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"Can I help--"

Her words were cut off after she saw a man in all black with a cap and mask on in front of her front door and with her just in short and baggy shirts. The man pulled his mask down making Y/N widened her eyes.

She quickly grabbed his arms and pulled him inside before looking left and right outside the door to see if someone was watching them. And luckily there is no one.

"Jaehyuk what are you doing here? How do you even know my address?!" She asked while looking at him who was already wandered around her house while completely taking off his cap and mask.

"Oh way to greet your husband Miss Yoon." He raised an eyebrow while a smug plastered on his face. Y/N let out a scoff. "Aren't you afraid of the sasaengs and medias? Someone might saw you here!" Jaehyuk took a sit on her sofa.

Y/N sat beside him when Jaehyuk took a cushion and placed it on her lap. She was stunned on his action while her heart starting to thump fast as if she just finished a marathon.

"Let's visit your parents Y/N-ah. They must have miss you a lot."

She turned to him before looked down on her lap. "I-I'm scared. What if my parents doesn't love me anymore?" Jaehyuk took her hands in his, rubbing it tenderly. "You'll be fine. I promise." He consoled.

Jaehyuk waited Y/N to packed her belongings while his things were already in his car trunk since he drove to her place. He helped her to get inside his car while he settled down her belongings before their drove off to her hometown.

"Let's talk about something the silent is killing me."

He requested turning to her who was looking back at him. "Me too." She replied. "Is everyone doing good there?" Y/N started while he nodded still focusing on the road. "Except for Mrs. Im who went back to Gwangju after you left."

"Why didn't you call or text me?!"

"You really think I didn't? You are the one who change your phone number."

Y/N nodded while a little guilt built inside of her since she didn't even get to say her last goodbye to Mrs. Im who took care of her for so long. The conversation then went along with them joking around and being comfortable.

"Are you ready?" Jaehyuk questioned the moment he stopped his car in front of her parent's house. The memories flashed in her mind, 2 years made such a big differences. "I'll go get them." He was about to get out when she held his arms. "Let's go together."

Jaehyuk knocked on the door thrice before it was opened by Mrs. Ryu, Y/N mother herself. "Jaehyuk! Its been a long time my dear." She greeted while smiling. "I'm bringing my love today mother."

Her heart was about to jump out of her ribcage when she heard his words, but she knows its not the time to feel this. Her tears started to brimmed in the corner of her eyes. Mrs. Ryu expression turned sorrow. "Do you find someone to replace her?"

"No mother. I'll never do that. I'm bringing your daughter back."

He then stepped aside revealing Y/N who was hiding behind his back all the time. "Y-Y/N.." The elder took a few steps closer to her cupping her cheeks. Y/N lose it here, her tears poured heavily. "M-mother.." They both crashed into a hug and cried on each other shoulder.

The three of them went inside and sat on the dining table where lots of dishes were placed. "I think father won't like my appearance here." She looked at her mother who gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll talk to him."

After her mother left, she looked at Jaehyuk who already started to dine in. She only observed him until they made eye contact. "You eat like a pig." She teased when he immediately stops and was about to counter back but someone call her name.

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