❝𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑❞ - junghwan

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"junghwan-ah, since you are busy for your comeback you already missed a lot of lesson. now its around the corner for high school entrance." his class teacher told him.

he apologized to his teacher. "we understand that junghwan so you dont have to worry. i already assist someone to help you cover the subjects that you had missed."

just then the door was opened by a girl making them turned to the direction. "ah y/n! you came right on time." the teacher said slightly giggled.

junghwan couldnt help but blushed at the sight of his crush. he secretly have crush on y/n for awhile now.

y/n smiled at junghwan before taking the seat beside him facing the teacher. "why did you called me sir?" she asked. the teacher pushed his spectacles on the bridge of his nose. "i want you to help junghwan with his lessons that he missed. i choose you since you are the top student in this class. do you have any problem with that?"

y/n shake her head. "no sir. i will try my best to assist junghwan." the teacher smiled in satisfied. "alright if there is no more, then both of you will be excused." both of them stood up and walked out from the office.

junghwan was really shy around girls. he didnt even dare to look at y/n in the eyes. both of them walked out from the school without talking any words.

y/n who hated the silence decided to speak up as they were waiting their cars. "i watched your comeback." she said making junghwan startled that she actually talked to him.

"r-really? t-thank you." he shyly said rubbing his nape. "you dont have to be shy around me. we are classmates after all." she smiled at him.

"so where do you want to study?" she asked. "i'm fine anywhere." he answered making y/n thinking. "alright then. lets meet up tonight at YG cafeteria."

soon enough junghwan's van and y/n's car arrived at the same time so they parted their ways.

"junghwan-ah your ears are so red. what just happened?" his manager asked making him touched his ears. "its nothing. but i have study lesson with my friend at the cafeteria tonight." he informed the manager.

"is it with a girl?" the manager asked glancing at the mirror. junghwan didnt answer making the manager chuckled. "it looks like with a girl." he teased junghwan.

"i already got informed from your school so you will be excused at 8pm after practice. so dont worry for telling the others."

suddenly junghwan got a notification from his phone. it showed an unknown number. without hesitation he opened the chat.


hey junghwan its y/n.
lets meet at the cafeteria at 8pm okay?

junghwan replied her and turned his head towards the mirror looking at the streets with big smile.

YG practice room, 8pm
the boys were panting hard from the intense choreography. junghwan took his bag waving his hyungs good bye.

"bye hyungs!" he said waving them. "junghwan-ah study hard! you can do it!" kim junkyu yelled across the room.

junghwan went to toilet to change to freshly clothes since he didnt want to meet y/n in stinky clothes.

he walked towards the cafeteria and was quite shock that y/n was already with books on the table while playing her phone. she saw the glimpse of junghwan and waved at him to come closer.

"how long did you wait for me?" he asked while sitting down. his eyes travelled around y/n's clothes. she was only wearing a hoodie and sweatpants that was enough to make junghwan's heart thumping loudly in his ribcage.

she let out a smile. "no i just got here. dont worry." she softly clasped her hand together. "should we start now?"

two hours passed and y/n was satisfied that junghwan can catch up fast so she dont need to worry about him. she only explained the important parts of the subject that he had missed at the small parts she leave for him to study for himself.

y/n stretched her body feeling sore for sitting straight for two hours. "wah you really catch up so fast." she complimented him. junghwan thanked her in small voice.

y/n was too have a crush on junghwan but decided to not let the feelings grow since she know that is possible to date an idol in such young age.

"do you want something as snacks? i will order it for you." he asked. "i will just have hot chocolate with whipped cream please." she said. he nodded and went to the counter to order. junghwan ordered their drinks at waited at the side of the counter.

"do you like her junghwannie?"

he got shocked by the sudden voice from his behind revealing junkyu and jihoon with a big teasing smile on their faces.

"what is it? did you guys stalked on us?" he asked while facing the counter back. "we were watching at the both of you for awhile before you went to order. we can see you like that girl." jihoon said wriggling his eyebrows.

"if so, we cant be together because of the contract. besides, why would she like me back?" he said mumbling the last words.

junkyu nudged him. "yah, we can see that she likes you too okay? dont think about the contract first. do you want get your feelings crushed if you saw her with another guy?"

soon enough the orders were served on the tray for junghwan. "you should give it a try. you will lose your chance if you dont get into action right now." junkyu said.

"alright then go away! you guys are so nosy!" he pushed both of his hyungs leaving them giggled at his shyness.

"here." he put the tray down on their table. "thank you junghwan. how much is it--" y/n was cut off by junghwan. "no its okay! its on me." he said taking a sip from his drink.

junghwan stared at y/n who was enjoying the taste of dark chocolate in the cold weather. y/n opened her eyes at straightly met his eyes.

"junghwan-ah, do you have anything to tell me?" she bluntly asked. he was debating if he should ask, but now or never.

"perhaps, do you like anyone?" he asked.

y/n stared at him before broke into a shy smile. "yeah..." she answered making junghwan's heart crushed a bit. "but i dont think he can date anyone at this moments since he is an idol." she said.

an idol? that made junghwan's ears perked.

"i like you." junghwan bluntly confessed. y/n's eyes widened by the sudden confession. she glanced at her watch and quickly sling her bag on her shoulder.

"i have to go home now." she stood up giving junghwan a smile walking out from the building. junghwan was froze in his seat feeling that his heart shattered into pieces.

a notification came from his phone making him cheered in happiness.


i like you too junghwan.
lets meet tomorrow as our first date.

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