blush that would appear if she was under the sun, the pinkish lips that she had. she was typical school boys ideal girl but no one ever knows, why did not the boys try to get her.

while in the other hand, hong joyeon wears thick makeup everyday to school. with only one smile, the boys will fell on their knees by her beauty. she was one of the school top girl. she even had her blouse unbutton slightly showing some one her skin making them drool over.

so y/n decided to change.

on the next day y/n let her hair down with a slight curl, putting on some faint blush and some colored lip balm to make herself more appealing.

as soon as she stepped on the school compound, whispers started among the female students. she decided to continue walking but some of them words made her heart clenched.

"is she wearing makeup? she looked horrible!"
"what is trying to do?"
"maybe she is trying to attract junkyu. so shameless."

she was hurt by the fact that they thought she was wearing makeup just because to attract junkyu but no, she was wearing makeup for not making people being judge mental on her appearance. guess she was wrong.

her grip on her bag strap tightened and walked faster towards her class but as soon as she put her bag down her classmate started to pointing at her.

y/n could not help but feel the tears were threatening to fall out from her eyes. she put on her airpods and trying to not think about it.

meanwhile in the other class, junkyu was busy playing game with his friend but suddenly slammed his phone on the table. "i told you to go left park jihoon! now i'm dead." he whined.

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